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Posts posted by BrotherBelial.3094

  1. 18 hours ago, Ashantara.8731 said:

    I couldn't agree less. The emphases were just distributed differently than in previous expansions, but the contents are there. HoT's story can be played through in one evening as well when you have already uncovered all locations you need to go.

    The Strikes are great and a lot of fun, there is so much new stuff to do, including the Masteries which are not pointless.

    I'm on my third playthrough, by the way, with six more to follow.

    The only thing I am truly disappointed in are the new Elite Specs. Most are plain awful and, to use your own words, pointless indeed.

    I'm glad you like it, the masteries are pointless though, you do not need any of them to do anything, other than the skiff, the maps feel empty of other players. glad you like strike missions, but i fail to see the point in them other than trying to get people in to raids. witch again are pointless unless you want legendary armor. and can be bothered to deal with all the toxicity that comes with that.

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  2. 20 hours ago, Gibson.4036 said:

    I’ve been enjoying the maps, fishing, and I’m just starting to explore the new especs.

    I was disappointed the story seemed short and choppy. Characters feel like they’re just getting built up to be interesting and then they are gone. We learn about new problems and then they are quickly solved.

    I’m disappointed the siege turtle wasn’t unlocked early in the story to be used as we played it but instead put at the end.

    Im most disappointed that ArenaNet has decided to push us into strikes, locking the turtle and Jade bot upgrades behind them. I see no reason why open world features should be locked behind instanced group content where you can’t even use them.

    I agree, I have zero interest in strike missions/Raids. I really can't be bothered with the elitism and toxic environments that always accompany  "end game" content like that. Since adding raids Anet seem to be losing touch with what many day one players got the game for in the first place. locking content behind things like raids and strike missions is a bad idea, especially when the things locked behind them where selling points of the expansion. 


    They want more people to play raids, I think because they have spent a lot of money on them with very little in way of players actually doing them. I mean unless you want the legendary Armor. So now they want to use strikes as a stepping stone to get more people doing them, and they are using the ST and JB as hooks to do that. problem is, that will not work. people with ether just flat out not do them, or once they have what they want. never touch them again. Only a small amount will play them over and over.

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  3. The story was short, like really short. A total of 4 maps again, with not much happening on them at all, and lets not even start on trying to get an ST. I didn't expect anything going in, but their was so much wasted potential. The new "masteries" are pointless, the skiff, is kind of cool, but adds nothing we didn't already have. Everything just feels like "filler". The maps are beautiful, as they always are. but overall, I really can't see me wating to replay EoD

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  4. The games main problem at this point, is it has a lot of "end game" maps. this leads to the illusion of the game being dead. the player base is spread out a lot. Add to that the "dead content" like dungeons, that got there rewards nerfed into the ground so people would play fractals over them. Basically if you're new to the game there's a lot of content you'll probably miss out on. Temple events in Orr, map meta events getting completed in the living world maps, HoT and PoF,(the vast majority fail now in my experience as there is never enough people to do them) also dungeons as I've already said.

    • Confused 1
  5. @BigWhiteShogun.2591 said:Players not aware of Time Zones ? Are you all flatards or deliberately choose to not think? I was hit by this hard to, but learn to freaking be patient.

    They did, I don't know if they still do, have a European office. Also, company's have people on call for things like this. Especially global company's. So people are not being unreasonable, so no need for name calling.

  6. Who whole thing should be made fun. Collections inside collections, that's just a poor attempt of a fetch quest is not fun at all.

    Now the Calabrog quest was fun. It was the right length, and I had fun doing it. So far all the mount collections have just felt like work rather than fun. I'm on the elemental eggs. I did 5 on the bounce, and now I'm board of doing them. The collections are just not fun or engaging. It's a check list, it's not really content, it's a job list.

  7. @"Tupaloe.8267" said:Surely they can come up with more exciting and fun ways to engage the player community in using the maps that aren't very populated. This was definitely NOT the way to do it.

    This is the 3rd mount collection, clearly they can't. Each one has gotten progressively worse, not better.

    I don't mind "fetch" quests, to a point. I'm on the eggs now(the elemental ones), and I'm feeing the burn out coming. The worst part is I know I've got more of this to come.

  8. I want to say right away, I have no problem working for something, so this feed back is not from a "being lazy" point of view. Now we have that out of the way, I'll get to it.

