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Tom Hsiao.9705

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Posts posted by Tom Hsiao.9705

  1. This is what I signed up for when I choose elementalist as my main. However after I purchased the game i shortly realized it is nothing Ike this at all!
    For the past few years they have been shifting even further Away from this concept which I find it really bizarre.


    Anyways for the people who loves to see elementalist in close combat why don’t you play warrior instead? Why butcher mage class for your close combat fantasy? We already got 2 close combat elite spec how is it too much to ask the third elite spec to be range focused? If elite spec is meant to give us another flare to the class then we got 2 close combat elite it’s time to change it up already!!

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  2. This is TRASH! We had tempest which is close combat channel magic and then weaver (MELEE RANGE sword) and now another MELEE GARBAGE!!!!!!


    When I choose elementalist as main I did not have melee combat in mind. When are we gonna get a range elite specialization? NEXT expansion??????????????? 

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  3. After years of melee elite specialization for elementalist I was hoping ANet will come to their senses and give elementalist an elite spec that specialize in range combat but NOPE. Another melee with HAMMER!!!!!! When someone wants to play a mage character they do not have melee combat in mind!!!!

    We got sowrd on last expansion ALREADY give us a range great sword like mesmer not f**king HAMMER!

    So glad I didn't preorder GW2! I'm so done with this crap! 🤢


    You guys could have given elementalist more summons to tank for them while they channel their magic instead of this melee garbage. 

    Give us elemental summoner as new elite spec!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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  4. Wow I have not played this game for over a year and returning to this BS...

    I main Necromancer & elementalist and I ONLY play it because of the summon aspect. I quit because of previous bug where your minions have a "CHANCE" to be unsummoned if you mount too quickly and I found it super annoying when I'm trying to harvest so I would mount & dismount really quickly.


    With the current NEW UPDATE: your minions disappear NO matter how quickly or slowly you dismount is total BS. So Anet is expecting summoners to walk on foot while everyone is on their mount??? Why can't you guys learn from Elder Scroll Online?? Black Desert? Lineage 2? or whatever game that has summon and doesn't do this crap??? Those pet suppose to be up the entire time!!!!!!!!!!!! Otherwise what's the whole point to dedicate all your points to minion build and not having any minions at all when you dismount??? 

    Not only this game refuses to get controller support after YEARS of being released and now this bs. I guess GW2 is DEAD! BYE enjoy your buggy game Anet! and no I'm not gonna waste any penny on your new expansion when you can't even fix the bugs you currently have!


    Waste all your time and resource on making new glider skin and outfit instead of making your game great by fixing your bugs. What a fantastic strategy lmao

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  5. @Fueki.4753 said:Mechanically, Overoads are fine.If anything, they just need buffs (in PvE only)> @Tom Hsiao.9705 said:

    why 2 elite spec are both close combat?? This is so lame please fix it!Warrior and Engineer have two melee Elite specializations, too.The ones for Revenant and Mesmer ones are most effective in melee range, too.

    I get it if warrior elite spec is melee.If you are playing warrior they are suppose to be melee anyways.(I find it strange if warrior is long range..)I did not expect mage to be melee range... who plays mage with the mind set of going melee range serious lol..

    But boon spamming and ground-targetted AoE Healing make the game practically a melee game in PvE anyway.And we all know that PvE is the only part that matters these days.

    I disagree with that regards... mesmer is still very superior with full range attack.They don't even need to get close to kill their target at all.I just wish they can do the same for elementalist instead of coming up with MORE melee builds & specs

  6. I think overload shouldn’t only be centered around elementalist and make them vulnerable.. it should work like Scourge’s shade where it triggers around tempest and also another ring for desired location so tempest don’t have to jump in bunch of mobs to get beat on while channeling that overload... why 2 elite spec are both close combat?? This is so lame please fix it!

