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Posts posted by LCL.6259

  1. 18 hours ago, Endilbiach.4132 said:


    That is an absolutely valid point, and in my opinion general accessibility features are where Anet fails the hardest.  We don't even have a colorblind mode for the UI after all.

    Sorry if I misinterpreted you by the way. This is a recurring topic which has been bothering me lately, in more significant contexts than just a videogame.  Lately this has made me quick to react. Indifference is such a common response, that it has led me to assumption, probably foolishly. 

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  2. On 6/28/2023 at 5:26 PM, patton the great.7126 said:

    EoD is the PC edition of cantha. If you want the real guild wars cantha do yourself a favor and play factions. You'll see what I mean. This was guild wars being too afraid to stay true to their roots and offend the largest economy in the world (albeit controlled economy)


    It's the LeBron effect. Everyone's is willing to stand for a cause until China threatens to take its monies and go home. 

    I think the irony in this is that you could make a case for GW2 employing techno-orientalism (not that I really agree with what is usually a mistaken application of a concept rooted in the culture of 80's Japan).

  3. 17 hours ago, Arnox.5128 said:

    I think a lot of people in this thread are being really overly negative. A lot of these combat changes alone look really neat.

    But I ALSO think that them ONCE AGAIN ignoring PvP and guilds is getting really old. Hell even if we just had an announcement that they would do something about these two at a later date, I would be perfectly assuaged, but we don't even get that. The best we got is the WvW restructuring, which I GUESS is cool and it was needed for WvW, but I definitely think sPvP and a guild overhaul should've taken precedence.

    sPvP will never see dev time because the best case scenario in that situation is that people are exposed to a side of Anet's culture, which they don't want people to be aware of. sPvP is a containment zone for dirty laundry and that is why they leave it to rot.

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  4. 1 minute ago, Chaba.5410 said:

    I never pointed this out.

    You're right, it was Archon. That was my mistake. You win since that's obviously what this entire exchange was about. 

    Idk why it's so much to admit the mode is inherently confusing compared to others. Oh well. Have a nice day. 

    • Sad 1
  5. 28 minutes ago, Chaba.5410 said:

    You acknowledged it and then went right back to generalizing.  Disingenuous.  Good faith also includes not ascribing something I never said to me.

    You wrote that WvW is radio silence outside of discord when you compared it to fractals and raids implying that no one helps.  Do you want to retract that statement now?


    This has just devolved into pedantry and gotcha. Last thing I'm going to bother saying.

    One was obviously an emotional statement, the other is clearly not. Feel free to interpret them however you desire, I no longer care. Radio silence other than sussus amogus, trolling, and calling out stonemist 1000 times. 

    You can point out where I shoved words into your mouth, or you can just make vague statements and focus on a gotcha moment that does nothing to clarify anything for anyone. It will be an easy dub for you because there isn't going to be a response. 



    Also, I never said anything about segregation of new and vet players.

    You're right--I DID. It's like you're ignoring the entire reason I even brought it up and focusing on personal issues. Giving people a beginner starting point is not a bad thing. The natural segregation between fractal tiers is not a bad thing. These are by design. 

    • Confused 1
  6. Just now, Chaba.5410 said:

    Literally not your entire server.  I don't know why you keep trying to generalize your personal experience to the WvW community.  The WvW community is diverse and everyone plays for different reasons.  As Dawdler wrote originally, if someone really wants to participate, they have to put in the effort and the spend time.

    Also, I never said anything about segregation of new and vet players.

    I knew you would be pedantic about the way I worded this instead of addressing literally anything else I saidIN FRONT OF your entire server, does that feel better for you? I have acknowledge over and over again that this is not a reflection of everyone who plays WvW. Can we not fixate on one hyperbolic detail please? This is what I mean about good faith. 

    • Haha 1
  7. 2 hours ago, Chaba.5410 said:

    Perhaps, but you went on to compare WvW to fractals and raids where "commanders" and party members have far more discretion over the players around them than any WvW commander.

