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Posts posted by TheNecrosanct.4028

  1. 1 hour ago, Inssengrimm.7924 said:

    Most people are farming black lion chest keys through alts all day anyway.
    A rational amount and pricing for these stattues would go a great way for many of us that just won't bother with either, doing the alt thing or actually buying them.

    If anything, i say placing a few of them at the Vault would be a nice hook for many to actually purchase a few more after finishing their weekly allowance, or maybe make it seasonal, but  anyway, great idea.

    That is entirely not the point. I, and I believe many more with me, would never vote to include statuettes in the WV for this reason. You can get them the same way everybody else can. You just don't want to. OP, however, is severely limited in this regard because they can't buy keys in the gemstore. All they have is the limited amount you can get for doing weekly key runs (takes a lot more time than buying keys in the store) or the RNG of map completion (which also takes considerably more time than buying keys in the store and doesn't even guarantee you get a key).

    I sincerely hope it is technically possible to implement a workaround for people whose governments have banned lootboxes by law, only in those countries. Others should not be able to take advantage of this, certainly not for the above reason of simply being unwilling. That's a personal choice. The consequences are for the one making the choice and they should not be rewarded with an alternate means of obtaining the items. Banning lootboxes by law was not a personal choice of any GW2 player, so an alternate means of obtaining the items for them only (guaranteed, because they are also guaranteed in BL chests) is no more than fair, if within the realm of possibilities. This would not be a loss of revenue for ANet because they don't get revenue from BL keys in those countries anyway.

  2. 17 minutes ago, Cyninja.2954 said:

    Unless you have an exact break down of what the revenue streams behind those other items were compared to keys, you can not know how good or bad the argument is.

    Name a  few items which were previously not available before the Wizard Vault. Then consider how much those items usually might be in relation to the revenue stream for Arenanet. Now consider what Black Lion Keys are for the revenue stream. Obviously important enough that the developers decided to limited key farming way way back.

    If you want to have something implemented which REDUCES the revenue for the studio, your best (and almost only) bet that the idea gets taken seriously is to offer some trade in return. Either explain how this change benefits the developers, or give ideas how it can be implemented in a way that there is an incentive for the change.

    The incentive would be that some countries legally forbid lootboxes in games. For people living in these countries it takes a long time and serious commitment to gather up statuettes to buy something from the vendor. I know ANet doesn't have influence on laws in countries around the world. But it would be nice if they could offer a workaround for people living in those countries so they can obtain the same items the rest of the world can, without it taking exorbitantly more time and effort. The ideal option would be that this alternate way of obtaining statuettes is only available in those countries and not those that still allow lootboxes in games. But I have no idea if that is technically possible to do.

    But I do agree with OP that it would be nice if ANet could find a way for people in countries where lootboxes are illegal to obtain these statuettes, especially since some items the vendor offers were only available based on RNG from those same lootboxes in the first place, meaning it's very difficult and/or time-consuming to get those items if you're Belgian, for instance.

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  3. 4 hours ago, Inssengrimm.7924 said:

    No GW3 is going to be good if they don't finish SAB.

    SAB is literally the best piece of content this game has ever had.

    I would take SAB over any raid, wvw, pvp, even an expansion, whatever any day.

    Be better.

    Sounds like you're playing the wrong game then. Don't get me wrong. I love SAB. I've been gaming since the 80's so it really takes me back. But it's literally a side story of a side character and their creation that has no bearing on the actual story of the game (except for 1 story chapter years ago). SAB is not what GW2 is about and it will never be what GW2 is about. It's a fun little addition that started as an April Fools joke. And now, finally after years, they're continuing development on it. Don't expect full worlds to be released every year because ANet doesn't have the manpower to spend on something that is not the bread and butter of the studio or the essence of their game. And why spend so much on a festival that is only active 3 out of 52 weeks? From a business perspective that would just be dumb.

    Go play some old 8-bit games if SAB isn't enough for you. Give it some time. Who knows where SAB will be in 5 years? I mean, 5 years ago no one ever expected them to continue development on SAB but here we are.

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  4. 1 hour ago, Ronin.4501 said:

    Are you really so foolish as to believe every guild that has a guild hall purchased these upgrades when this was first released into the game??  My guild just purchased these upgrades within the last month. If we had known this idiotic change was coming, we would have skipped them entirely.

    Not at all. Which is why I added the part "at the time guild halls were released into the game". Apparently you missed the point entirely. The point being that the value of Mystic Coins fluctuates with time (and there are significant differences in the value of Mystic Coins throughout the game's existence). It is unlikely they are the exact same value as when you spent them, meaning you will either receive less than what you spent or more. Neither are fair to both parties.

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  5. It's so nice to see how art makes people imitate life, even though they are more than likely not even part of it. I'm referring to the fashion industry (which I'm sure the majority of the complainers, if not all, aren't a part of) and how exclusive it is. Fashion creates trends that trickle down to the main populace. What you wear can be used as inspiration or just straight up copied or imitated and there's nothing anyone can do about that. No one holds the rights to their particular style of fashion. You can look down on someone copying you but you can't stop it. It seems imitation is no longer the greatest form of flattery but instead a violation of privacy? When you go out in whatever outfit you are wearing you are exposing it to the world and it is anything from private. Wear what you like and take comfort in the fact that it was your inspiration and creativity that created said combination of fashion items, not someone else's. Imitation takes nothing away from that, but ego can make us think it does.

