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Ipomoea Jalapa.6897

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Posts posted by Ipomoea Jalapa.6897

  1. This is sad for people like me who enjoy bopping around unpopular maps and randomly joining other solo adventures or small groups in events that were probably meant for larger groups but possible for one or two players with the Jade Tech buffs. I would end up in some really fun mini-challenges and have a satisfying gaming session, especially when I don't have much time to play that day. Now that these buffs are rendered near-meaningless, it's not really feasible to do this anymore without it feeling like a slog.

    I understand that boons are an important part of gameplay, but it was nice to not have them be such a major factor in a more casual environment like non-instanced Open World. The  Open World difficulty level in general scales according to number of players in many places, but boons were never part of that scaling... until EoD and the Jade Tech buffs came along. Then the scaling felt more complete and inclusive of solo and small-group players. I would love to see this restored!

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  2. ANet, thank you for fixing some things like the Echovald Wilds Daily Spirit Slayer achievement. And I'm excited about the upcoming path to Legendary armor that doesn't require Raids or WvW. Very cool!! I'll probably buy the expansion in August because of that.

    But everything else about the June 27 update is just depressing, especially the removal of so many unique & fun e-spec identities.

    I'm not interested in new content yet---the game already has tons of it, and when it expands, the player base thins out more. The players' collective wisdom about the drawbacks of these balance changes is documented thoroughly in many places, and it feels like you didn't pay any attention to any of that. It'd be great if you would keep the handful of productive changes and just chuck the rest.

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  3. On 6/20/2023 at 9:56 AM, Kodama.6453 said:

    Again, ignoring a key component of the skill. The cooldown is 40 seconds baseline, but gets reduced by 50% if you hit an enemy with it. So in most cases, this skill has 20 seconds cooldown.

    That's what the skill description says, but it fails to lower the cooldown more than half of the time that you land a hit. Also Mutate Conditions is often disabled upon Knockdown, but it's supposed to be a Stun Break. Relentless Whirl is way too easy to accidentally interrupt with another skill and put on full cooldown.

    Fervent Force makes all of these things livable. Plus it's really fun, a piano-playing style but with meaningful "chords" that you can play if you set up the keybinds for it.

  4. Wow, it's clear that a lot of careful analysis went into making these balances, thank you. A lot of new build possibilities to explore. But it also seems like a huge chunk of traits and skills are getting yanked around every three months, and I struggle to keep up.

    I like having a longer shelf life for builds, with time to develop muscle memory and understanding to a level where I start to enjoy the environment and human conversation without failing spectacularly... but then I need to go back to the drawing board every couple months and put on the blinders while re-building. If I'm lucky, I hit that sweet spot again before the next patch drops 😁.

    I don't really mind a few overpowered traits and skills here and there. It's okay, some of them just become mandatory, and actually it brings the complexity down to a more realistic level for me.

    I'm optimistic, though, because things seem to be moving towards a state where a lot more specs & play styles are viable. So maybe the ramp-up phase for new builds will get shorter and more enjoyable, and exploring different builds can feel more like an adventure than a min-maxing exercise. You can do it, devs! 🥰

    P.S. I love Fervent Force and am sad to see it go. I guess it just suits my playstyle, having all the skills bound to the numpad and playing it like a piano with perma-Rock Dog and a satisfying cadence of "You pin 'em down, I'll take 'em out!"

    • Like 1
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  5. Dear devs, it's clear that you have good intentions and ideas, but why oh why don't you rely on long-time players who truly understand this game and the ramifications of design decisions? They WANT to help you. The vast game-play experience accumulated in their minds is the most valuable resource you have. It really shows that you haven't engaged with it, but it's not too late to start.

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  6. As a reply to the OP's question: ANet got all their feedback BEFORE the implementation.