    Now you're the one twisting words.  You wanted to call out a difference while unironically ignoring THE difference between game modes: player ability to pick and chose teammates.


    So?  If someone lets every little thing in a public chat bother them to the point where they quit, that's on them.  No one else has control over another's reactions or what they chose to focus on.  You find similarities in toxicity, clownery, and jaded attitudes in fractals and raids too and it's perhaps worse because they do have far more control over teammates than in WvW.  The toxic elitists of raids!  They always demanding kill proof before you can join!  They get mad if you aren't doing top DPS!  Yadda, yadda, yadda.  It's not up to the game nor anyone else in a community to solve someone's personal reactions to drama for them and it's unfair of you to suggest otherwise.

    Picking and choosing teammates is the entire topic of the thread, so I don't see how that tracks. Obviously you can't manage your entire server like a fantasy football team. IDK what that has to do with just not being an kitten when people ask for help. When I ask for help in any other game mode it is given freely, even in PvP which has arguably more reasons to be toxic, and even less control over your teammates. 

    It's less about letting "every little thing" bother you, and more about feeling like you aren't making any headway in the initial reward track of the mode. There is no natural onboarding of players, that's my entire point. Like you point out, fractals have low tiers, PvP has ranks, these things segregate players and give them a chance to figure things out at a normal pace. WvW throws you into a clusterkitten with no mount, and no natural progression for learning the game. OP is obviously rightfully confused. Is it fair of him to expect to be invited into every little group with open arms? No it's not, and private tags aren't "scum" for choosing to play that way. On the other hand, I don't feel like there is a very good faith attempt from you or Dawdle here to understand the perspective of a new WvW player. 

    Having one group of elitists call you out in raid is a lot different than having literally your entire server clown you at once for asking a very normal question. If it's unfair of me to consider that kitten behavior, then I guess I'm unfair. 


    • Sad 1
  8. 3 hours ago, Chaba.5410 said:

    You wanna compare WvW with different game modes where players have far more agency over who they play with?  OK, let's go there.

    In raids, the squad leader can kick players.
    In fractals, parties can vote to kick players.
    In WvW, you're stuck with whoever just happens to be on your team and logged in.

    In WvW, you can ask them to do x, y, and z.  They don't have to do squat.
    In fractals and raids though, you can ask them and there are consequences if they don't.

    Like you wrote, you will absolutely know if you screw up in excruciating detail because others have that hold over you if you want to do that content.  No one has that hold over you in WvW.  You can come and go freely.

    Why is anyone going to put time and effort to telling the new random player anything when they mess up?  Then people get called TOXIC for doing that in map chat (fractals and raids do have complaints of elitism and toxicity also).  Every single server community meeting in the past devolved into the "train the pugs" meme.  Guess what?  The pugs don't want to be trained.  They don't want to put any more effort in.  Anyone who gets through queue can be on a map.

    So you can write about how WvW vets are somehow not on-boarding without realizing vets have always on-boarded new players. In WvW you only on-board players who actively seek you out and ask questions, not players like yourself who admit to doing raids only because a guild sought you out.  WvW vets want players who are going to put in the effort to learn.  The new players who remain silent are not putting in the effort.  If you don't know something because you're new, ASK QUESTIONS like a normal interested person.  Stop expecting everyone else to hold your hand or telling others how you think something should be.

    Memery and nonsense and Maguuma's infamous toxicity in mapchat serves a purpose in separating the wheat from the chaff in a game mode where players have extremely limited agency over the quality of their teammates.

    I never blamed it on the community, you are misinterpreting what I said. The fault is with the game itself but you have a self perpetuating cycle that the community seems to pretend they play no part in. I replied directly to the confusion over players not showing up on time, and gave a valid reason for it. 

