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Everything posted by TingleTangleBob.6027

  1. Since I have been waiting in Cue for 40 Minutes here some thoughts on Performance Improvements that have been discussed in other games for quite a while.This might be important, because capping Player Numbers will certainly lead to reduced Player Numbers in the long run (If the recent statement was somewhat untrue). I have had quite a lot of conversations concerning Performance in Path of Exile and just as here the main cause for laggs was CPU intensive calculations. So what do we know: The largest impact on performance are not just Player Movement, but most importantly ticking Conditions and Boons, because each calculation with multiple variables (if the boon is not from you and interacts with boons the other players have), has to be calculated every server-tick. Now even though Server-Lag will increase rather exponentially with a linear increase in Player-Numbers and vice versa it can be handled with tweaking these interactions and the necessary calculations per second. Now you could either rework how some of those spells and boons are applied, OR just shift the meta to a point where these things are less important. For example. Early on in GW2 ticking boons were very rare and conditions much less important. Surprisingly, even though individual hardware performance was much worse, the fighting experience after the culling-patch was quite a lot better in 3-way fights then nowadays. So here are some things you could do: Calculation-side:-Increase the tick-intervall boons are applied in and increase the stacks of boons that are applied (same thing over time, but less ticks it has to be calculated)-Increasethe tick-intervall between every condition-tick-change how boon duration is applied and reduce the number of variables in those skills (really easy example: If I apply a fire-dot it takes one fixed value from my stats the first time, and then just ticks at that) So basically streamline calculations Meta-side:-buff condition cleans-buff physical-damage-nerv condition-ticks and duration-nerv boon duration Those are some very easy thoughts and some are extremely easy to apply (they might collide with PvE and PvP, but thats always been a problem). Maybe change the way you think about this problem in a sense of having to throw money at it, when instead you could throw some problem-solving at it. I hope this was some kind of food for thought and will lead to a better experience. I'll be going back to Obisidan Sanctum running rounds at spawn until I can play. Have a good one!
  2. which would that be? Telekom? Because Telekom has a kitten peering at DE-IX, where the amazon servers are peered. Versatel. Fibre Connected Company Network. Almost all Servers in Germany have a Ping of below 4 for me.
  3. As someone who has played about 80% of the Friday Restarts since GW2 has been released, this is by far the worst state the servers have ever been in, even taken culling into account.I have the great advantage of being able to play from one of the best performing networks in germany and still can't manage to play this game between 7 and 11pm.This is not a 3-Way Problem. Your Servers do not work. Period. 2 Parties with 60 People? Can't dodge. Can't cast. Can't Heal. Can't Resurrect. People are Teleporting.3 Parties? People desync by seconds up to larger fractions of a Minute. You have been constantly downgrading these Servers. Even though Player-Slots have been cut by at least 30% (Yes we counted Player numbers on spawn back in the day) and even though computing power/web hosting has gotten much cheaper over the years you stil managed to worsen the overall experience and performance.I can reassure you and all of my community members that this problem is your server and your server only. I'm also quite convinced that this is due to the fact, that you are cutting costs. At the wrong spot again. We have lost many Players within the first 60 minutes of every week, because they experience these lags, which are completely preventable, and instantly log out.You have chosen to lose these Players and you will continue to lose Players, because in the end only a working gamemode will keep these players.Thank you for investing the extra 300€ a month to give all of us the necessary performance to enjoy this game. P.S.: Please don't add anymore mounts and other stuff that requires a Tick higher then 4, because the faster an object moves, the more it will desync when the tickrate is low (you could have calculated that beforehand btw.). P.P.S.: If you don't have the money necessary, feel free to ask the community. We would all be happy to pay, if at least we could prevent the gamemode from being completely neglected/dying out.
  4. Since you guys seem to forget, that we can just check how many Keeps there have been flipped: Highest Rank: 4001 SM Flips 100.000/4000 = 25 So 25x 7,5 Years = 187,5 years I dont think you will get this Achievement. On another page: Sure, why wouldn't we want new grinding Content. But then I just remember how badly WvW is working even though Player numbers have been capped to About 60% of what it was before. Performance is gone down the drain. Especially to useless new Features like Mounts. (You cant even hit them on a normal Server, because the tickrate is so crappy, that they are more then 600" away before you can actually cast an attack). We stil have 4 Maps of which two are a complete copy (So they didn't create more then 3 Maps in 7 years). My PvE Playing Friends have 6 figure Gold, while I have 70. Because Loot is stil crap in WvW and playing it is much more costly then anything else. Dont get me going on balance. And there is one million other Problems which are not addressed, but im sure new grinding Content will help the game. What else could, if not that.
  5. When you sit on the best available Network in the city, have the best available Hardware and the game doesn't update for continuous 20seconds, you know that its the servers again. No, honestly you know that, I dont have to tell you. But what has happened in the last weeks? Maybe not only People, but also Server Performance has left ANet. I keep many Videos and Data to look back onto and even though FPS has gone down a little, what I dont care about, because average Hardware goes up too, the overall experience has gone down the drain. If you want to shutdown WvW, do it.There was a time where you could do 100v100v100 and you started to get blinking skills and had lags. For seconds. Not half a minute.No you get a 50v50 going and nothing happens for quite a while.That means that either server performance has been cut down, or that the servers just cant keep up with the increased amount of calculations, due to new conditions and boons, more spam of those, more AoEs and Mounts that move so fast, that a 4tick just cant manage to show them at the right spot, because tick has to be relativ to movement speed, or its just a game of porting. Thanks for fixing. If you need money, ask for it, but dont just break the game and think that it wont hurt sales. When you cant see player mounts, why should we bother to buy skins.We dont want great events, like the lay-around-in-an-enemy-keep-for-5-minutes event. We want a working game. And a fun one maybe, too. Next problem. Warrior is kind of broken atm. Next. You can jump into the keeps with your mount. Many. Next. Fix Dunebuggy level 21 bug. Its been here for about 4 years and with the rescaling of keep health its showing just how broking it is. Pleas increase squad size to a full map. Theres no point in having to kick out 20 players. Because its the scouts and more unexperienced players that get kicked first. Why bother to give the option to share loot, when they cant be in the squad. There is propably another few hundred handfulls of problems. But those are the ones which are talked about atm. Thanks and have a great day.
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