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Posts posted by Lamont.5973

  1. I got to chime in and add my agreement that the meta is way too long and that forcing us to do the south meta prior to the north was a really bad design decision. I don't object to doing the north meta a couple of dozen times for the otter. But I ALREADY DID THE SOUTH META A COUPLE OF DOZEN TIMES when the first half was released. And it is EXCRUCIATING to have to repeat it over and over and over and over in order to get the north done. Seriously, who thought it would be a good idea to make us repeat content repeatedly that we had already repeated repeatedly? Gotta be honest, at this point, I'm finding a map, going afk and reading a book until the north starts then killing the 5 tribunes for otters and going afk and listening to music till the end chest triggers.

    course, if they would add otters into the south meta I would gladly do that part.

  2. Nicely done. But reading while driving a raptor may not be safe.Our guild did a scavenger hunt like this:1) everyone who wanted to play was given decorator privileges2) I chose 6 different small decorations like the elonian teapot and crafted one per member that wanted to play3) I hid all of each decoration in of of 6 different spots4) each player had to collect one of each decoration (by using remove single decoration) and then place it on a table with their name on a tombstone marking their table.5) The first player to collect all 6 items got 200g

    Asura ball is also fun. 1 player (an asura) enters the guild arena as invulnerable (can't be hurt but still can be affected by cc skills). All other players chose one of two teams. Using cc skills they try to get the asura through their goal. Of course the teams CAN damage each other so violence is not only allowed but encouraged. Keep in mind the invulnerable "ball" can be hurt by obstacles so be cautious about placing things like flame traps in the arena.

  3. I would add, also that the ability to destroy structures ends when the even boss shows up, the one that is the boss of that particular outpost. Even though you still have to kill the boss and gain control of the outpost, you are no longer able to destroy barriers and doors, etc at that point.

  4. Ok well it could refer to a couple of things1) the tempest's warhorn. You get this when your elementalist begins to train the tempest line of specialization. I believe this is a HOT specialization. One of the sets of prefixes you can choose is "celestial" which give boosts to all stats. If you finish the collection you get an ascended warhorn "the north wind" that also allows celestial to be selected.

    2)it could refer to the warhorn skin that is part of the tempest weapon set from the black lion tickets. This is a skin only. You can put it on any warhorn. So it could be a celestial horn with that particular skin applied.

    Celestial weapon stats can only be obtained by crafting or by picking them on a selectable stat weapon as they are account or soulbound. They are not a lot of fun to make as they take charged quartz crystals which can only be made once a day. But a lot of selectable weapons have celestial as an option so that is the way i usually go when looking for celestial stats.

  5. Well I think I would recommend using them first for the various upgrades (bomb, slingshot, etc). If you are in a guild ask someone who is familiar with SAB to help you find all the upgrades.After that is depends on what you wantI enjoy decorating my guild hall so I use most of mine for furniture coins. (You can "sell" these to guilds by joining their guild and then charging them to "donating" coins to the guild and leaving afterward. Don't know what the market is now but it used to be pretty profitable)If you are eventually going to make a legendary you might want to buy the weekly shard chestIf you like the super skins you can get those at the SAB weaponsmith.

  6. I have not kept track but have played through SAB on normal with same group of friends every night. The two of us who seem to get a drop every 8-10 chests have maxed magic find. The one who is new to the game and has very little magic find has not gotten a single drop. So I would wonder if magic find affects the drops.

  7. OK some of my favorites to play with:xLRd3X2.jpgBoris the Elf

    Hg5y9TZ.jpgThe little black dress for an evening of glamour and assassination

    veNCiPh.jpgMy current VR gamer for SAB

    djiRgz6.jpgDr Malignant (not a great screen shot)

    enCiKHn.jpgSister Atilla (yeah, the nun)


    L4PtxDa.jpgNot really runway, just a fun place to hang out

    bqYQyxC.jpgAnd in case you need medical care or inoculation during this time of crisis, we can play doctor.

  8. I kind of like the raptor. Not enough to buy it but enough to be happy if it pops out of my daily key farm.

    I do very much like the decorations. Already have several in my GH. I do wish, though, that they had made green leaves rather than the grey one. With the cliff faces and snow decos from last year it is starting to get just a touch monochromatic. Still, we are getting enough now to really make a complex SAB jumping puzzle.

  9. @Taylan.2187 said:In case anyone didn't notice yet: there is one in every major city, and they all use different models, but almost all use existing cat models. The one in Rata Sum however is different: it's a new cat model I think (has a little SAB bell on its collar), it's not as gigantic as the others, it floats in the air, and YOU CAN TOUCH IT! Just makes you fall off your mount though.

    I wonder if it has some meaning.

    Actually it is the same model as the home instance cat you could get from SAB. A Scottish Fold with a blue bauble collar. It is the only home instance cat with a title I believe

  10. I love the SAB - really looking forward to trying trib mode this year.

    I don't have a favorite level but probably prefer world 1 to world 2.

    As far as the vendor, I would kind of like to see the new crystal shards available.

    My favorite part is earning decorations for the guild hall and I would really like to see the fountain from the main area as a gh deco. A hillbilly cabin would also be nice. I would also like to see a wintersday style race and maybe a mount race if that were possible.

    Looking forward to the fun

  11. If you put in 4 weapons that are not the same you will receive back a random weapon of any type. If you put in four of the same kind of weapon (shields, for example) you will receive back a random weapon of that same type. So 4 shields would guarantee you a shield. However, the ghastly shield is a very very rare chance to drop.

    When i used to gamble with the mystic forge, I would buy around 700g of staves or another weapons whose pre-cursor sold for 900g or more. I found if I put in four exotics of the same type of weapon and all were lvl 80 I would often get back a lower level exotic, say 76 or so. However, if I included one or two lower level exotic of around 72-76 I would always get back a level 80. I don't know if it still works that way or not. I did get several pre-cursor staves and great swords that way and usually made a good bit of gold. I stopped because the pres dropped in price (even the priciest is only around 600g now) and the lower priced exotics went up just enough silver so I could not longer be sure of a profit.

    By the way, if I did not get a named exotic within the first 7 tries at the toilet I would quit for a while and come back later - for some reason it just seemed the named ones dropped in waves and that that was when I would get the pres. That may have just been perception on my part, of course.

    And, yes, you can put in rares (I think level 72 or 76 and up) and have a good chance of a level 80 exotic but I used exotics because the return seemed better.

    That said, I think the ghastly shield may be even rarer than the pre-cursors so I don't think that would be a good way of trying to get one. I actually got mine from a wardrobe unlock and never saw one from the mystic toilet. So you could easily spend more money trying to get one than if you saved and bought it off the TP.

  12. @Elden Arnaas.4870 said:re: Ascended equipment can easily change to any stats you want: - Thank you Dayra.7405 for pointing this out. And for kindly linking the relevant information. Your point is well made and helpful. But do we know for certain that this method of stat change will work for the elite specialization ascended weapons?(the wiki does not provide confirmation either way)

    Yes, the method used for changing stats does work with the elite specialization weapons. How ever, if you like the skin of the elite weapon you will have to re-apply it after the change.

  13. I had gotten the achievement but was not watching my total points so I am not sure if they removed points when they hid the achievement. Either way, I am not sure how they could run the two achievements at the same time, especially since they changed some of the fight dynamics. I am usually a AP hunter and just was not watching because I was trying for so many Achieves at the same time. But if they took off the points for this particular achievement I don't think it will bother me too much as I can see why they made the changes they did.

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