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Posts posted by Fipmip.7219

  1. im interested to see where story mode raids take us. the main blocker for high level pve content is players not wanting to take the plunge because of expectations from their comrades. these expectations take two forms: knowledge of mechanics and optimization of their build. i think these story raids will help people learn boss mechanics and level layout, so when its actual raid time they dont get left behind during traversal or confused during bosses. however i dont think it will push casuals to maximize their open world celestial build into something with at least 30k dps. maybe anet can come up with another solution for that in the future.

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  2. From the few previews I've seen, it seems like the homestead land is completely flat. This is a good starting point for customization, but it seems like an issue for anyone that wants a raised area to put a shrine or a castle or whatever. for example, the lighthouse in seitung province stands on a small hill in the center of the island with a ramp-like set of bounding rocks leading up to it. is that style possible to replicate in the homestead? there's also the concept of having rolling low hills for aesthetics. for those that dont know, terrain topography is a different type of asset to 3D model assets. Is is possible have terrain sculpting tools? or if not now, maybe added later?

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  3. I did some more thinking, and I think considering there are no children, the logistics of caring for the populace is greatly reduced. sylvari come out knowing how to forage and grow food. since they are so self sufficient, there is not much in the way of hierarchy and power structure since each is capable of fairly easy independent living. It would be a lot easier to be independent as a human if you could just eat raw grass, grow your own clothes and drink the sun and rain. however, at the end of the day they are still sentient thinking and ambulatory creatures which require a lot of energy. Since there are so many of them and they replicate so quickly, even if they had half the footprint of humans it would scour the local ecosystem. 

    this means they farm in addition to hunting and foraging (also why do they feed the pink moas in caledon forest?) That would imply there is sylvari hierarchy and leadership, since someone has to manage the attribution of resources. however, it seems at odds with what we can infer about sylvari. each generation takes knowledge from the dream and emerges as a capable adult. many sylvari strike out on their own and tour the world, feeding knowledge back to the dream. why then do sylvari make settlements? making a settlement requires backbreaking hard work and investment. humans do it for protection and a place to raise their own, or to exploit a local resource for profit. but sylvari need this to a much lesser degree. are these villages just made up of all the sylvari that are too timid to travel? are they made to do it by the pale tree in the interest of spreading out to not drain too many resources from one area? 

    So this begs the question, what are the sylvari motivations? it seems in these early stages, sylvari are driven by exploration and curiosity. i think these first settlements are created by early generation sylvari that didn't know much about the world except how to survive. they provide stepping stones for sylvari travellers, but beyond that seem to have little purpose beyond just feeding and defending eachother. humans are individualistic and are mostly interested in doing well for themselves, either by working for someone else or being an entrepreneur. are sylvari the same way, or are they more interested in serving the pale tree? and how does one do that? and those that resist the pale tree, what do they want to do with their lives?

    In the future, sylvari may become more industrious and seek to obtain resources. however, im not sure for what purpose. is it to protect and expand the reach of the pale tree? in human society, an equivalent is a peasant working for a monarch in order to expand/maintain the power of that monarch. but peasants are compensated for their work, thus preserving the human motivation to be well off. the thing that seems missing is the sylvari motivation. will sylvari be compensated for farming or mining rocks or making dye? doing these things is a reason to make settlements, around ore or fertile land. so i think what the question fully boils down to is whether sylvari are paid or are mind controlled into working for their society. since it seems otherwise, they should be far more nomadic and tribal in nature. as a side note, it would be interesting to learn how the soundless and the nightmare court provide for themselves.

  4. option to detach action cam when placing an AoE.

    As an action cam user, i tried going back to normal cam when i picked up ele on account of needing to place AoEs all the time. but god the transition is mind wrenching. It would be cool if you could automatically switch into normal cam when using a skill that requires you to place an AoE. the mouse cursor should start in the middle of the screen where you are currently pointing and you can place it from there, or hold right click to readjust the camera if its not in the right place while casting. if you press the skill again while holding right click, or use another skill, it cancels the skill. there should also be an option to have the same functionality for directional attacks, although i would personally prefer to aim those with action cam. 

    • Confused 1
  5. you can make as much gold as you can stomach by fishing in nayos. there's a particular legendary fish that has a very high chance of dropping with maxed fishing power during night time. you get 2g every time it does. as for how much it is per hour, i havent really done it enough to be sure. but it seems over the course of an in game day its more than 20g per hour. its just average during day and gets turbo boosted at night.

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  6. How does this society function at the lowest level? someone has to rake the leaves, do the farming, water the plants. a lot of their infrastructure seems grown with magical means, so that covers a lot of the labour. but someone has to till the soil, plant the seeds, distribute food and resources, do plumbing (do sylvari pee and poo?) and be doctors and study medicine. does the queen pay them? do they get a wyld hunt to do it? is sylvari society a capitalist one where they get hired by eachother?and then who gets to be in charge of the armed forces and who has to do all the paperwork? do the soldiers get paid? feels like sylvari society is a little hollow on the lore side.