    First off, I'm still on the first part of the skyscale collection. So far its collection in side collections. I really fail to see why on gods green earth each part of the collection requires a collection of it's own. This is the first collection, and I know I have days worth of stuff to do. So if each part is a collection, in side collections, my question is why? The progression is so painfully slow, and quite frankly unenjoyable. This isn't a legendary weapon or armour. It's a mount. First the Griffin then beetle. Collections are ok if it's just the one. But collections inside collections are just not fun.

    I'm sure there are people out there who can spend multiple hours at a time playing so it's a non issue for them and that's great. But not everyone has that kind of time, also it's not going to give me a sense of achievement, it's going to leave me with "thank **** that's over!". I'm sure that's the opposite of what you are trying to achieve.

    I read somewhere the idea is to have a bond with the mount, sorry its pixels. I'm not going to get emotionally attached to it, no matter how many hoops I have to jump through, if anything it's going to make me like it less. I hardly use the beetle and Griffin, mostly because they are kind of useless and only really of any use in specific situations.

    I'm getting a bit off track here. Basically I feel the collection needs to lose, at minimum, half of the sub collections. I can feel my self burning out already trying to get it done so I don't end up wasting a day because of the time gates. I know it's being dropped to 2 hour cool down, but even that is too long I my personal opinion because of the sheer amount of sub collections involved.

  9. @Starfall Leyline.2481 said:

    @"Cragga the Eighty Third.6015"@Kidel.2057I was watching the video that Kidel linked, and I noticed that as the devs were talking about the mount, they constantly refer to the dragon as "he" so I feel vindicated in my gender choice, haha! Choose ye gender freely, and be not dismayed by the tyranny of mission writers!

    I don't really give a rat's kitten about that either to be completely honest. :)But from your reply (or lack of) I get that probably you also noticed that the Skyscale has some issues that we hope will be solved soon.

    @"BrotherBelial.3094 "I find it amazing that ANet have not even uttered a word about this at all, other that to tell us they'll talk about the skyscale on the 24th.Probably because it's the weekend and they didn't have all the staff to discuss about it. I guess we'll hear more from them tomorrow or probably the day after.

    No, that's not it. People have been complaining about it since Tuesday. It should not take a week to tell your players, "we are looking in to changes" or "its staying as it is" silence is just a way of ignoring the problem and hope it goes away, and people find something else to complain about.

    The fact that they didn't. Mention a single thing about the time gates or the collection just added fuel to the fire.

    The Skyscale was the biggest incentive and advertised part of the patch. Expectations where of being able to get it on short order. The reality is a collection that is time gated for no good reason, and a collection on par with the effort needed to make a legendary weapon.

    They have done an amazing job of killing the hype for many outside of the people who love to grind/can play to make sure the daily reset is a non issue for them.

    I was hyped to get a new mount, now I can't be bothered to login any longer than it takes to collect the login reward.

    take a while to get people together. This is part of what irks me about responses such as this. The fact of the matter is, they need to discuss all changes, and not just discuss them, they have to figure out how to change things without breaking other things, or the content itself. It can often require intensive alterations to game mechanics and code in order to implement changes. Changing the time-gate from daily reset to in-game days, for example, is not as trivial as you might think. Not to mention if they were to make changes to content, they have to figure out how to do it without breaking it for people who have already started.

    And that's not factoring in all of the
    things they have to juggle unplanned changes into. They aren't just sitting on their thumbs waiting for a job request to come up, they're working on other parts of the game, and very likely future chapters, so setting aside time to go back and redo other parts of the game takes time.

    So yes, that is
    it. They're regrouping to try and discuss how to handle it. There are more than one possible solutions for them to discuss and decide on, and then act on.

    It's not hard to put out a "we hear you, we will be meeting to discuss this" that takes zero time. It's also the job of the community manager to do damage control on things like this.

    I'm more than aware of how games are made and what it takes. Don't use it to defend the silence. It has nothing to do with the community managers communicating with the players unless they don't have one after losing Gale.

    I don't expect a change to.be instant, what I do expect is acknowledgement of players concerns.