  7. Why are you people getting soooo heated over something that's not even gonna happen anyways I don't get it lol!!???! This post is already 4 pages long and NO admin bother to answer anything because it's clearly NOT gonna happen ok! Some people on this forum needs to take chill pills seriously lol. The negativity is crazzzyyyy

    Also what's up with against changes anyways? I never seen any crowds that's so against any changes or updates it's like you guys don't need new content and you want to just play the same thing over and over and you're satisfied lol! In that case I think offline games are best for you all because you can be certain there won't be any updates or changes to destroy your fantastic game experience. Sorry if I'm too direct but the amount of people attacking OP is just ridiculous! If this is not cyber bully I don't know what is.

  8. @Ragnar.4257 said:Why on earth would you want TDM over Conquest?

    Conquest opens up so many more strategies, builds, play-styles, that would be useless in TDM. Conquest is much more about decision-making, you have so many more choices to make; should I go help my ally on close who's struggling to win their 1v1, should I even up numbers in teamfight on mid, or should I push far? Should we push for teamfight or should we try and split them on sides? Should I take a 1v1 I probably can't win if it'll buy my team time elsewhere? The team that wins is the one that makes the best decisions, not just the one that presses their buttons the fastest.

    TDM would also be much more about team-composition than skill. Some compositions just straight-up hard-counter other compositions. In Conquest you can work around that and still win if you play smart, but in TDM you'd just have to give up.

    This is magnified even more in 1v1, where certain builds just straight-up hard-counter other builds. Ranger WILL beat necro 1v1. Thief WILL beat mesmer 1v1, unless the mesmer heavily out-plays the thief. But luckily in conquest a mesmer can do stuff other than repeatedly fail at 1v1ing a thief, instead they can go and hunt other players on the enemy team that are weak to mesmer.

    Would you really want to queue up for a 1v1 mode as a necro, only to find you've been matched against a ranger?

    Why would you against the idea of having variety? I'm simply asking for a map that allows death match because I'm really tired of running around trying capture something. We get bunch of conquest already and if you love it so much you already got what you wish for. Don't be selfish when someone else wish for something they like ;)

    As for 1 vs1 I think you just need to know your class better. I beat thief all the time with mesmer in fact I was 1 vs 2 thieves and still killed them lol. So please don't jump into conclusion of counter play. It all really come down to how good are you with a class, you can play a class thinking it's counter class against whatever but if you suck you're still gonna lose.Also I main necro I never got beaten by ranger... so not sure what build you're running or talking about lol...

    @Bazsi.2734 said:

    @Tom Hsiao.9705 said:Can we have pvp content like 1 vs 1 arena without capturing stupid points or just the good old days 4 vs 4 like GW1 without the capture points (yes I know I’m repeating myself but I really hate capturing points!!). I’m really tired of running around capturing points and totally miss out the pvp a lot of time.

    Like literally the team can beat the other team in team fight but because we don’t have people capturing points fast enough we still lose.. like who on earth thought of this horrific idea?? Please give me one map in pvp that’s just pure pvp without capturing some points. Come on GW2 you can do better than this!

    Class design does not function in GW2 for a game mode like this unless it's a tiny little arena like 2v2/3v3 and then class design STILL doesn't function because it just makes thief/mesmer/ranger(?) useless.

    How are they useless 1 vs 1? Or death match?? Do you play those classes?

    Classes were designed to be unique. Even though in theory everyone can do everyting, there are things class A does better than class B. A thief will never be as good as a healer as a firebrand, but will outrun it in every scenario.

    Some classes are best at quick roaming, and sidenode duels. Their AoE cleave, overall damage and support is lower to balance out their enchanced mobility/survivability. If you want to play thief/mesmer/ranger/warrior effectively, you avoid getting into teamfights as much as possible. When the efficiency of half of the classes depend on conquest not devolving into TDM, it might be a bad idea to have TDM as a serious gamemode wouldn't you agree?

    With current class design, conquest is pretty much the only sPvP gamemode possible. 2v2 and 3v3 are fun distractions at best.

