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Posts posted by Daredevil.2745

  1. 32 minutes ago, XenesisII.1540 said:

    They should remove kdr stats, as it's being used to name and shame fellow team members.


    It is a valid reason to name and shame people who perform badly and who are the reason of us perfoming badly as well in fights. It is not our fault Arena Net linked themto us, we didn't ask for that.

    I told players on Aurora Glade many times not to come to EB, not to join fighting zergs, i told them to ppt on borders when the are no enemies, but they don't listen and ruin the fights for everyone. It is impossible to carry them.

    Remove the linkings!

  2. Remove the linkings, a server linked to us is heavily decreasing our KDR. Outnumbered 24\7 without a link = 1.2 - 1.4 kdr, when we have a lniked server - 0.6 KDR. We are tired to carry those players Anet liked to us, beside it hurts the reputation and pride to be farmed when half of the zerg are players from a linked server who instantly die and rally enemies.

    Aurora Glade is ppting at night like there is no tomorrow, that's all they can, remove the links, linked servers are worthless.

    • Haha 1
    • Confused 1
  3. 5 minutes ago, Some Call Me Tim.2319 said:


    hahaha. You do realize that they still get credit for killing you right?   

    But they don't have a stomp animation and they don't have + additional point for stomping. It counts just a simple kill + they can't drop siege\jump\sit on my corpse. These are the reasons why i never let anyone stomp me. Fast log off\log in is a good option.

  4. Good idea. If you allow smb to stomp you\take to prison, you deserve some punishment.

    Personally, when it comes to rare situation when smb is going to stomp me and there is no chance for help. i do quickly log off\log in back.

  5. lol piken is a linked server, not main anymore. what a shame, it must hurt the pride a lot to be linked to ring of fire haha. at least they took the place they deserved now as a linked server, nobody will remember your name soon. RIP

  6. lol piken is a linked server, not main anymore. what a shame, it must hurt the pride a lot to be linked to ring of fire haha. at least they took the place they deserved now as a linked server, nobody will remember your name soon

  7. Lol i didn't expect anything else from AG, they have a consistent 0.5 KDR week after week, looks like there are only bots there, becasue it is impossible to be that bad in game otherwise.

    • Haha 1
  8. It is an honor to be banned from anything related to Piken, what are you trying to prove with your comment? Noone likes you with your PvE mentality

    • Like 1
    • Haha 1
  9. Always funny to see a piken player excuses, expecially after he is saying

    1 hour ago, Anaide.8251 said:

    I play mainly in the morning

    Everyoone knows when piken karmataining empty structures with a qued map, yes it is in the morning. And when enemies wake up and start to play, their morning commander says "Thanks for fun, i have to go now"


  10. UW is not dead, there are many commanders and active communiy on UW, there just not enought players to play on borders vs linked servers. There are a lot of action on EB as this is the only map UW has players to play and not to be outnumbered too much. We farm Elona and especially Aurora Glade there easy.

  11. I don't see trolling here, everyone knows that Piken is a PvE server. Nothing new here. Noone takes Piken seriously in terms of WvW for many years already.

    • Like 1
  12. @Anaide.8251 said:For some stupid reason decided to log into wvw today. Since this morning Greens (WSR+Deso) are spawn camping in EBG...this is really sad. So I guess this is T1 eh?Maybe it would help if blues and reds don't flip anything to send out a message about the problem, but i highly doubt this will happen.

    I am surprised how they can offer so much coverage, I thought they were not always online he he he. I can barely leave spawn camp, they just sit in our keep and treb, or treb from SM - skillful I might add.

    By making such links ArenaNet wanted to show what players on your server deserve.

    And don't say that it is all automatic bla bla, it is working as intened to help certain servers and to bully others. ArenaNet could close transfers and make it 1 transfer per year. But they don't do that, so it is not hard to draw conclusions.

  13. The only thing the linking system encourages is to delete the game and never come back. Not giving a link to certain servers and make them suffer for few months is server rasicm and discrimination.I wanted to play the game again in PvE and WvW equally and probably buy the next expansion, but after few days on a server without a link, outnumbered every minute 24\7, i will just delete the game, it is uplayable while other servers with a link are allowed to "have fun" and steamroll with 5 times more players by Anet. Pathetic.The game may be balanced or not, faire or not, but rules must be equal - everyone should have a link or noone, not like now Anet makes players suffer on certain servers.The day befor relinking, Anet developer: "Yo, let's make players on this or that server struggle for few months, hahaha, will be fuun"2nd Anet developer: ""Yea, they will get NO LINK and will get steamrolled 24\7 looooool, sounds like fun, those players deserved that"

    • Like 1
  14. @"colddarknord.9081" said:Can anyone explain to me why I was moved from Aurora Glade to Fort Ranik in last friday? I don't understand how it works. Nobody asked my permission to move me. I absolutely do not want to stay on a francophone server where I have no acquaintances. Can I come back and play on Aurora Glade again?

    People on linked servers are so-called "slaves" for the main servers, developers throw you here and there every 2 months to help the main servers. They don't care about what you want, just do your duty and serve to your new main server well. You are not supposed to have friends or communities unlike host server's players.IF you don't want to stay in such situation, you will have to pay 1800 gems for a transfer IF the host server is not full. Sad but true, just accept your wvw status. It is like in real life, some people are born in respected and rich families, some people not.

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