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Everything posted by Lucidity.5947

  1. Hello, here's your elementalist bug testing queen Lucidity here, who just got twist of fate fixed for us. But here's another lingering issue that has existed since release: about 10% of the time when you dismount while being attuned to two different elements, for example air/fire, youll actually have all air skills except for your dual air/fire skill which functions as expected. The skills all work as they show on the skill bar., which could be gamebreaking or gamechanging. This is a critical bug because I can make an aggressive dismount into a zerg in wvw only to be stuck with air skills I had just used, or not even knowing what skills i'll have as I dive 30 people. This is a critical bug that must be fixed for wvwers. I'll also use this opportunity to please ask that you let us retain sight of the elemental attunement bars as we are mounted, so we do not forget what skills we have if we choose to dive a zerg 1v30 as I will always do.
  2. Anet, you fixed my twist of fate bug because i'm elemental queen Lucidity. But you forgot this updraft bug. Do not make me repost it with my name and my infamy just to get eles their ability to play correctly.
  3. They fixed my twist of fate bug, because i'm Lucidity. but they apparently didn't listen to your thread, how unfortunate. Anet, fix this bug before elemental Queen Lucidity shoves it down your throat C: it needs to be posted to the bug section of the forums so they'll actually read it...lord knows anet only plays GS classes.
  4. no way this can be intended. the audio and action completely do not line up. too bad anet doesn't care about elementalist people. they care about classes they can understand, and nerf what they cannot grasp into oblivion.
  5. Hello, Here's your elementalist bug-testing queen, Lucidity. Since release of PoF, the stunbreaker and evading skill "Twist of Fate" is actually able to be interrupted at the very beginning of the cast. I kind of accepted it as normal gameplay, but since the removal of stability for weavers, it really has become an issue in WvW. I'm guessing this is because of lag delay for client side skills, with other peoples skills queued up before I hit twist of fate on my client. I'm guessing this is more noticeable when im diving a zerg 1v30 as I usually do, and less so in the small balanced numbers of pvp. It happens pretty rarely, but I definitely notice it with the extent I push my elementalist to. Is this intended behavior for this skill? A stunbreaker and evasion skill that can be interrupted before I can actually evade? It definitely goes on cooldown as I get stunned/feared a second time, and stops my evade from happening at the very beginning, after I assume the "stunbreak" has already happened.
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