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  7. am i the only one that doesnt mind "fill up event bar" as a story step? i see it as something they tack on to the story rather than a replacement. ofc the story itself was lackluster which kind of soured the whole thing, but the concept of doing metas as a story step is fine by me, as it gives me a window to check out some of the metas. it also tells me when it would be a good time to do the map meta in the spot it would have the most continuity with the story.

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  8. i have to agree that the main blocker to pvp is the knowledge check. there's no way you're going to understand wtf just happened when you die the first time in pvp. you basically have to play every class to understand what is going on.

    Also, do people not play stronghold? it comes up all the time in casual matchmaking. i'd wager hundreds of stronghold games are played every day. why not just add more maps and heroes?

  9. 50 minutes ago, Eekasqueak.7850 said:

    Mace isn't really a CC weapon on Guardian, it's very much defense and healing mostly. If you're going for max sustain mace can be worth it for open world- just don't often need that level of sustain. 

    ah yeah sorry its been so long since i touched mace on guardian. conflated it with warrior mace haha

  10. 16 hours ago, ZephidelGRS.9520 said:

    Breakbars are a thing. In fact, average open world players don't even bring enough CC in their toolkit; just look at how slow Sorrow's/the Nayos wyvern's breakbar decreases. The damage can be neglected when the Exposed debuff gives +50% damage increase.

    as others have pointed out, breakbars aren't exactly difficult to do in most open world content. You certainly dont need a weapon that focuses on it.


    So why use hammer or mace on guardian when doing open world? and you know what, scratch just open world. what about pve in general? I like those weapons as a concept, they feel right for that class. but in practice you do no dps and feel bad. I wish I could hear the class designers thoughts on the matter. CC isnt really a priority in pve.

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  11. trying to make a hammer guardian work and well, it really sucks just getting bogged down by mobs and being unable to kill them asap, or just doing such mid dps to bosses. I feel like anet really needs to start an initiative to add damage to these weapons in pve.

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  12. I recently reran the core story and noticed the hats on the orrian nobles during the mission: ossuary of the unquiet dead. They have a flared top and the reminded me of this model (sorry for the warhammer jumpscare). This has caused me to realize there is a distinct lack of "tall helm" and flared top styles in the armour selection. I mean, that model would make the perfect tempest. that hat is truly magnificent, and the ghostly orrian noble's hat was no slouch either. I suggest adding a girthy selection of this style to the wardrobe post haste.


  13. 39 minutes ago, Zebulous.2934 said:

    Did the maps have a reasonable population?  I haven't been to Orr in actual years.  Ugly place.
    I just never bothered to run my alts through the full core story.

    I saw a few people around, probably more in straights than anywhere else. the metas that did work were certainly getting done. I play in off peak hours due to my timezone. in any case, most of the map metas arent actually group events so that can be done in low pop, they just need to work. I expect more people would be willing to give it a go if if there was more coherency to what was going on. I think most new players would just be confused.

  14. I decided to play a new class and go through the core story. Only to find all three maps are bugged to hell. the straights of devastation central invasion is constantly stuck. Cursed shore has its meta stuck at jofast's camp. I have no clue what is going on at malchor's leap, but that boy aint right. can anet assign a couple devs to untangle this mess? its embarrassing. 

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  15. put a small number next to each entry of the LFG panel. this will tell you how many groups are advertising in each category. if you expand the category, the number splits among each subcategory according to the number of groups advertising in those subcategories. Just a little feature that will tell browsing players where to look for content that might take their fancy.

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  16. 9 hours ago, Konig Des Todes.2086 said:

    You made it sound like not using her again would be a waste of her character, that she wouldn't have character development.

    While the Nayos arc wasn't the best (largely due to pacing), she had character development during it. And it wouldn't be a waste of her character to not use her again, because yes her plot is over. Her plot was literally "revolt against Eparch and establish a new era for the Kryptis and non-hostilities with Tyria". Anything more wouldn't be her continuing the plot, it'd be a new plot with her. Just as Almorra's plot was over with Kralkatorrik's death - just as SotO wasn't continuing Zojja's plot, but adding a new one on top of the plot that was abandoned by not using her in Season 4 (revenge for Snaff).

    This is so mind numbingly semantic. also what character development? there was some minor stuff with her considering your potential to be an ally, the rest is just about overthrowing eparch the whole way through. there was no evolution to her motivations or character at all. She had zero reservations about killing her own family, and was completely resolute in her goals. deep characters aren't anet's strong suit. which is why imo it would be a good idea to use her again. now that she's achieved her goal, what now? she says she cares about the kryptis. but eparch, and other members of her species, hint at the fact that their species has needs for survival. was that just a nothing burger?

