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Posts posted by Lamont.5973

  1. I actually like the glacier overhang.  It is big, probably too big for the isle of reflection, but i am tempted to combine a couple with the ice walls and turrets etc at the top of gilded hollow and make a sort of Gondoresque fortress with the walls and turrets blending into the cliff.  The slide is meh, though - might be fun with the low gravity from a fractal console.

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  2. I usually do not agree with the concept of exclusive items but, given the price for the statue/cape, I do have to agree with the OP on this one.  The cape should not have been a give away.  Offered at some time as part of another exclusive package, maybe.  But not given away like this

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  3. On 11/6/2022 at 5:07 AM, Dinas Dragonbane.2978 said:

    It is showing 0/5 because you just completed it and the counter is reset to 0. Showing 3 completions though, you may want to check all characters inventories

    I think they would have noticed, however, if they had received the reward.  that they did not indicates there is a bug in the system

  4. I am glad they are giving the hat.  I have played guild wars since factions and guild wars 2 since the very beginning.  I think there should be very very few exclusive items and am very glad everyone who wants one will be able to get the hat.  That's the way it should be.

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  5. Just throwing this out there.  This topic began by discussion streamer using mouse clicks.  They may be doing that intentionally while streaming in order to make it a bit clearer to the watcher which skills are being used and when.  Yes, it slows gameplay but that can be an advantage when watching a video and trying to follow the sequence on screen

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  6. I am not sure what they would have to do to re-code it for a single player instance.  If you break the map, it is actually 3 distinct structures.  there is the clock tower where everyone starts which is stationary with a rotating staircase.  When the puzzle starts everyone is ported to a second clock tower where the stairs are stationary and the tower itself rotates in sinc with a gradually rising green disk (giving the impression that the stairs and player are moving around when they, in fact are not).  Upon jumping into the clock the player is removed from the timer and ported to a third, stationary, structure that consists only of the top of the tower.  The timer stops its count down and begins the next attempt when all players are clear of the 2nd structure, either by falling or succeeding.

    Your wait is longest if you finish the tower as all the other players start jumping while you are opening the chest.  Your wait is shorter the further you make it up the tower without falling as you are more likely to be the last player to be removed from the 2nd structure, triggering the next attempt.  If you make it almost to the end before falling you will be able to restart almost as soon as you respawn at the beginning.  So the better you get at the puzzle the less wait you will have (unless you succeed and I don't think most player who succeed mind waiting a bit after opening the chest)

    The jumps themselves are not hard.  Except for a couple of vertical gears there aren't any where precision is too tight.  It is the combination of the disorientation from the spinning tower and the pressure of the timer that make the puzzle difficult.  For the first, once you realize the staircase is not spinning and that you are, in fact, jumping up a stationary structure, it gets a bit easier.

    As for the timer, I mastered it a little at a time.  I watched a good video of the first few jumps and once I had them memorized I worked on memorizing the next 2 or 3 after that.  It took a lot of time but once I was able to do it a few times and got the whole thing memorized I got to the point I could succeed about 4 times out of every 5.  And on the few times I still fail, since I usually pretty far up the tower, the wait is quite short.

    I don't know if that helps at all but I despised the tower the first year and have come to enjoy it very much since.

    I would also add that once I became proficient with the tower I also started to enjoy the wait time as it gives me time to check out other players' armor.  People who frequent the tower tend to be people who also get creative with their armor choices 🙂

    Oh, also make sure your buttons are set for whatever works best for you for jumping.  I found moving my jump to a thumb button on my mouse and disabling dodge on double tap improved my jumping a lot.

  7. I am sure I will appreciate the extra xp on my low level key farmers later this week but right now I am playing level 80 characters who don't need bonus exp - kind of the last thing they need.  And the constant pop-up notices of achievements that don't mean anything is really getting annoying.  And it is really frustrating to know that this will keep happening over and over again each time I play a different one of my level 80 character.  Once would be bearable but every time I load another of my toons?  yeech

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  8. 7 hours ago, Super Hayes.6890 said:

    I wonder if they are even concerned about replayability for this content. Maybe their only intent is to bridge the story gap for new players? I'm so glad they brought it back but I probably will still only do it on a few characters in the end.

    Yeah I am sure that is their intention and I don't really mind it - just kind of missed the fun of running the dungeon several times with guildies.  But I did enjoy the story and memories very much.

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  9. I have really enjoyed playing season one again so far.  It was really well done and the first chance we had to really see the living world when it first came out and the reminders are very nice.  The only downside (other than bugged events) is that the final dungeon does not have any real replay-ability incentive.  I recall when flame and frost was released the first time that I did that dungeon multiple times.  If I remember  correctly, it was the only place to get azurite (which was quite valuable at the time) and had a chance at a rare drop at the end (molten jet pack I think?).  Other than achieves, there does not seem to be any incentive to replay it this time around.

