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Posts posted by KindredPhoenyx.8976

  1. 17 minutes ago, Ashantara.8731 said:

    The next "major" update will release the full version of the Obsidian Armor, not a precursor version. The last update will then come with a variant.

    I don't know if it's poor choice of wording here and I'm reading you wrong but when have legendaries *ever* not had a precursor version? even Legendary armor for raids had one.


    19 minutes ago, Ashantara.8731 said:

    I, too, would appreciate a first glimpse at the actual thing before it gets released, but it doesn't look like that's going to happen.

    I get you've been rather doom and gloom/fed up lately but we haven't even gotten an announcement for release 2 and we likely won't til post christmas. I'd reserve judgement yet, because they might come out with a preview leading into it. It's kinda a big feature after all. I could be wrong, but something tells me they will (or I'm painfully optimistic, idk).

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  2. 10 hours ago, Ashantara.8731 said:

    The story had 15 mins of playtime and was plain boring, the first piece of the third map was completely unspectacular (especially compared to the quality of the first two maps)

    I am paranoid this is another case of Gyala Delve but I'm waiting to see what the entirety of Nayos is like before I go banging that drum entirely. Next two updates could impress us and the overall meta could be another Drizzlewood (which I honestly thought was a banger).

    I'm probably just coping there though, lmao.

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  3. 8 hours ago, Artemis.8034 said:

    You see this in every game, vets that have played the longest have done it all, and if the content updates dont keep up it becomes stale. new players have to go through that long grindy path all the vets have already done. Its also kinda why horizontal progression sometimes sucks, once you done everything there is nothing to strive for. You run over the same ground but for what really? you have everything. New players will have years of the road ahead of them, while vets have been there done that

    Yeah this is the problem I have run into. I actively talk about how I have done quite literally everything in this game, multiple times over. For a new player, I sound like a total crackhead for saying that, and when I last said it, it was a huge eye opener to me for me to realise "ok there's nothing for me to do, time to step away awhile and come back when there's more content releases."

    And I agree this also isn't specifically an issue to GW2: I've got mates in FF and my partner plays WoW religiously, and all of them have mentioned getting burned out/bored because they've done everything and are just waiting for new content to drop to sate the drought.

    9 hours ago, Randulf.7614 said:

    we seem to be getting less than Icebrood Saga which should be a bit of a red flag.

    This is my concern too, but I'd want to remind people that Anet are strained for resources right now- whether that's budget related or not, we don't know, but you can feel it. While people are absolutely entitled to wanting more out of the game, and better quality, NCsoft right now is either bleeding GW2 or ignoring it in favor of other projects (that so far, seem to be failing, and laughably so.)
    I'm honestly wondering if Anet would do better as a stand alone publisher, or look for another publisher that would benefit better (dear god that thought scares me though because I wouldn't want to see GW2 in the hands of Amazon or even Activision.)

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  4. SOTO getting new players in and improving QoL for ease of access is a good thing. In fact the game needs it right now.

    I too have been hit by the wave of sheer boredom and found nothing to do, but I at least acknowledge it's a me issue and now I'm taking a break til all of SOTO is released to stave off this issue because I realised "man, 9 years really is a long time to have played this game non-stop huh?". Nayos wasn't impressive to me so I'm just waiting til everything is out for that map to experience it in full. There's some amazing games out right now, and some more coming out soon in 2024. I'd really just advise hanging back a bit and coming back later so it feels more satisfying to experience.

    Heck, I might even just do a full expansion re-run to refresh myself.

    GW2 has the advantage of not being like FF/WoW/insert MMO here with gear treadmill where you HAVE to keep up every 3 months or you fall behind: it'll all still be here when you (and I) come back exactly as you (we) left it.

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  5. Yeah this isn't how this works.

    The decisions don't rest with us, Anet can only react to feedback, whereas the upper management decides what happens. Also Anet aren't a triple A studio, and are strained for budget, which sadly of late you can kind of feel it because NCsoft's priorities are elsewhere right now and NCsoft only see us as "payers" not "players". 

    I'm sure Anet would love to consider some of the suggestions people put out but it's not going to happen.


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  6. After the recent fiasco of Anet selling hero points I reaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaally don't think we need to suggest NCsoft bleeding Anet's consumers of more pay to skip options.

    I wouldn't mind a slight overhaul on the crafting UI, though my hamster wheel brain can't suggest how to make it more engaging without it becoming a royal pita, but I don't wanna see FF or WoW's crafting in GW2 (it's a me thing, I really don't like crafting in both those games because it's tedious as hell) especially with how 'time friendly' GW2 typically tends to be.

    I believe I saw someone here post the ole guide to make crafting easier link. I'd really recommend using it because that's how I got through all of mine.

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  7. People will want to engineer the fun out of games and if they can't min-max and have everything at their disposal well, game's bad I guess.

    Idk, maybe I'm too hamster wheel brained right now to care but I just enjoyed the weapons for the themes and I'm sure there's a use for them in not-so-optimal builds that people will have fun with. So long as folk find it enjoyable, that's what kinda matters (and feedback ofc).