    9 hours ago, Konig Des Todes.2086 said:


    1. Her being "more dubious in nature" isn't really reason to believe she would seek out other demons for alliance, or for other demons to seek or agree with her for alliance. Peitha isn't stupid, but she's also compassionate - for her kind especially - and that would lead against allying with selfishly cruel beings who are basically Eparch but without leadership status. Just as Peitha refused to absorb Eparch's power at the end of SotO, she will refuse to ally with all the dozens of AU Eparchs and Kanaxais and Deimoses that are the other demon factions. And she will indeed have to be an idiot - not "dubious in nature" - to so immediately turn her back on the alliance with the Astral Ward and Pact Commander she just made.
    2. Yes, people will antagonize and attack the Pact Commander. But these people are not those who first hand witnessed the Pact Commander's capabilities for themselves, used them for their own benefit, and got surprised by the effectiveness of the Pact Commander far exceeding the expectations established. I am not saying "it is dumb to challenge the Commander". I am saying "it is dumb for Peitha specifically, after establishing her awe for the Commander's strength and acknowledging her status would have been impossible without them, to challenge the Commander" - especially when she can just wait out the Commander's natural lifespan.
    3. Completely different situations. Isgarren was hesitant to enter Nayos while Eparch had domination of the land, and only joined personally once that upper hand was lost. Peitha is far weaker than Eparch, even if she rules the Kryptis it isn't a perfect rule yet. But far more importantly, if you paid attention in the final instance of SotO, you'd know that part of the deal made was that the Astral Ward would have a strong establishment in Nayos. To make a point of comparison - Nayos is now not too different from Berlin after World War II, with the exception of being divided but importantly with Allied forces all over the place though having its own governance that's being very closely monitored.
    4. I didn't answer my own question - because my "answer" was literally "the situation that could lead to it is fundamentally non-existent because everything that could cause it is long dead". Corpses don't make alliances (technically not even corpses, as Abaddon's soul was consumed leaving nothing but faint traces of his magic behind).
      "it certainly proves that demons do have the capacity for it given a strong leader." - Except it doesn't because the leaders were not demons, but fallen gods. Unless you count Mommy Dreadspawn Maw, who is less of a leader and more just a parent sending her thousand children to battle.


    a lot of this is built on the idea that what comes before is a concrete rulebook for that which comes next. who says that only gods can rule demons? right now, a demon is in control of the kryptis. like i said, there's still a lot of room for exploration into demons (the mist entities, not the dictionary definition) like what they do, what realms exist and what structures exist within them. and is the astral ward the size of the US? you say i should pay attention, but all dagda says is that the astral ward will maintain a presence. nothing about it being strong at all. nayos isnt berlin, hell its not even germany.  it's an entire world of savage monsters. a world that intended to invade all of tyria. you're making assumptions about things that aren't explicitly revealed.

    also this point about the wayfinder being so strong as to not be messed with is ill thought out. they've never actually soloed any of these gods or dragons, it was always with the aid of an army, a dragon, a massive influx of external power, etc. balthazar straight up waved his hand and killed us at one point. there's no reason to believe a villain would never attempt to tip the balance of power in their favour. the idea of a final showdown 1 on 1 is something villains rarely take into account. remember to them, this is all real and climactic showdowns arent even supposed to happen. recurring villains are a very common idea, and they've occured in gw before. They dont take deus ex machina into account and they expect things will be different this time. hell maybe one day they will be different.

    I agree peitha seems compassionate. but remember that the nayosian way is a savage one.  I only played through the story once, but i believe this is noted not only by eparch but also his generals and peitha herself. before eparch, there was mosyn, who was said to lead an artful society.  but what was that society actually like? did they still eat eachother? does peitha want that to stop? anakin loved padme to the point it drove him to the dark side. who knows what peitha will do to try and build a kryptis society? perhaps she will see an invasion and enslavement of tyria as necessary to stop her people from feeding on eachother. I'd say that's a pretty interesting motivation, with built in flaws and tragedy.

    • Confused 1
  17. 2 hours ago, Konig Des Todes.2086 said:

    I have always been directly responding to this:

    Which I was directly quoting when I made that list of characters you claimed was irrelevant. Peitha could develop to being multiple things, and she can just as well fall off the face of the plot by never being brought up again - because she was a major character of SotO and SotO alone.

    And to be clear, I never once said "Peitha can be anything". I said:

    Which is to again say: Peitha's story as it stands ended with Secrets of the Obscure. She is not a replacement for Dragon's Watch, she was a replacement for Joon, for Bottica, for Zaiem, etc. A major NPC tied to the current plot, not a major NPC tied to the Commander. And as such, once the plot is over, so is her spotlight. She might return when the plot and budget allows it, but until then, she's off the screen.