    Have you ever tried 1vs1 mode? If not how would you know it wouldn't work? and why does pvp must have roaming?? you can roam all you want at wvw nobody is stopping you there. All I'm asking is a mode for straight up pvp and not run around is that so hard for you to understand? Don't tell me thief/mesmer/ranger/warrio cannot straight up pvp they can only roam lol! also I can't tell you how many times I see thief/mesmer/ranger/warrior <-- the classes listed above carry their team in team fight. who says pvp must be aoe cleaving or healer firebrand?? bursting a huge amount of damage on focus fire is another strategy too. OMG you never seen pvp people call target and focus fire??? class like deadeye or berserker mesmer and soulbeast excel in taking out low toughness target in a combo (sorry I didn't mention warrior because I don't play that class but I did get killed by some godly warrior quite a few times in teamfight in fact that warrior was so good it tanked all our damaged and killed us one by one). So HOW on earth are they bad at teamfights?????????? This is crazy assumption I can't believe I have to answer to this. What rank are you anyways??

  9. @Shiyo.3578 said:

    @Tom Hsiao.9705 said:Can we have pvp content like 1 vs 1 arena without capturing stupid points or just the good old days 4 vs 4 like GW1 without the capture points (yes I know I’m repeating myself but I really hate capturing points!!). I’m really tired of running around capturing points and totally miss out the pvp a lot of time.

    Like literally the team can beat the other team in team fight but because we don’t have people capturing points fast enough we still lose.. like who on earth thought of this horrific idea?? Please give me one map in pvp that’s just pure pvp without capturing some points. Come on GW2 you can do better than this!

    Class design does not function in GW2 for a game mode like this unless it's a tiny little arena like 2v2/3v3 and then class design STILL doesn't function because it just makes thief/mesmer/ranger(?) useless.

    How are they useless 1 vs 1? Or death match?? Do you play those classes?

  10. @Blanche Neige.7241 said:

    @Tom Hsiao.9705 said:I think it will be easier just to have a pvp server where players can pk other players in open world just because they feel like it Instead of doing faction pvp…

    I played a game where there was PVP and PVE servers. After a time, PVP servers were merged together because there were not enough players on them. When I left that game for GW2, there were talks of closing the last PvP server and to merge it with a PVE server.

    PVP and WVW players frequently complain there is not enough people playing those game modes, and opening a open world PVP server would not help that. It would only spread a small player population even thinner than it is now.

    You'll need to be more specific with what game you're referring to. Which game is a game???Any game could have server merging if it's a dying unpopular game.Or if the game is P2W so people lose interest in PVP aspect very fast because majority of the people just can't keep up with the payment to be top PVP players.(But I don't see that happening in GW2 because everyone pretty much use same level of armor anyways so it's more about who's got better skills)

    Here is a few reasons people complain about PVP and WVW for not having enough players:

    1. Mechanics sucks there is not PURE PVP in this game whatsoever, it is constantly chasing points in PVP.
    2. People complain about WvW because it gets old. You can't do much by yourself because you can't capture castle or whatever by yourself that's why having a normal map that doesn't focus on capturing castle or camps would be very nice. (lets not even talk about stupid participation points because you can potentially be fighting someone and lose all that because you're not killing some guard or getting camps)

    Having a PVE map that can also PVP would open up more excitement for this game because people can do PVE while they do PVP and not worry about some points being ticked down while they're just farming monsters or harvest whatever material they need.

    I'm assuming you don't participate enough PVP content in any game so you don't know the difference?People in this game are soooo afraid of changes and they're so content with what they have it's so hilarious.This game doesn't need updates or new patches because people on this forum are afraid of NEW stuff and changes lololololol

  11. @ollbirtan.2915 said:It's one of the many oversights / bugs that ele is infamous for. BTW. it took anet 7 years to teach necro's shrimp to swim...I wouldn't have my hopes too high on ele sadly.