    When I ask questions in fractal I get answers. When I ask basic questions in team chat I get memed on and kitten. Why would anyone continue to ask questions, rather than just trying to fall in with a group? "Separating the wheat from the chaff" is exactly what I'm talking about. There seems to be a direct dissonance between this philosophy and the actual results it produces, as opposed to the perceived results. You assume I make no effort to understand the game, while you know absolutely nothing about me or the way I play. You tell me to ask questions while openly knowing that map chat is full of kittens. Not even denying that it's blatant gatekeeping, you state it as an intended purpose. That is a problem.

    If, "don't be an kitten to people asking questions" feels like me micromanaging too hard, then maybe there is a deeper issue going on. These results are simply cause and effect at play. You can go ahead and point out the part where I demanded to be trained by the "ten year vets of WvW". Might have to twist the words a little bit. I didn't ask the community to point out everyone's little mistakes, it's just a difference that I'm calling attention to. A difference you were obviously already aware of, (convenient for me I guess?). I don't know why you assume this air of me demanding to be handed everything on a plate, when my only point is that being an kitten to new players doesn't make them want to learn anything. I don't think that is a very controversial idea.

    These differences are inherent, and baked into the modes; nobody needs to explain that to me. I was giving the perspective of what somebody new to the mode has to deal with, only because the first poster seemed clearly confused on why certain people were behaving in a certain way. There are friendly people in the mode, just like in the rest of the game but they are drowned out by massive clownery and jaded attitudes. Reading through these posts its not hard to understand why people are so snarky and bitter but I don't think its really doing any favors for anyone. 

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  9. 1 minute ago, Dawdler.8521 said:

    That's the reason warclaw have AoE speed... warclaw is a major "divider" in terms of strength in WvW true - not to mention elites - but you might as well say that if a new F2P player see a level 80 zip past them heading for a 10 man hardcore PvE raid or T4 Fractal run, what's the point of even playing when they cant instantly join them? It doesnt work like that, does it? If people really want to participate, they're going to have to put effort in and spend time. It's an MMO where you spend thousands of hours, not a 15h single player adventure game.

    Maybe players stick around, maybe they dont. Maybe they join a guild so they can go hardcore in discord, maybe they dont. Either way it has nothing to do with world restructure.


    My own experience is that I've seen more non-discord pug commanders than ever last week and these few days, probably just because alliances are not implement yet hence few communities will bother to share their public discords for the beta.

    Also the rather vocal complaints have been being constantly outnumbered, your argument doesnt really line up if there is no queue, lol. If it's on the other side of that well... not like they are hurting for more players then, are they?

    Both Fractals and Raids have people advertising groups for new players constantly every day. I've been playing for a week and already have two guilds putting me in raid, and I didn't even actively seek them out. WvW has been the complete opposite experience. There is borderline zero communication in map outside of extremely late "come here" calls that nobody on foot would ever make it to, and people memeing about feet and nonsense. When you screw up a fractal, you will know; they will absolutely tell you that you messed up, in excruciating detail. WvW is radio silence outside of discord. 

    Warclaw aoe has no impact on what I said about crossing the map without a squad.

    Your restructure comment confuses me, idk how it even relates to what we're talking about, outside of speculative forecasts on future player conduct.

    Pugs are a liability, while at the same time more players = instant win according to the forums. How do these two things reconcile? You can pretend like retention has no impact on your experience but that's obviously not true, based on the tone of your original post alone. It's obviously colored by a disdain for the average *clueless* WvW playerbase. You know what they say about when everyone you encounter is an kitten???



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  10. On 6/15/2023 at 4:20 AM, Dawdler.8521 said:

    Hah, thats usually what I do. Tag up and instantly lock the squad.


    Because I'm not your kitten commander.

    I do it to become visible for specific purposes on the map - cap a keep, cap a tower, do some havoc at a defended camp, whatever. Of course I could say in chat lets go cap that keep, but in reality people are kitten lazy. Do that and you get like... 1. Maybe 2 people coming. 5 minutes after you needed them. Even when you know there are people on the map.


    Maybe they don't have their warclaw, don't have a squad to join, and are still trying to participate? Do you think the random player who joins WvW is going to stick around, while everyone is zipping past them in discord?? Of course they're going to be five minutes late if they have to leg the entire map to react to a non-proactive call. They probably legged those five minutes because it's the only whiff of content they've seen yet.