  10. @Kidel.2057 said:

    @"Cragga the Eighty Third.6015"@Kidel.2057I was watching the video that Kidel linked, and I noticed that as the devs were talking about the mount, they constantly refer to the dragon as "he" so I feel vindicated in my gender choice, haha! Choose ye gender freely, and be not dismayed by the tyranny of mission writers!

    I don't really give a rat's kitten about that either to be completely honest. :)But from your reply (or lack of) I get that probably you also noticed that the Skyscale has some issues that we hope will be solved soon.

    @"BrotherBelial.3094 "I find it amazing that ANet have not even uttered a word about this at all, other that to tell us they'll talk about the skyscale on the 24th.Probably because it's the weekend and they didn't have all the staff to discuss about it. I guess we'll hear more from them tomorrow or probably the day after.

    No, that's not it. People have been complaining about it since Tuesday. It should not take a week to tell your players, "we are looking in to changes" or "its staying as it is" silence is just a way of ignoring the problem and hope it goes away, and people find something else to complain about.

    The fact that they didn't. Mention a single thing about the time gates or the collection just added fuel to the fire.

    The Skyscale was the biggest incentive and advertised part of the patch. Expectations where of being able to get it on short order. The reality is a collection that is time gated for no good reason, and a collection on par with the effort needed to make a legendary weapon.

    They have done an amazing job of killing the hype for many outside of the people who love to grind/can play to make sure the daily reset is a non issue for them.

    I was hyped to get a new mount, now I can't be bothered to login any longer than it takes to collect the login reward.

  11. @Jumpin Lumpix.6108 said:Only people who voted as I have, are true scholars and gentlemen.

    Bad news is weapons can.not.be dyed, they where coded in a way that they where never meant to be. To give weapons that ability they would have to redo each and every weapon in the game. It was something that came up when HoT was being talked about and people asked then. Same for mix and match armor weights. They where never designed to be and would be impossible to do unless they had unlimited resources and people willing to do the work of redesigning every weapon and item in the game.

  12. I find it amazing that ANet have not even uttered a word about this at all, other that to tell us they'll talk about the skyscale on the 24th.

    People are annoyed by the time gates, they have been hated since they where introduced with Ascended weapons, but at least you could "buy" your way around the time gates. These ones are just imposed on players for zero good reason. Say9ng it's to keep people playing the map is the worst reason ever, if the map is fun, people will play it. The level of frustration I personally feel by this decision and design choice is one of, I'm gonna play something else and not bother playing GW2. I'm playing login wars right now, because there is no point in being locked in to how much I can do at any given time.

    Seeing as I'm the kind of player who can't play for hours at a time because of real life. The time gates will make it so when I do get the time to do it, I'd end up being stopped by the time gates. Where the fun in that? Having time gated crafted items is also annoying. Its 2019 and we still have to live if the poor choices of the past, and have people tell me that time.gates are a good thing when they are not. Not when it stops people having fun, and turns a game in to a job with a deadline and a check list.

  13. @miraude.2107 said:Arenanet, you might as well just start putting any new mounts here on out in the cash shop the way ESO does so you can at least get some revenue for your work if people want something as special as this to be instant gratification.The community is getting a new, shiny mount for FREE because all we have to do is log in to get the episode and all we have to do is actually play the game to get it. At least show some respect to the devs and actually play the game? I mean this isn't the griffon, you can actually stay in the air with this mount. Anyone notice that the endurance bar fills when you descend and you can fly back up (I think a lot of you didn't notice that judging from the yes votes)? I spent at least 45 minutes in the air messing around with that alone and never touched the ground in Dragonfall! Getting this mount means that I can easily avoid nearly everything in Tyria/HoT/PoF because there are few to no aerial threats to speak of in game. It makes sense that a mount like this can and should be time-gated, to make it worth the effort of getting it. So no, there is nothing wrong with this being time-gated as I can easily see this becoming a WvW/PvP nightmare and hearing the complaints on that end the moment it does start appearing.

    We have paid for the mount when we bought PoF, You need PoF to play the LW that comes after PoF. Not a single person is complaining about having to do stuff to get it, all they want is the time gates removed so they can get it as fast or as slow as they want. But I get it, it's cool to be edgy

  14. @Gop.8713 said:It's like they want us to play the game or something . . .