    I hope they can just copy and past those codes and make my elementalist pet swim!!As for summon got unsummoned after mount/ dismount if they can’t fix it then they should reduce the CD of summon glyph to 20 sec instead....

    @Teratus.2859 said:I like the pet mechanics myself but underwater elementals might be a little too far.

    Just thinking of a fire ele underwater or a stone elemental swimming lol kinda doesnt work unless they give them whole new models and turn them into like elemental fish or something.

    In general though I do think more skills deserve underwater variants even if they have completely different functions.. im not a fan of the limited build diversity in that content, it's one of the last big changes that needs to happen to make underwater content as good or close to as good as land combat is in this game.

    I don’t think Letting those elementals swimming is too far... if they can let elementalist cast fire magic in the water then I don’t see why those elemental pets can’t swim lol.

  12. Can we have pvp content like 1 vs 1 arena without capturing stupid points or just the good old days 4 vs 4 like GW1 without the capture points (yes I know I’m repeating myself but I really hate capturing points!!). I’m really tired of running around capturing points and totally miss out the pvp a lot of time.

    Like literally the team can beat the other team in team fight but because we don’t have people capturing points fast enough we still lose.. like who on earth thought of this horrific idea?? Please give me one map in pvp that’s just pure pvp without capturing some points. Come on GW2 you can do better than this!

  13. The whole nerf skills for PVP but not PVE just shows certain class is more OP compare to others in PVE!!!!!If you wanna BALANCE them you would do the same nerfing for PVE as well smh...Why leave certain class OP in PVE but not PVP? that defeat the whole purpose of balance anyways lmao!

    @Tom Hsiao.9705 said:Why can’t they do the pvp like every other mmo which is normal.... you use the skills you normally use to pve not some specifically nerfed skill to go pvp.

    Most other MMO's also use split skills for PvP, since they find out very quickly that it's impossible to balance a skill for both PvP and PvE simultaneously.

    There's a few that don't have split skills, but not that many these days as over time many games transitioned into splitting skills.

    Umm which other MMOs does split skills for pvp?? I played so many MMOs over the years and have never seen this before.

    @maddoctor.2738 said:

    @Tom Hsiao.9705 said:Btw for people claiming we got wvw or sPvP so we don’t need open world pvp... I think they need to look at how crappy certain skills are in wvw and spvp ... the CD on some of the skills are ridiculous lol (300 sec CD)!!! It just makes the pvp In this game so unattractive, I want to perform the same way I do in open world not heavily nerfed. Why can’t they do the pvp like every other mmo which is normal.... you use the skills you normally use to pve not some specifically nerfed skill to go pvp.

    The reason why skills are different is because what you fight is different. The best example is confusion

    Player: (0.0975
    Condition Damage) + 49.5 damage per stackNPC: (0.195
    Condition Damage) + 95.5 damage per stack

    As you can see NPCs take more damage from confusion and that's by design because monsters attack way too slow compared to players. If they wanted confusion to deal the same damage in PVE and PVP then it would be overpowered in PVP if it used the PVE damage or useless in PVE if it used the PVP version.

    This also goes to all those talking about duels in PVE. What happens with Confusion stacks? Can 2 players dueling be affected (and affect) mobs around them?

    This is probably the only legit reason why that condition needs nerfing in PVP but I'm talking about skills nerf with ridiculous amount of CD that just makes zero sense.Who use a passive skill with 300 sec CD and that's not even ultimate attack!!!??? If that's the way to nerf a skill might as well remove the skill and create something new lol!

  14. @Witch of Doom.5739 said:

    @Tom Hsiao.9705 said:Well if we can’t dye normal weapon due to HUGE amount of work at least give us the ability to dye legendary weapon and backpack!!!! It’s not like they released that much backpack or legendary weapons lol. I see they put the ability to dye the free cloak we are given meaning they can choose for specific item to be dyed Surely can’t be thattt much trouble to give us the option to dye our legendary weapon we work so hard for.