    We're at a major crossroads here, because they have a chance now to listen to the reactions from the brilliant leaders of our player community and adjust in a big way. If they choose to do that and keep those leaders involved in a re-work, the result will undoubtedly be fantastic. If they instead choose a "business as usual" path, this game will become damaged beyond repair in the coming weeks. I hope they make a good choice.

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  7. 20 hours ago, kokocabana.8153 said:

    Have you looked at the patch notes from yesterday?



    • Equipment awarded from level-up rewards can now be salvaged or sold to vendors.
    • Research Kits now have a Research Stack option in their right-click menu.

    Thank you for mentioning this! That line about the Research Kits is hard-coded in a midnight-black font, so it's invisible for those of us who use Dark Mode.

  8. You could beef yourself up for OW by stocking up on United Legions Waystations for EMP's (if you have LWS5) and the Jade Tier-10 Core & 2 hours of Offense/Defense buffs (if you have EoD). With all that I can solo a lot more stuff than I could before, and the Waystations even tend to attract more players (who then help you even more with their own EMP's).

    If that isn't enough, you can also summon several allies at the same time from consumables like Fire Elemental Powder, Ogre Pet Whistle, Pocket Jade Armor, Sunspear Paragon Support, Raven Spirit Shadow, Deployable Thumper Turret, Deployable Mortar Kit, Cannon in a Box, Mortar Seed Turret, and Shadow Mender. I think you can have only 3 or 4 of those active at once, and I don't remember off the top of my head which combinations are valid, but you can also experiment by stocking up and then double-clicking all of them in sequence.

    Many of the metas really do need human companions, of course, but that will at least help with some of the relatively easy/unpopular ones.

  9. On 4/27/2022 at 1:42 AM, Dante.1508 said:

    Can we fish off our mounts?

    That would be cool. But it seems that the only overlap between skiffs and mounts is this:

    * Getting ejected upon entering “mounts not allowed” zone (skiff destroyed)

    * Getting ejected when you press the key bound to mount/dismount (skiff destroyed)


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  10. You could do some simple searching for guilds who do Strikes together, look at their event calendars, and show up to summarize your wishes and capabilities. I’ve encountered lots of guilds who would be happy to help you succeed without sacrificing your play style.

    I was so stubborn-headed about both Strikes and fitting in with the scary people who seem to enjoy them, but then I stumbled upon such a guild and came away with some great ideas for playing the way I already like to play, but better. Oh, and I totally got through all the Strikes with incompetence to spare. 

    • Thanks 1
  11. There are a lot of great things about Fishing. I like chilling with the scenery I know and love, and I'm okay with the low drop rates. The recent UI improvements are nice. But I also get stuck in this loop a lot:

    1. (Approach a fishing node on my skiff)
    2. (Hit the Move Backward key to shift into reverse gear)
    3. (Remember that there is no reverse gear)
    4. (Steer wildly off-course instead, because I'm using action-cam at an angle)
    5. (Attract some mobs)
    6. (Lose mobs)
    7. (Finally settle near fishing node)
    8. You cannot anchor a skiff while moving.
    9. Skill Recharging
    10. You cannot perform this action while transformed or mounted.
    11. <auto-attack> (trying to set cast target area, but rod isn't equipped yet)
    12. <auto-attack> (trying to cast line, but rod still isn't equipped yet)
    13. (Equip rod and cast line)
    14. (One of these:
      • Attract a nearby mob and hope it's not damaging my skiff
      • Attract someone else's mob, and ditto
      • Accidentally hit Board key, then accidentally hit Depth Charges key trying to reset line, dealing 1 Damage to all mobs within earshot
      • Accidentally press Dismount key)
    15. (Skiff is destroyed)
    16. (Fishing stacks are gone)
    17. Oh no, Dawn is over.
    18. (Repeat)
    • Like 6
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  12. How about if  squad has enough people (whatever a good threshold is, say 25), the commander can request a new instance. It could be squad-only for a short grace period (say, 5 minutes) before becoming publicly available again.