    It's like they want us to play the game at the pace they want us to. Why should I have to play the game at there pace ANet feels I should? why do I have to complete everything with in the time scale of a single day, or lose my progression? The way it currently is, I don't want to play the game at all. I wanted to get the skyscale, now I can't be bothered, too much hassle for no good reason other than there is probably going to be a long content drought, and they need something to fill the time, they thought this would be a good idea, it's not. I really don't see why there is a time gate and a gold sink on this mount.

    @Ashantara.8731 said:By the time this gets decided, we will already have our mount. ;)You might I will not. I'll be playing something else until ANet desides what game Guild wars 2 is, a time gated play on our terms, or play what you want how you want like it was always supposed to be.

  15. @"Deihnyx.6318" said:I'm glad these people never attempted to get legendary armors. That's some real timegate for you.This... is nothing. I'm sorry.

    Not everything has to be readily available.

    You are comparing apples and oranges there. One is end game best in slot stuff, the other is a mount that was the "selling point" of the patch. One is supposed to be worked for over weeks/months/years, the other should take a few hours. The only reason the time gate has been added to keep the people who play the story, then stop playing till the next one comes out, playing the game.

    Personally I like to play games at my pace, not one artificially set to keep me playing longer than I want to or expected to.

    I answered that earlier. You're supposed to get the best end game content by demonstrating your skills. That's the only difference.To make the comparison more straightforward. If this mount was first described as "legendary", would it have changed -anything- about the complains here? Cause if you think it would have, we definitely have quite a different experience with these forums.

    Yes, I agree it would. I would expect it to take days, over under a day(hours wise)

    Back to the current content, it's not content we pay for, it's content that is given to us. We had no idea when we bought PoF that we would ever see additional mounts. This was not a selling point (unlike raids and legendary armors for HoT). What I fail to understand is where was it ever said that this content should be readily available, that it "should only take a few hours". Why?

    LW is content we paid for, we have to have PoF to be able to play it, so there is money attached to it. Also by "selling point" I was referring to the Skyscale being the reason to play this episode.

    Now as I said before again timegate is just one of the ways, and one I don't like either, but there -has- to be some sort of "effort" associated to it. The beetle was forgotten pretty quickly specifically because it was easy and quick to get. Gold sink brings negativity from a lot of people as well (and can become a pay2win situation), and let's not even talk about challenging content that is just no longer allowed in story mode.

    The "effort" is easy to do with out a time gate, add more things to the collection, tie it to events/items/npc's on the map, or around the world.

    I'm genuinely asking, what is the correct way of rewarding content?

    Anything other than a time gate on something that is aimed at being content for everyone. ANet has said many times raids are not for everyone, and that's fine. We know, sure some people didn't like it, but they managed expectations.

    People have mentioned that people forgot the Beatle, I personally dislike the mount, I find the raptor superior, out of all the mounts we have I only really use 3. Raptor, Griffin and Springer. The Jackle gets used when there is a portal, and skimmer if there is a large body of water, the Beatle has no real advantages and is just a waste of time and pointless imho,

  16. @"Deihnyx.6318" said:I'm glad these people never attempted to get legendary armors. That's some real timegate for you.This... is nothing. I'm sorry.

    Not everything has to be readily available.

    You are comparing apples and oranges there. One is end game best in slot stuff, the other is a mount that was the "selling point" of the patch. One is supposed to be worked for over weeks/months/years, the other should take a few hours. The only reason the time gate has been added to keep the people who play the story, then stop playing till the next one comes out, playing the game.

    Personally I like to play games at my pace, not one artificially set to keep me playing longer than I want to or expected to.

  17. So the people who can play the game almost constantly, are fine with the time gate, while people who don't dislike it. Also saying people are entitled because they have a different point of view to yours is a weak argument.

    For many the selling point for this patch was the mount. ANet did a big song and dance about it. It's not unreasonable to assume that the mount would be fairly "easy" to obtain, having it artificially blocked to force people to play content they may or may not want to play is a poor design choice imho.

    No other mount is time gated in this way, and letting it slide would mean ANet would think everyone is fine with it. People are allowed to exspress there opinions against the design choice as are those who are for.

    No one believed they would not have to work for it, but being forced to work for it at a set pace can be, and is jarring for a lot of people. The current set up will likely have players do what they can for the day then go do, or play something else. In this day and age where games are fighting for player retention, something like this is a poor way to do it.

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