    If I can dye my legendary weapons... I would be so happy. Their color scheme never works for the look I am going for.

    I know it's not for everyone, but dyeing a toon's armor to go with the Legendary instead of the other way around can be beautiful. I dyed my Elem's armor to go with The Bifrost and have literally had people do double-takes and tell me how pretty she looks. If I ever make Frostfang I'm going to do the same thing, lots of inspiration on GW2Style. Again, not everyone's cup of tea, for sure, just an idea.

    That’s literally what I’m doing right now and it’s quite annoy because I’m stuck with the same color forever due to the fact I only have nevermore..and there ain’t much color to play with... So it’s very frustrating lol

  15. I think it will be easier just to have a pvp server where players can pk other players in open world just because they feel like it Instead of doing faction pvp... I mean that might lead to unable to finish the quest because of some ahole pker. Not everyone likes pvp so adding that option will just get bunch of rejections lol... I notice a lot of people on this forum just like to reject for the sake of rejecting and not able to accept new ideas which is kinda sad.

    But people who choose to be in pvp server already expect pvp because they want pvp so it’s different story.

    Btw for people claiming we got wvw or sPvP so we don’t need open world pvp... I think they need to look at how crappy certain skills are in wvw and spvp ... the CD on some of the skills are ridiculous lol (300 sec CD)!!! It just makes the pvp In this game so unattractive, I want to perform the same way I do in open world not heavily nerfed. Why can’t they do the pvp like every other mmo which is normal.... you use the skills you normally use to pve not some specifically nerfed skill to go pvp.

  16. First of all I want to thank ANet for upgrading glyph of elements and the lesser one as well for giving elementalist pets that will last long enough. I have been asking about it forever and I know it’s not permanent summon like necromancer but it is still better than nothing....(Sorry I know this happened in February but I quit GW2 a while back because I was very upset about my elementalist for a while and just found out about this fabulous thing today)

    However can you pleaseeee make the pets survive in the water like you did it for necromancer!??? Also why do the pets get unsummoned after mounting and dismount? Is this intended design or it’s bug someone please clarify that.. thanks!!

  17. Well if we can’t dye normal weapon due to HUGE amount of work at least give us the ability to dye legendary weapon and backpack!!!! It’s not like they released that much backpack or legendary weapons lol. I see they put the ability to dye the free cloak we are given meaning they can choose for specific item to be dyed Surely can’t be thattt much trouble to give us the option to dye our legendary weapon we work so hard for.

  18. So this has been bothering me for quite some time... Backpack dye and weapon dye why aren't they available???

    I bought the entire daydreamer set along with the wings and weapons but it forces me to use default color to look apart.. if I dye the armor the rest of the set just looks REALLY OFF! which is quite annoy. Why can't the dev let us dye the weapon and back pieces? Seriously I literally have to change my outfit to certain color just to match my weapon and wings which is annoy.

    We are giving bunch of customization weapon skins and such huge color palette but we can barely use it because majority of the color doesn't sync up with the default weapon skin color or the backpack color!!!

    Please fix this! it has been YEARS!!!! stop wasting time making bunch of weapon skins because I'm NOT gonna buy them ANYMORE unless I have the ability to dye them!!! :/

  19. Hello devCan you all please consider rework the Druid staff? The attack skill on it is just horrible.. skill 1 shoot out a beam which is extremely hard to really hit multiple targets... I mean who really line up their targets to try to hit multiple targets?? :sPlease change it to some kind of aoe spirit bomb that explodes on impact or something...
    Or perhaps make the beam act more like chain lighting effect that will hit multiple targets near the selected target?

    I know ranger have other weapons that can do easier aoe damage like axe. But it just doesn’t feel really magical using an axe....I want to shoot out magic stuff while I heal... I thought Druid is suppose to be like the magic version of ranger. :3

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