    That would address the classic situation where a squad near 50 is ready to go but spread over multiple maps.

    I'm sure it's probably been suggested before and that there are ways it could be abused, but I'm curious what is feasible.

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  13. I got everything but Grenth in the first couple weeks, but now hundreds of chests later, still no Grenth. I suppose it's possible that they coded all 6 of the drop probabilities as constants and just blocked you from getting extra copies of anything. That would result in a pattern where getting a 2nd statuette takes on average twice as long as the first, then getting the next one 3 times as long, then 4, then 5 times as long. But it does seem to me like this last one is taking wayyyyy longer than expected under that assumption.

  14. On 3/18/2022 at 9:21 AM, Peterson.5172 said:

    First, get these:


    (possibly) https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Karmic_Converter

    These converters sometimes have these https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Box_of_WvW_Supplies, which takes about 3 for one wvw level, save 6-7 and use when there's a WvW ranker daily on (=2 track potions)


    Second, when you have wvw rank 10, get this https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Permanent_Portable_Provisioner, and buy food when there are Big Spender events on (=1 track potion)


    A full reward track/GoB costs 80 potions to complete

    Also if you dont spend the wvw currency anywhere else, it will even very slowly go up

    There are even more non-WvW ways to get a GoB:


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  15. You can get GoB's entirely within PvE by collecting Potions of WvW Rewards and Potions of Mist Rewards. Any combination of 80 of them yields a GoB. There are several methods to collect them (see list below), and doing all of them should get you a GoB about once every 2-3 months. Also, if we're lucky enough to get the Battle-Hardened kit again in the Black Lion Chest rotation, then you can get a GoB from every 80 Black Lion keys. So, consider saving up some keys for that.

    • Earn Guild Commendations by doing about an hour of guild missions per month. Use them to buy Boxes of WvW Supplies from the Guild Trader, who offers 3 of them on average about once per week. Each box has 1 potion.
    • Obtain the Karmic Converter and Ley-Energy Matter Converter from a couple achievements and check them each day for the Box of WvW Supplies. Play the HoT metas once a month or so to keep enough map currencies on hand. I'd guess that a Box appears in one of the converters on average about once per week.
    • Do the WvW Big Spender daily whenever it comes up, using Badges of Honor and Laurels earned from login rewards, to get 1 potion. 
    • Keep enough Boxes on hand to use on WvW World Ranker days, because that daily reward chest has 2 potions! I think it takes on average about 5-10 Boxes to earn that daily.

    There are also some clever ways to play WvW with minimal pain and suffering, even if you hate fighting other players as much as I do:

    • Keep an eye out for large public squads, join one, and just do your best to find and stay with the crowd. Use whatever class and build you enjoy the most and just do your best, pretending it's PvE 🙂. If you're inclined, learn some more as you're playing by joining a squad's Discord channel (muted is fine).
    • Roam around solo, look for enemy NPC's, and fight them. As you earn World Ability Points (and accumulate them fairly quickly from those Boxes of WvW Supplies), improve these skills to become even stronger against NPC's:  Defense Against Guards, Guard Killer, Mercenary's Bane.
    • Go for the other World Abilities that are relevant to solo play:  Provisions Master (through level 4), War Gliding Mastery (level 1 is fine), and Warclaw Mastery (through level 5).
    • Thanks 1
  16. My GW2 audio settings are set to one sound device (let's call it A). If I switch my default audio device in my Windows control panel to another one (let's call it B) while I'm playing GW2, then GW2 starts using device B as soon as a cinematic occurs. Then even after the cinematic is over, it keeps using device B for all game sounds, even though the audio settings still show that it's using device A.

    There's a simple workaround that works for me at least: if I switch to another audio device and then switch back, then it resumes using device A. But it's a bug nevertheless, and despite the workaround, the few seconds of big loud awesome GW2 sounds reverberating throughout the house is enough to get me in trouble :).

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