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  10. I very much doubt a barrel role on a dragon be something that could be copyrighted or trademarked.  It is just too general of a concept - as are dragons and dragon like critters themselves.  The only things that make the skyscale actually unique is that it can not stay in the air without losing height over time and its annoying habit of clinging to every vertical surface, neither of which appears to be something wow copied.

    • Like 7
  11. 3 hours ago, Ronin.4501 said:

    Wow your current castle is IMPRESSIVE!!!  I thought my watchtower was tall (11 stories) but your castle dwarfs it!  I'm curious as to how many wall pieces you used?  I know my watchtower had 108 wall pieces (108,000 candy corn!!!).

    My fire castle is 16 stories all together using 147 pieces I think.  However, I doubt it is any taller than yours as I did not worry about overlap on this one so I suspect 11 stories with no overlap is about the same as my 16 with overlapping.  I think mine only looks taller because each successive story is a little smaller than the one below it so it gives a forced impression of perspective.

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  12. I do have one other suggestion for decorating.

      Some items like the cylindrical ice floors have significant overlap (the ice floors, for instance, overlap about 1/4 of their height).  So you can increase height and reduce the number of items in large structures by placing a flag pole at the correct spot on one ice floor and then placing the next ice floor along the pole to reduce the overlap then remove the pole.  This is true of many of the larger items such as the fountains and, if I recall correctly, the obsidian walls.


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  13. On 2/6/2022 at 8:41 AM, Ronin.4501 said:

    Thank you for the compliments!!  Your work is extremely impressive as well!! I'm curious...do you have the interiors of your castles decorated as well?  If so, I'd love to see more pics!!


    I don't really have good pictures of the insides as the angles were hard to get a good view.  The first castle was my first version.  Since it has a courtyard it did have a lot of trees and fountains.  The inside of the keep had a gold back wall, a throne, freezie's heart on the throne, a couple of banners and a char statue guard.  The third picture was actually my second attempt and it was largely a big open area so, again, lots of trees, a fountain, three raven shrines and the three shrines from bjora marches.

    The second picture is my current castle (interior is the first of these pics - again hard to get a good interior angle for a pic).  It is intentionally minimalist inside.  It is supposed to be a sort of temple of snow in contrast to my temple of fire (pics 2 and 3).  I did have some other furniture besides the crystaline devourer and the snow but I removed them because the snow makers have an eerie wind sound so the emptiness and wind gave it the feel of winter out here on the plains of Wyoming so I Iiked the feeling of cold and desolation - kind of like where winter goes while it is waiting for summer to pass.


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  14. Ronin - amazing decorations.  Love em.  I am going to have to remember that temple of the gods idea - i've been messing around with a Greek column temple and that is fantastic

    Shaya, since you really want an ice castle here are three different iterations of mine:


    Some things to know:

    1) use the ice castle floors for corners and between every 2 lengths of ice castle walls.  The cylindrical floors not only make nice turrets but they are big enough (just barely) to make enough distance between sets of walls to help avoid the area decoration limit.

    2) Try turning items around, exactly what part of each decoration counts toward the limit varies.  For instance, one end of the long race track counts but the other end does not so you can kind of sneak an extra one in sometimes simply by placing it from the other end.  This is also true with the ice walls but, since they are smaller, makes less difference

    3) If you hit the limit sign out of the game and back in.  Some times the limit does not correctly reset if you have done a lot of deleting and replacing so allowing the guild hall instance to reset may be helpful.

    4: Since you are making an ice castle use the ice floor you can get in the eye of the north.  It is huge and takes the place of 2 or three race track pieces when it come to making floors and ground work.

    5: unfortunately, no matter what you, you will still be pretty limited about what you can actually put inside your castle because of the wall pieces so furniture may wind up having to be a bit sparse.  (I was able to get a decent amount into 1 and 3 because they had large spaced.  But with number 2 I had to be satisfied with a few large pieces of interior decoration)

    • Thanks 1
  15. I do find it irritating to have to fight so many mobs while trying to gather berries.

    However, since the mobs at many of the bushes do not seem to be on a timer but, rather, spawn when players approach, I suspect this is intentional to slow down farming a bit so it is unlikely they will change it.

    One work around I use with some lower dps characters is to grab a bunch of ash legion spy kits from Plains of Ashford.  You can pop these before you get on your mount or while mounted, dismount at the bushes, hit skill one and safely gather the berries and get back on your mount while invisible.  There is, however, a 1 minute cool down on the invisibility skill so it does not necessarily speed things up, just makes it safer.  Also keep in mind the invisibility ends if you move so make sure you are in a spot where you can reach both bushes before using the skill.

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  16. I find that, often, if I play early in the morning I can get an instance to myself - which is much faster.  If you are a good jumper, right after reset also seems good as many of the people playing are not really good at the puzzle so they tend to fall off, giving you less of a wait.   Later in the evening the puzzle is mostly populated by more expert jumpers so the wait for them to finish tends to be longer.

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