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Posts posted by Nanoir.2315

  1. 1 hour ago, Sobx.1758 said:

    closer to mortar than the current version

    Wish the motor would be this good. 

    Don't do much pve but for wvw it's a good weapon if people are sitting still long enough to spam 1.

    The speed of skill 1 is way too slow.

    Skill 2 gives a poison field which is a nice meme on downed enemies or if you just want to reduce healing for a lil.

    3 and 4 are soft ccs that don't really have an impact at all.

    5 is nice to blast on a healing build.

    The way shortbow is currently designed hits closer to mortar. You now have a stun and a feeble attempt to provide barrier.

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  2. I don't know how you guys managed to mess up a weapon so badly and even consider letting it out for beta in that state but just a reminder that things like chat gpt exist if you are unorganised and short on time.

    I kid you not this all took about 5 minutes of asking chat gpt to rework the current shortbow and is miles better the unimaginative abomination that people were paid to put out.


    1. **Explosive Burst (Auto-Attack):**
       - *Damage:* 500
       - *Range:* 900
       - *Cooldown:* 1.5 seconds
       - *Flavor Text:* "Unleash a barrage of explosive projectiles, turning the battlefield into a chaotic display of fiery mayhem."

    2. **Concussive Blast (Skill 2):**
       - *Damage:* 800
       - *Conditions:* Inflicts Bleeding (5s) and Cripple (5s)
       - *Disruption:* Interrupts enemy skills
       - *Range:* 900
       - *Radius:* 300
       - *Number of Targets:* 5
       - *Blast Finisher*
       - *Cooldown:* 6 seconds
       - *Flavor Text:* "Release a powerful blast that not only damages enemies but inflicts bleeding wounds and cripples their movements, leaving them vulnerable."

    3. **Arcane Vortex (Skill 3):**
       - *Pull Radius:* 400
       - *Barrier:* 300
       - *Duration:* 5 seconds
       - *Range:* 900
       - *Radius:* 300
       - *Number of Targets:* 5 (foes pulled towards the vortex)
       - *Number of Allied Targets:* 5
       - *Cooldown:* 12 seconds
       - *Flavor Text:* "Summon a mystical vortex that draws foes in, while providing a protective arcane barrier to shield allies within its grasp."

    4. **Elixir Infusion (Skill 4):**
       - *Healing:* 1200
       - *Condition Removal:* Removes 2 conditions
       - *Range:* 900
       - *Radius:* 300
       - *Number of Allied Targets:* 5
       - *Cooldown:* 12 seconds
       - *Flavor Text:* "Launch a healing elixir-filled arrow, bringing restoration to allies and cleansing them of afflictions."

    5. **Mechanical Barrage (Elite Skill):**
       - *Damage per Hit:* 300
       - *Boons:* Might (5s), Fury (8s), Swiftness (10s)
       - *Duration:* 8 seconds
       - *Range:* 900
       - *Radius:* 300
       - *Number of Targets per Missile:* 3
       - *Cooldown:* 25 seconds
       - *Flavor Text:* "Unleash a mechanical barrage from above, raining down destruction on enemies while empowering allies with boons."

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  3. 14 hours ago, LilBiM.3581 said:

    Let me just offer my own suggestion for SB for Engineer:
    AA Chain: Standard 1/4s SB animation. Jolt Bolt: First Attack: 1x Vuln (5s). Second Attack: Hammer Bolt: 2x Vuln (5s) .Final chain: Poisoned Bolt: 3x Poison (3s). All bolts bounce between 3 Targets, Projectile Finisher (20%)
    2 Skill: Explosive Bolt: A bolt streaks across the ground that pierces, crippling foes and applying a Timed Charge ( https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Timed_Charge ) on all struck targets. Projectile travels in a straight line. Cripple for 3s. 1200 range.
    3 Skill: Holographic Shot: You evade for 1/2s as a holographic image fakes out your opponent. If you successfully evade an attack you and nearby allies (240 radius) are granted Super speed (3s) and 5x Might (8s) (at your location) and the holograph creates 3 clones that shatter, granting aegis (3s) and inflicting weakness (3s) (240 radius at the clone's location).
    4 Skill: Crashing Shot: Drop a lightning field (240 radius) that removes conditions from allies and strips boons from foes. When it ends static electricity built up erupts (200 base x ( 1 + number of conditions / boons removed, up to a total of 20). Pulses: 4, Removes 1 Condition and 1 Boon per Pulse. Alt: Instead of Damage on eruption: Keep lightning field and condition / boon strip and simply offer Protection (5s) and Resolution (5s) on target location.
    5 Skill: Singularity Shot: Launch a bolt that produces a wave of infused magical energy (fire) that pulls all foes (5 targets) in a funneling cone from the user to the target location ( up to 600 range away). After Knocking Back foes the arrow detonates on the target location copying your boons to allies at the target location. Knock Back (600), 240 radius Fire Field (3 Pulses), Explosion, Transfer Boons on the Engineer to 5 Allies at the target location.

    This sounds 1000x better than what the company put out. Anet hire this guy pls

    • Like 7
  4. Gave bow a shot and really tried my best to give merit where its due.

    The only nice thing I can say is this feels like a massively downgraded necro staff. 

    I can't even begin to understand how this was approved. If you needed more time to design another weapon then go for it but instead this feels like someone liked necro staff and wanted to give engi one too on a really short notice.

