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Nyxl.6257's Achievements

  1. Hello. I encountered an occurrence of this glitch while pursuing the "Redeeming IG-6417" achievement. Here too, once the inquests security golems were dispatched, the timer went on as if nothing had been done, and the giant skritt and their smaller comrades stood there under the bubble... Edit : here's a snapshot, notice how many smaller skritts around Subject S, and how the kill counter appears twice in the event description frame? After the timer went out, the event resolved as failed and the skritts were switch-killed. I did receive the "skritt rescue recording" necessary for the achievement, though.https://photos.app.goo.gl/X8pcs6yGanMhvHGH9
  2. Hello, possible regression here : I just took part to the first event of the chain in Diviner's Reach, specifically to trigger that chain, and Nayrim just disappeared, and has not manifested in more than 20 minutes. According to other players in that area, some have tried that as well for the past two days to no avail. So yes, possible regression with latest updates?
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