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Sugar Min.5834

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Posts posted by Sugar Min.5834

  1. 1. Wintersday Gift Tree : The tree is toppling at an angle to the front leaving all the Xmas ornaments hanging in the air.  This has been reported few times including this one with images.

    2. The Catmanders' Fight : Before, when the fighting starts the teams ran towards each other head on and fight with visual wording effects like 'BAM' 'POW' etc. coming from the dust cloud created from the fights. Now, both teams just run towards an area in front of them (no more head on charge) and the visual wordings now left behind at their start locations, not from where the fights are.

    3. Both the Leather Racks on the upper deck of the Workshop is floating above the ground.

    4. Lady Wisteria Blood's bloodstone crystal node is no longer in front of her despite her affection emotes (for the bloodstone) are still showing.

  2. Oh I missed this before. I hate jumping puzzles BUT I enjoy making them 😅

    I have always wanted to build one in my guild hall but my Hall decors is maxed. So I quickly made one in my home before I hit the limit there. So far, I have decorated only 2/9 rooms, surrounded my farm with trees  and built a couple of structures. Now waiting for new decorations to come.

    My home placement has already reached 830/1000 😟 Need 3000 at least for players who can never stop decorating 😄 Remember not all players care about homestead or decoration, so not every players will go all out to  maximise the limit, so I think there is no concern here for weighing on server performance.

  3. Okay, since there is no homestead party listed, I created one and listed it. The response is so good that in seconds my party is full 😮 And, I think it is a good system that your party gets auto-delisted when it is full. That way you get to decide whether to continue or take a break.

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  4. 12 minutes ago, Phasma Phasmatis.4305 said:

    Most players are listing open Homestead's for looting under Central Tyria Party since its rarely used for anything else.

    I've been listing mine regularly so others can loot it and tour it. Currently the LFG's go up and vanish fast because it is automatically removed when the 5th person joins your Homestead party, so when it drops below 5 people  you have to constantly relist it.  I wish we could open it to squads instead of just parties as that would allow guilds to have fun in it and the LFG listings would last longer as it would be rare to fill it up. Squad mode would also kill the mergers and trolls that constantly join and leave to delist your instance from LFG. 


    Or just give us a 10 people homestead squad in lfg.

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  5. Well I check LFG for the past two hours and nothing is there for homestead harvesting.

    Okay, usually when I create a quad, I always unchecked 'allow members to send invites' and that disables squad merging, but idk if you have that option in parties.

    • Confused 1
  6. Why 1000 limit is not enough; my experience.

    As you know, our house has a large living room with an attached kitchen area, a large basement, a big master bedroom and 5 other rooms. So far, I have only decorated two small rooms and I planted some trees around my farm, built a JP and have two unfinished outdoor structures (hindered by weekly limits 🙄). My placement limit is already 784/1000 ?! And there are hundreds more decorations yet to be released! Raise the placement limit to at least 3000. Please.

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  7. 4 hours ago, arazoth.7290 said:

    I think it was clear for everyone what was meant

    Not everyone, especially for those doing decoration for the first time.

    Storage and placement are two different things and they have different limits. For now, it's 250 storage limit per item and 1000 placement limit on the map. Placement limit at 1000 is definitely too low. If not 5000, give us 3000 at least.

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  8. On 9/21/2024 at 3:52 AM, Agrotera.1254 said:

    We are getting the ability to build an aquarium with the next update.

    Oh no! Two of the mats in that recipe require you to go fishing?! At least make them non binding! I Don't Do Fishing! ANet is at it again, forcing players to do stuff you don't want to 😠 The developers just didn't want you to enjoy your game, they keep twisting your arms with hundreds of bugs not fixed, many mastery points tied to JP achievements and now even the decorations are not spared, they are putting walls in front of you. Booo!

    Don't made me totally abandon this game 😡 Maybe I will when I get my new PC by end of the year. I 'll buy the latest, less frustrating and disappointing games.