    Private squads are fine for what they are but public squads are completely dead, and there is zero onboarding for new players outside of discord. The average player is going to afk farm their GoB and then leave. Now you have people returning to the game and wasting slots of queue to afk farm because they gave up on the mode already. Those slots could have gone to an eleeet wvw player but instead they're being wasted, and it's not the fault of the afk. 

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  11. 12 hours ago, Prophet of Flames.2783 said:

    You could've moved to a more populated wvw server and just be fine under the current system. 

    Probably has something to do with the devs promising this for years, until I stopped caring about the mode entirely. Consequently, that was the moment my server became active again. Oh well. 

  12. They speedhack constantly, for years; Anet doesn't care. Name a hacker and you will get punished. 

    Clearly something more is going on here because if a normal player used these hacks in such a blatant way, they would get punished. Everyone knows who the cheaters are, everyone has seen them do it, nothing happens. Something about that does not add up. 

    • Thanks 2
  13. I don't dip much time into GW2, but I always liked to PvP more than anything. I'm a huge casual but I'm still decent at the game and try to get better when I'm actually playing it (which isn't very often). I'm not super skilled but I can hit plat rather easily by q'ing metabattle builds and tweaking them a bit. I think its every time I place plat this game starts to just completely 180 on me from fun to garbage.

    Playing only 2 weeks I already know way more drama than I wish I did, have seen Anet partnered players act in ways that really baffle me, played with permanent dishonored players trolling on their alts, etc.

    I think it's really damn sad that Anet has let this stuff slide for so long, and even still allows these players buy links in their twitch accounts. I've never played a game where the veteran pvp community was so incredibly toxic and cultish to outsiders, and where the publisher seemed to genuinely condone it. Anet will ban people for saying mean words on the forum - but when the high-level PvP players that they use to advertise their dead game treat the community like trash; they just throw their hands up and pretend they can't do anything about it.

    There's no bigger reason PvP is dead right now than this. Who would want to step into this environment? I don't even have to call names because this community is so cultish that if you PvP enough you already know the people I'm talking about. This includes a certain recent meltdown that I'm sure you're all aware of. That person is so delusional they're probably creaming just at the thought of being mentioned.

    I couldn't imagine having the desire to learn this game when the "top players" behave this way. I've genuinely never seen anything like this before, and yes I'm aware of how tense competition can become; I'm sorry though because that just isn't an excuse for this shit. Where is all of this arrogance coming from? Because the truth is this game has NEVER had true competition. Being top 50 out of maybe 600 real players isn't special.

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  14. @Shiyo.3578 said:

    @Paradoxoglanis.1904 said:If you join 3v3 as a pug, you are just asking for a bad time. It was meant for premade groups.

    So the 10 groups who play it get to have fun while the other 99% of the player base doesn't? Great idea dude.

    I solo queued 3's the entire time and it was the most fun I've ever had with this game. I was one game away from plat so it isn't like solo queue is impossible.

  15. @AliamRationem.5172 said:I played a little last night, so don't consider this anything more than purely anecdotal, but every game was a total blowout no matter if we won or lost. Queue times were longer than I'm used to in conquest as well.

    I was having a blast today, with every single match coming down to a 2-2 sudden death. I specifically like the decisions you have to make like go for stomp, cleave, res, or cc chain.

  16. Seeing a majority no on this is seriously disappointing. Pretending the game is "balanced" for conquest or that Anet even understands the meta in high-tier PvP is a big stretch. Really sad to see such a complacent community who is fine with more story episodes and gem store skins, but doesn't actually care about new replayable content. If you don't like 3's don't queue for them, it's that easy.

    In-game you hear almost nothing but praise for 3v3 but on message boards everyone is just whining. It's a shame all these years later we still have these people deciding how the game should be because for once I was excited about it.

    If 3's don't come back I'll probably go back to classic wow (which I don't want to do btw).

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