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Posts posted by Serenity.6304

  1. @Lord of the Fire.6870 said:

    @"Zexanima.7851" said:I would say it's fairly well balanced. Movement speed across profession might(maybe?) need a few tweaks here and there but I never really feel "too slow" or "too fast" on a profession as long as I'm not playing a weird build.

    To many classes can run away from combat...it’s idiotic.

    Skill movement needs a nerf profession wide speed for its speed it is fine.

    Yeah I had that too the last couple of days warriors and core guards with perma swiftness and weapon with jump/dash skill . What they do is basically drying to kite people away from the group so that the rest can kill them .... I can only say too many of my groups had fallen for that

    @Gamble.4580 it has started man haha

  2. That is well-said. It also helps to think that all your team mates are trying their best. No one likes to lose on purpose. So when they get outplayed or outrotated and you know it better, please try to guide them through the team chat, let them know different approaches. I had a match yesterday where one thief wrote exactly where to go to. I knew he was a really good player beforehand, and that helped us to win the game. It was a really close match. Without his effort we might have lost the game.It also depends on the role / classes players choose. I almost exclusively play necro and tried thief months ago for the first time. This is how I got better at rotations. Since different classes have a different role and focus. There are so many aspects and your team mates have a reason they play like they play.Exception: Throwers, wintraders and so on...

  3. @Leonidrex.5649 said:

    @Serenity.6304 said:Since PvP is a neglected game mode and gets changes only rarely, the only way to enjoy it is to have an attitude of embracing the current state and making the best out of it. No point in complaining. Everyone is better off thinking of ways to counter stuff or by learning new classes. And imagine that‘s me talking: playing core nec and getting spawncamped by a DE not packing corrosive poison cloud one game yesterday. PMA for life haha

    doesnt core necro run around with 25khp, gigashroud and aoe reveal throght walls? on top of marks that can hit stealthed targets?

    True that. Still has hardcounters like DE

  4. I also think necro is focused because it‘s a class to kill easily. No blocks, reflects, no invulnerability skills, no skills to refresh your endurance, no skills including dodges, a heal skill that takes ages to cast... you really need to kite and be aware of your surrounding as a necro. Your average necro jumps in the middle of the node and uses spectral walk instantly after the match starts to get there even faster. (And to die there faster haha)

  5. I rezzed a good player yesterday and climbed all the way to him on the no port spot in collosseum where you can jump around the edge of the roof, feared ppl away of disturbing me with shroud 3 and staff 5, put anti-projectile cloud under my rezz because of those rangers trying to kill me. This rezz prevented us from snowballing hard since afterwards we could kill all those ppl standing around. In higher games (p2) ppl know when to rezz and when it is better to back off and it is usually more coordinated. If a player is downed that died like 10 times one game already (I had a guard in a game yesterday who always jumped in the middle of the node and was free feeding) I don‘t. Especially when you rezz them and they just stand there afking mid afterwards because they are trash-talking in the chat and not even noticing.

  6. Since PvP is a neglected game mode and gets changes only rarely, the only way to enjoy it is to have an attitude of embracing the current state and making the best out of it. No point in complaining. Everyone is better off thinking of ways to counter stuff or by learning new classes. And imagine that‘s me talking: playing core nec and getting spawncamped by a DE not packing corrosive poison cloud one game yesterday. PMA for life haha

  7. Funny. I play solely pvp because of the difficulty of landing your skills the most efficient way. Timing, knowing about the other skills, kiting and using no port spots, watching the UI, thinking of counterbuilds and ways to synergize with your teammates, counting dodges... It is all fun. PvE is often like hitting 1111 and still winning. (Except ofc raids etc. but you know what I mean... it‘s different) And ofc playing with friends and improving and suffering together :D

  8. @Gamble.4580 said:If u take away ros reaper will only have the role of team dps and will not be able to peal and be involved as much in the map makeing it super subpar to rev/grd/war/rng/ holo... why would anyone take reaper unless u are a 1v1 king or a high class player. And only necro really take it sooo idk what the problem is? And we have to take wh to use it or if u staff loose unblocking on staff abiltys sooo we give up allot to be more mobile and still can not out run a rev thf holo rng grd soooo unless u condi mes and if u are I would say why are u chasing people, or ele idk man idk what to say to you.

    ! THISThis rune is needed in order for some classes to remain viable.

  9. It is amazing what is happening here. CMC actually reading the posts and adjusting the patch. I am looking forward to more counter-pressure for holo, because the damage is very high and the sustain on the contrary high as well, which didn't work well (especially with my necro being cc-chained)Any word on when the balance patch is supposed to be ready?Two weeks, one month, or even after the season? I know that this plan does not necessarily have to be set in stone.

  10. Keep up the good work. Exactly what is needed gets nerfed. This is a step in the direction to make ALL classes viable again.I still miss fb getting tuned down but we’ll see.

    And if some changes are not good, they can get changed again. At least something is happening more frequently than every few months and the CMs communicate with us beforehand!

  11. Really buggy atm, I had matches in which I could not use any of my utility skills, matches where the loading screen didn't load for 4 minutes and so on...It's the servers. I won't play while this is so buggy, not fun at all

  12. It is annoying that we can't include runes, sigils, amulets and weapons into the templates. But at least the traits work, and that is nice. I write the runes etc. in the description of the build, gotta be creative since you can only use a limited amount of letters, but I can live with that... until there's a fix. I don't WvW or PvE so I don't care about switching builds between those game modes with the templates personally.

  13. I still struggle to count dodges although playing in p2 most of the season. But instead of claiming to make stamina bars visible, I try to practice that skill in particular. And it really helps. With your suggestion, the game is even getting more casual and easy. I think it is enough advantage that we see lots of skills in the UI already, no need to add stamina as well. As a necro constantly looking at enemy's UI in order to corrupt boons that are worth it your change would make life very easy for me, but this is not the way pvp should be going, imo.

  14. A crucial point in playing pvp is also to avoid dying. Dying allows the enemy team to snowball and usually dying can often be avoided by being aware of your surroundings and how many players await you. Also by disengaging before all your skills are on cooldown. Many new players jump in every fight even if it is them vs 3 ppl,, and die immediately. Even when players try to disengage, it is often way too late.There are so many aspects in pvp, and it is so much fun. Don‘t be frustrated, it takes time. I‘ve been playing for about 2 years now but I still learn many new things.

  15. Since you nerfed my main (scourge) hard for PvP, I want other classes nerfed as well. The main goal would be all classes to be viable. Viable means, that all classes have clear strengths and advantages, but this needs a risk to take. I hate to see high dmg combined with high sustain with not much effort, this is what I consider OP. I want scourge to be viable again, but since the changes will not taken back, I want to see the nerf bat. I would also be happy about an overwork for necro elites, since they are outdated and mostly not that useful for pvp.

    My priorities of nerfing classes:

    • nerf holo -> high sustain AND high dmg is not a good combination and still OP after the latest nerf
    • nerf mirage -> sustain and high condi burst
    • nerf rampage burst
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