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  9. I seriously hope the wait for the next 'drip fed' update is worth it. Hope they properly fix all or at least 90% of the homestead/GH decoration bugs reported in this forum. Please, please do a good one and not adding more bugs or fix A and break B and C and then we gotta wait for another 3 months for fixes on fixes 🤕 I hope things are settling down and the next xpac update will not bring in too many bugs, we already have many, too many unfixed ones in the game. This expansion also bugged Guild Hall decorations, big bugs like disappearing decorations and muted holo dancers.

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  10. My two cents. Maybe four cents. Things are so expensive these days gotta to adjust for inflation 😄  I believed new homestead designs or at least the skins will be added in the later xpac patches. Seriously, I dont like the exterior look of my house that's why I changed it 🙊

    I have visited and watched a number of homestead videos and I am really impressed with many of them. But the thing is, I want to wait for the 'right' decorations to be released and use those rather than improvising them. Nothing beats the real thing; walls, bridges, roof, tents, etc. I know some decorators like to improvise stuff and also because of the limited decorations we got during launch (and nothing added after a month), improvisation is the only way to go. But too much improvisations, though creative, kinda makes the setups look unnatural and messy. That's just me.

    About the weekly mats limits. Cannot understand why is there a limit on this. And, they are set too low at 800. I hardly started building stuff or decorate my home yet I always ran out of mats. 1500 ~ 2500 max limit would be good. As for the decor placing limit, I already hit 670/1000 and many of my favourite decorations is not even out yet (if ever) 😟

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  11. Well, I have reported this here a least 3 times. First, there is no tree, then they added a topping one >.< Someone also reported that some of the plant nodes are not on the ground but floating in the air. That I didn't check. I hope they are not giving the same priority to homestead bugs like those in the guild halls. I bet if you reported a certain OW boss dropped extra 50s after kill, there will be an instant hot fix. It's game breaking. Homestead and decorations? Wait, we are busy. Count your blessings if they even bother to do a fix (a proper one) in the next update 😞

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  12. 10 hours ago, Foxypuff.2596 said:

    I've noticed that some nodes, particularly some plants and trees, in the homestead don't seem to be connected to the ground for some reason.

    The reason is rushed and unpolished work. The most obvious one is that Wintersday Gift Tree. This is why many players rather wait a little longer for a good finished product. And so many homestead bugs not fixed, waiting for next xpac update? Sure.

  13. The best BDay anniversary present is the 8th year, after that it went down hill faster than Jack and Jill. They even stopped giving you Titles from the 11th year onwards >.> Before, every year I looked forward to receiving these presents but this year my 12th anniversary being on the first week of Sep, today I have yet to login to my main to collect the gifts knowing they sux big time. Bleh.

    • Confused 5
  14. QUOTEs deleted. My bad, I read wrongly 😂

    Homestead is like a mini guild hall with gem store decors added. Look at the existing decorations, every one of them is copy and paste from guild hall stuff except for those Kodan furniture. Don't expect them to create many new festival decorations for free, majority will be copy and paste from the existing ones in guild hall, like now.

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  15. Believe me no one will ignore new decorations if they are quality ones. Many of my favourite decorations, mostly festival ones, are yet to be released. This is why I shelved homestead decoration and also I am a little burnt out from editing and redoing stuff in the GH with the new editing toys 😄

    Are we ever going to get that aquarium decoration that was in the demo? Or is it just a bait? 😕 Maybe make a quality one with real water in it and detailed with plants and marine lives. Put it in the gem store if you must, I don't care.

    Sorry I digress. I ran out of homestead wood despite having 2k+ at start. Time gating, limitations sux 👎

    • Confused 2
  16. 1 hour ago, Ashantara.8731 said:

    Oof! 😄 If you've already reached the limit, what are you going to do with the ton of decoration that is still to be released over the next three JW updates? 😱

    In one of the older posts, I commented that 1,000 limit is good for a small homestead (small compared to GH). I was wrong. Only recently, I started seriously to do some homestead decorations. After placing trees and few simple structures outdoor and decorated just two rooms, I have hit 534/1000 limit. Omg. I have many more rooms to go and I have plans to make a JP too since I can't do it in my GH because I have reached that 2000 limit ages ago. 3000 limit would be a good start. I wish.

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