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Everything posted by Rodzynald.5897

  1. I'm sorry that you gave in to the temptation and bought the gamble, but I'm more sorry that you didn't get what you wanted. Unfortunately that is exactly what these gamble boxes are designed to do. You wanted only 1 skin, but not only did you purchase 4, you didn't end up getting what you wanted. What developers are hoping is that you will be like some people and continue buying licenses until you get what you want. What would happen in most cases is you would spend more money than if you just purchased the entire 30 skin set for the discount price of 9600 gems. Its a scam no matter how you look at it. Temptation or not, I didn't plan not buy those skins. I would buy it anyway just for the flashy one. Sadly, Anet won't change it and I have to deal with it, so I'll farm the gold till I get it even if I have to pay more gold for gems than I would for the whole pack. This is my iron rule that I do not spend real money on a game besides expansion packs, so I will play the game and farm the gold until Fire Pinion is mine. It will feel grand at the end, but I've lost a lot of confidence in Anet for that. I absolutely approve the idea of buying gems and stuff like that, they have to keep the servers working and pay for other stuff, wages etc....But... there were some other options to make those skins obtainable. Just like Tekoneiric mentioned above, mount specific adoptions to buy. Higher cost in gems (700-800) but less chance that you will get some trashy skin from other mount instead of the one you want. Now I just feel betrayed, salty and whatever. I wish I could just exchange skins, like 5 of them for 1 skin that I want, but that's not gonna do, they won't change it now which rustles my jimmies even more. Just have to deal with it and farm that gold like a good and obedient customer that I am.
  2. Well... I did it. I've sold all my mats and bought 4 licenses in which I got 2 good skins, one decent I would say, and one trash. I would gladly give all of them to someone else and get the one I want, because I didn't get it. I wish we could trade skins with other players (only skin exchange so that people have to buy them first). This whole RNG thing is utter trash, but it works. If I want that one particular skin I have to buy gems and because of that I have mixed feelings. If something like that happens again in the future I don't know if I'll still be willing to play this game.
  3. Well, one of the hardest thing to deal with are weapons. You can nerf some traits but you can't deny the mobility from GS or defensive/CC capability of a shield.I still can't tell if spellbreaker is OP. It can still be killed but you have to try twice as much to win, because it is the spellbreaker who dictates the pace of a fight (keep in mind that I refer to good spellbreakers).I find it frustrating when I manage to outlast the endure pain/berserker stance/balance stance onslaught just to find myself countered by kiting that allows a spellbreaker to keep on fighting until cooldowns are back, and to do so with relative ease. And no, I do not say that based on what I saw, I also tried SpellB for the sake of knowing it better. I can say that it's not about how good you are to beat a spellbreaker, but when a spellbreaker makes a mistake that you can take advantage of. There are barely any weak spots as of now. I even had a funny/frustrating situation when after a long duel, I was about to land a killing blow on a warrior, he evaded it by whirlwinding through me, downing me in the process. Not to mention the fact that even when his stances go down, he can kite with the mobility and defend himself well with full counter or shield block while passively restoring health from adrenal health.It all comes down to the fact that some classes, and spellbreaker is the finest example of it, are capable of multiple things at once. You can hardly meet with something like that in any other game. Mobility? Damage? Sustained healing? Bunker capability? Isn't that too much for one build to be able to do? I do believe it would be fair for one build to excel at max two things, but not at three or even four.What I heard from pvp'ers who play this game since launch, it used to be way more challenging to fight, because your class wasn't a jack of all trades. This is pretty much what we have now since HoT release. What I would like to see is a change to full counter. Either keep it at that cooldown but changed considerably. Apply all damage, interrupt and stuff to the one who triggers FC, thus SB would still be a good 1v1 fighter, but not a 1v1 brawler and a teamfighter at the same time. The second option is to keep it as strong as it is now, but 100% longer cooldown.The second thing would be to move adrenal health between some significant traits. Sacrifice something as others have to, you can't have all the best pieces at the same time.The last thing would be to remove evade frame from whirlwind. I do believe that would be good enough of a change that would not break SB but make it less forgiving. As for the rest of strong stuff as endure pain and zerk stance, I believe it is fair to keep it how it is now. Perhaps something could be done about it even more, but stacking nerfs is not a way to go.
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