    Yeah i mean i got confused here because it's pointless to say this when you have no idea what they intend to do with the character. I was just speculating what they could do, "maybe they could involve pietha, maybe not, here's what they could do" type thing. those other characters dont really do anything to make that impossible so that's what i mean when i say they aren't relevant. you claim "her plot is over" but there's nothing to stop it continuing if they want. I mean I'm not even the only one in this thread that thinks she's probably devious.


    2 hours ago, Konig Des Todes.2086 said:

    This said: it would still be terrible writing for her to do a complete 180 out of nowhere while off-screen, and even if it was done on-screen, it would be a slap in the face to the entire plot of SotO which was painting her at literally every step, as A) not as ruthless as other Kryptis leaders left alive after Eparch's purge who prefers keeping her prey alive over killing them, B) not an idiot to antagonize the Commander (this is key, especially since she outright admits how unexpectedly powerful and useful the Commander was compared to her expectations), and C) being constantly monitored by the Astral Ward to ensure that she keeps to her words.

    Turning her evil with an alliance of non-Kryptis demons requires for:

    1. The Astral Ward and Wizard's Court to be utterly incompetent at the job they've held for up to 3,000 years and be literally watching Peitha's every move yet somehow not notice she is meeting with blatantly evil demons for the sake of betraying the Astral Ward and invading Tyria.
    2. Peitha to be juggling the most massive idiot ball to first hand witness the strength, prowess, and charisma of the Pact Commander and decide "why yes, I will make this overpowering individual who is the most critical piece of my ascension and has no reason to ever encounter me in their short-compared-to-mine lifetime my enemy".
    3. All the build up in SotO to be literally tossed out the door followed by an 1800s era stool bucket thus not only completely ignoring the character development you stressed but stomping on it as well by actively contradicting it.

    Personally speaking, I cannot fathom how one could think a plot that requires everyone involved to be utter morons to be good. Especially Peitha who, once more, personally witnessed and attested to the effectiveness of the Commander.

    Quite frankly if Peitha was playing the long game and intending to turn on the Astral Ward after her near failure to stop Eparch, she'd at least wait a century before doing so - let the Commander die of old age first.

    There are indeed multifacets within the demons - that's the division of "ethnicity" I talked about. And all those facets are - except Kryptis - unremarkably evil towards mortals. All of them, more or less, have the goal of invading Tyria and getting access to souls - this is as mentioned in this thread, one of the key features of what defines a Mist-born entity as "demon".

    The issue comes in them creating a sudden alliance and hierarchy when, outside of Eparch's actions of actively mimicking Tyrian society in his obsession the Wizard's Tower, such is never known to occur naturally. The closest we get are the children of the Dreadspawn Maw being fairly united, but they're just listening to mommy broodmother. And repeating a plot point of "oh no, demons are suddenly a united force making them a major villainous threat" multiple times is... boring. This is why people tired of the Elder Dragon plot - because every time we fought an Elder Dragon, it basically amounted to the same story beats of A) learn of the threat, B) gather an alliance to battle the dragon, C) hit a major snag and then work to overcome it, D) kill the dragon with its unique weakness.

    It could be a spectacle to see them all working together but the key question is... why would they. Even their individual facets are barely united.

    And now here's the thing. Nightfall is quite literally that "spectacle to see them all working together" because we had Dhuum's Titans and Dryders, Menzies' Shadow Army, the Dreadspawn Maw's Stygians / Torment Demons, and Abaddon's Margonites working together because their leaders were in an alliance. So you just want this v2.0? I feel that would just demerit the value of that plot, since it's just a repeat - granted a repeat 15 years later, but there's enough criticism over PoF basically being Nightfall 2.0 that we don't need Nightfall 2.0 but this time without the god. Not that the exact situation can occur given two of the four are dead, and another is sealed away completely, and the fourth is a fate unknown implied dead.

    alright so 1, she's not ruthless like eparch and some other kryptis and she's more dubious in nature. imo that could be a catalyst for an even stronger unity over the kryptis and possibly other demons, since she seems a lot smarter and doesnt rule in fear.  2. it's dumb to say people wont challenge the wayfinder. when has that ever stopped any villain before or since? and 3. what exactly would the astral ward do about it if peitha decides to turn? isgarren himself was reluctant to enter nayos to help the rebellion. and supposedly he only let a few ward through. there would be warnings sure, but warnings dont stop wars.

    as to why the demons would ally, well thanks for answering your own question. I never played gw1 so I wouldnt mind at all. it certainly proves that demons do have the capacity for it given a strong leader. We dont exactly have access to the daily demon that tells us who is in charge of what, so perhaps there are strong entities within the realms willing to communicate and build armies. As we've already discussed, to death at this point, the story doesnt have to be continuous demons from now on, much like it wasnt with the dragons. there were side characters, side areas, side conflicts that all kept the pacing varied.

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