  8. The only time I see this being beneficial is HoT HPS especially when I'm generally in the deader timezones of the playerbase and its difficult to find more than 2 folk to do em.
    Otherwise just... why? I'm concerned this will lead to a full paid skip of map completion (which, aighty I get its tedious at times) and people paying $100 (or more) for it (I'll be honest I don't see it being any less than 3.5k because this is NCSoft we're talking about) or selling it piece meal that the accumulation of $ by the time someone is done is going to be ridiculous anyway.

    Waypoints were one thing and I didn't really bat an eyelash at it then but I'm starting to get some red flags I don't like.

    Given, I'll just do the simple thing an unhappy consumer does: not buy it. More power to those unfazed and buy it anyway, good for you. I won't pretend gaming isn't a business industry these days, because it absolutely is, however the concerns (no matter how trivial they seem to the pro-monetisation folk) of those not wanting this, are valid. 


  9. The only argument I see to this thread from OP is "MONEY. MORE MONEY FOR ANET" and I'm all for the company getting more $$ but this ain't it; I'd prefer to see NCsoft fund Anet better so content goes back to being good quality than them trying to fund projects destined to fail before its even out of the gate (Throne and Liberty/Lineage 3).
    Compatibility for console would be a disaster for performance problems: both for PC and for console. GW2 is already not optimised that well, and frankly neither is FFXIV despite them having console/PC crossplay. Destiny has issues on its own being on both platforms and crossplay as well (such as long loading screens).

    Good lord I would not want to see the dumpster fire of forum threads getting even more riled up because CONSOLE of all things can't handle GW2 when I can't see above 3 FPS on world boss fights/some densely packed metas (such as Dragon's End) on PC.


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  10. I admit the choices are stale.

    The system on itself is fine, but I do wish the cycle for "rewards" was monthly, rather than sitting there with acclaim almost maxed out after buying essentially everything I can available to me for now and nothing to spend it on except crafting bags-- or gold if I'm desperate. The 3 months feels excessive ngl given how much acclaim you can get in a week (or two).

    By Joko, we need way more options than what we got atm.

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  11. This is something I always say to people.

    GW2's community as a general whole is fine.

    But the true colours do show at end game- like raids, strikes and anything that invokes a challenge. Oh boy, I don't have a pleasant time with people in there, but that's not a GW2 specific issue. I'd argue WoW is infinitely worse.

    I feel the forums are probably the most poisonous place of the community but honestly that's a given with every game as well. Not even FFXIV is impervious to it.

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  12. Man some of these responses are thirsty af.


    Anyway as someone who's been triggering the AN AMBUSH.... repeatedly back to back not even 1 second apart because of a specific event in that area being up at the same time, I do wish there was a way to disable it. Or rather, just have it prompt once to cache that you've been in the area and it doesn't pop again after the fact.

    Because by god it's obnoxious as hell.

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  13. Sadly afk farmers are an issue that will always be around. Until Anet invests in decent technology to circumvent this, and bots as a whole, they're here to stay. Even if they do miraculously find a method that works, it's temporary. People *always* find a workaround for these things as a means to keep going.

    I used to stop and manually report each one I saw, but after seeing the same people there every day for weeks on end and are still there a year later, I just kind of stopped caring.

  14. I give SOTO an 8 out of 10.


    - relics need a rework, and runes should not have been egregiously nerfed as hard as they have been with the removal of set bonuses.

    - a certain cliche line got tiring after the second time, because Marvel-esque writing I guess, and the rift rehash as filler to stretch out the story was also a headache but I persevered.

    Otherwise: I agree.

    I've been enjoying the expansion so far, and despite the overwhelming negativity of the forums, I'm not going to let people's nay saying stop me, and neither should you (the reader -- and OP). I like the changes to the dailies and the fact there's an in-game earnable mount skin (for once) and the characters are actually decently written compared to the mess of the last 2 patches (and I tip my hat off to people who enjoyed What Lies Within/Beneath, more power to you), the zones are aesthetically pleasing to look at (if not mildly tedious to traverse) and I've particularly enjoyed the atmosphere the music provides from the hard work the composers put in to bring the world to life. Oh and the artists. Y'all have my kitten respect for those load screens and asset designs; I know complexity when I see it.

    It was certainly a fresh air to come back to something familiar feeling - being back on Tyria, that is rather than some far off distant lands across the seas.


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  15. I feel relics have been a case of "dead on arrival.". I've seen maybe 2 or 3 that piqued my interest, and had some use to some builds, but the overwhelming majority of what we've been given are hilariously underwhelming and leave us scant of choice for theorycrafting options.

    I've felt pretty bare without my 6 piece bonus missing from the runes, and I understand they wanted to tone down the power runes had but to take away the set bonuses entirely ain't it, chief.

    It's either a really big oversight, or they've been watching Diablo 4's development and wanted a slice of that pie, too, given this doesn't seem too dissimilar to Malignant Hearts and the clusterf*** that's been so far.

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