    Also with the introduction of buying hero points and a title that is exclusive to rmt??? Rip those poor newbies that will be spending cash on something that can be done easily. Kinda predatory if you ask me.


    This game used to have so much going for it but devs aren't listening and now going into predatory practices. 

    Nice one lads.

    • Like 13
  5. 12 hours ago, Okhu.7948 said:

    Rifle wasn't too strong. Anet just capitulated to people who don't play Engineer crying about it and did the thing they normally do. Ruin something that didn't need to be ruined.

    Meanwhile ranger longbow with 1500 range hits hard and deadeye rifle in the same boat but hey let's nerf engi and nerf tf outta mech too while we are at it.

    • Thanks 1
  6. 10 minutes ago, Chingiz.6481 said:

    I wasn't expecting top1 mega weapon, but this a garbage, niche support weapon for a class that got support weapon in prev. expansion.

    This would've been better as a bomb kit rework.

    Man it sucks. Been playing for years and only recently gained love for engi with holo and scrapper but it feels like constant nerfs and devs not caring at all for this class.

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  7. Love how the devs looked so awkward in stream and just rushed bow.

    They know this weapon sucks and yet they decided to showcase it still.

    The barrier compared to other classes barriers is abysmal. One auto is going to get rid of that barrier.

    The 180 radius is laughable too. The whole thing can be dodged with a sidestep, be it ally or enemy.

    Auto tooltip was never shown because of how awkward and rushed the spotlight was.

    Compared to all the other classes with cool mechanics engi feels so rushed and pathetic. 

    Also remember to give feedback because we can clearly see how effective it is 🤡

    • Like 6
  8. On 10/31/2023 at 2:00 PM, kiwituatara.6053 said:

    Just wondering why untamed teleport -> burst was nerfed when willbenders can still do. Not to mention, the untamed burst combo was much harder to pull off than willbender.

    Balancing on this game is done with chatgpt or something stg plus guardian is anets golden child no?

    • Confused 1
  9. 1 hour ago, Bomboed.5697 said:

    Pure hatred towards engineers. Anet hates us. Maybe our class is a testing ground for their interns.

    Somehow not surprised.

    Balance as a whole on this game recently is something else. Feels so lazy,

    Mesmer overperforms in confusion build? Let's just nerf confusion as a whole rather than tweaking numbers. Mace feels so eh atm due to that.

    Rifle was too strong oh let's nerf it to the ground and not make any compensation.

    People cried about mech so let's gut it and add such mechanical genius.

    The damage on the mech is honestly so little now that the nerfed rifle auto overtakes it by a large margin.

    Also what's really funny is how third party bots have better pathing than whatever garbage anet uses.

    Meanwhile we have willbenders atm in full marauder/zerk gear wrecking havoc with tons of mobility and survival.

    Mesmers sitting inside distortion consistently, not a mesmer player but the constant iframes make it feel like a cheat or something.

    Scourges with a ton of barrier application is still untouched, played weaver last night and all I was hitting was barrier rather than health.

    What's the point of making a spec then proceeding to making it so useless? If mech didn't have alacrity then we would not see any use for the whole spec.

    Would like to note that majority of these is from a wvw experience.

    Thank you for coming to my rant and pls dm me if anyone has found another game mode like wvw in any other game.

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  10. Now these comments are actually useful, really appreciate it lads! 

    On a side note it really baffles me on how rifle was gutted and compare that to ranger bow which was still stronger with a higher range is pretty much untouched.

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  11. 3 hours ago, Ultravalefor.5038 said:

    I haven't posted on these forums in years and I probably should keep my posts that infrequent

    Might be for the best. Feel free to work on your comprehension in the meanwhile.


    3 hours ago, Ultravalefor.5038 said:

    But I keep seeing people on here saying that roaming WvW mechanist is weak.

    Care to link some? Can't seem to find any with the exception of people asking about engineer pvp builds rather than just mechanist so far.


    3 hours ago, Ultravalefor.5038 said:

    If you are dying quickly... how

    Not once did I say that I am dying quick, feels underwhelming compared to holosmith/ scrapper.


    3 hours ago, Ultravalefor.5038 said:

    But hey, if you guys cry your way into getting WvW Mech buffed, that's fine by me. I'm cool with getting stronger



    Other than this thank you for the totally highly useful input mate!


    I'd stick with refraining to comment if this is the attitude you give to someone asking a question.

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  12. Fought against mechs and majority of them just die within a few secs or just tp and rocket boot away.

    Thought I'd give it a try but kitten it feels so punishing to play compared to other classes where you can just faceroll.

    Also took a break when it was "op" and came back only recently. Feels really underwhelming. 

    Is it worth playing mech and getting invested in it or should I just drop it.

  13. Eh, loved this class to death but patch after patch we get not only cooldowns but more energy costs and now my poor s/s power herald feels pretty rough to play and not worth it anymore.

    That and the plethora of bugs, devs removing stunbreak on legendswap and small things like that has made me lose hope.

    • Like 7
  14. 18 hours ago, arazoth.7290 said:

    I wonder which fanboi was in the mood to put on everything I wrote "confused emoji" 😂. Even the one where I responded on op question with facts how to use it😂. Thanks for giving me a laugh whoever this was 😂😂😂

    You living rent free in someone's head kekw 

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