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Everything posted by brokenrabbit.6538

  1. Hunh. I just now noticed it was gone. Now I'm not going to able to un-see it. I remember at launch wondering why the moon was in different phases when I went from one map to another. Then I started thinking about the painterly boarders and was like "I get it, each map is a different artistic interpretation". Oh, well. Don't suppose a 'bring muh boarders back' campaign would amount to much.
  2. No, neither of those. In game, the sides of the screen used to look like black brush-strokes.Edit: Look at the sides of the screen here: http://assets1.ignimgs.com/2012/09/08/guild-wars-2-20120908002456419-3658005.jpg
  3. Character Model Limit: Did you do it?Me: Yes.Character Model Limit: What did it cost?Me: My CPU :.-(
  4. Cool, thanks. Didn't know I could get to Silver Wastes and such yet. Spend most of my time harvesting the plat and hard wood. I've made a few small fortunes. I'm mostly a market player, I like economics.
  5. I only have one character and I've never finished the personal story. Had world completion years ago, just have no interest in the personal story. I hate being 'locked in' to something like that. Yeah that means I've never been to Dry Top, Silver Wastes, etc.If I purchase the expansions, do I have to play through the story to unlock the map areas?
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