    I do hope people are this upset when actual privacy violations take place. Imagine the outrage that would cause if this imaginary pixel contest gets people this upset already.

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  6. Finally, a chance to get more Gold Essence weapon skins (since they still haven't been added to the BL statuette vendor)! It was only possible to get 4 out of 16 so far, with the appearance packages released during EoD (which haven't come back to the gemstore in 2 years; I know because I've been waiting for one of them to get 4th Gold Essence weapon skin) and the EoD Launch Supply Drop.

    Also, there are no Abyss Hunter weapon skins. There are Abyss Stalker weapons that go with the Abyss Stalker outfit, though.

  7. On 4/12/2024 at 3:44 PM, Astralporing.1957 said:

    Check your facts first. The price of MCs was decreasing long before Vault entered the picture (it started dropping around EoD launch). It started to rise again only after Vault replaced the previous login rewards.

    No offense but, reading comprehension. Get it, mate. It prevents you from replying to message and saying the exact same thing in your reply, only in different words.

    But to reiterate: MC's were at their most expensive about 3 years ago. Then the price decreased to less than 1G (even though people expected it to rise due to a more limited supply of MC's). This would be during EoD, since that was before the Vault. Since the release of SotO/the Wizard's Vault, MC prices have gone up again and seem to have stabilized at around 2G.

    Now tell me, how is this different from what you said?

  8. 1 hour ago, Deadmoose.6594 said:

    Gw2 is the best mmorpg there is. Why? For me, I like that there’s no gear hamster wheel like in WoW, where your character becomes obsolete every expansion and you have to constantly seek new gear to stay relevant. That’s just one reason, but a main one for me.

    My fear is that a gw3 will lose that, because as most of you brought up, money. A game company will evaluate how they can maximize profits, and if that happens I’m not going to play that game. I really hate the notion that an mmorpg has to have the highest population, or make the most money to be considered the best. I’ve literally tried them all, and no other game comes close to how good gw2 is.

    I find that highly unlikely, considering the tenets ANet holds dear. They could have made GW2 a subscription-based game. It would have made them more money to develop future content. But the subscription-free model is what they want to stick to. The same goes for not devaluating people's progress in the game by constantly adding new levels/new gear tiers. ANet, as a game studio, has always abided by these principles, for about 20 years now. It's one of the things that makes them unique in MMO-world.

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  9. 13 hours ago, Astralporing.1957 said:

    Part of the reasons for the MC price increase is a permanent change though - the Vault system replacing previous login rewards.

    Mystic Coins had the value they have now even before SotO. Three years ago the price of MC's climbed, up to the maximum it has been through GW2's entire existence: 2.5G. The vault simply brought it back to what it used to be after ANet removed some of the supply of MC's (which made the price drop, not rise, contrary to what many people on the Forum expected). This little weeklong event will not have the effect on MC prices some people expect.

  10. 2 hours ago, Dayra.7405 said:

    You forget in your argumentation that after the increase of supply there was also a strong increase in demand namely the 1 month rune crafting and the SotO armor.

    Which goes to show my point. You're pointing out the reason the price went back to its previous position. It simply explains why what I said has happened.

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  11. 4 hours ago, Remus Darkblight.1673 said:

    Okay slight exaggeration on collapse, but it wouldn't surprise me if the prices do come down with more events. Bad for speculators, probably good for the community on the whole.

    Mystic Coins already went down in price not so very long ago due to changes ANet implemented, more than 50%, in fact. And yet now they're back at 2G apiece, like they were before. These temporary events will not crash or permanently change the value of Mystic Coins if the previous permanent change hasn't either.

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  12. 23 hours ago, Tashigi.3159 said:

    Last I checked, they were not researchable, only salvageable. But I can check, I have no use for astral acclaim. Sec.
    Looks like they may have updated it, it shows research now. I am not on the free trial though, would be curious if free trial accounts aren't researchable: https://i.ibb.co/1vTSWm2/image.png

    As a general rule you can go by this: if the ascended skin is the same as the one you can craft by yourself, you can salvage it for research notes. The game registers the skin you're salvaging, not how you acquired it. That has always been my experience and I've salvaged ascended purchases from the WV since it was introduced last year.

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  13. 36 minutes ago, Tiamat.8254 said:

    I wish that were true. Quite often soundtracks I listen to sell out of the first run of CDs very quickly. I think in the case of the gw2 soundtracks they aren't expecting anyone to listen to the vinyl but rather just display it somewhere which is a real waste. I would love to know how many people here have a record player and use it... 

    Got a record player and a full stereo set, with a few thousands CD's and a few hundred vinyl records. I actually don't use any music streaming services, never have and it's unlikely I ever will. When I do listen to music on my computer it's on iTunes and it's self-compiled playlists that I shuffle. I'm a music junkie, always have been, so I collect what I like. And physical copies are the only way for me. Then again, I come from a time when people actually knew all the names of band members, who produced the album and in which studio, etc. There's also too much music I listen to that you don't find on these commercial streaming services, so that's another reason I am not encouraged to use streaming services. My husband had a Spotify account and when I started looking what was on offer there were just too many things I couldn't find.

    I am the same with other forms of media, movies, games, etc. Books as well. I don't do audiobooks and I've never used a reader. Instead I have bookcases with hundreds of books I've collected over the decades. I also have a thing for special editions, hardcover books, extras on BluRays. I've been doing this for more than 30 years now (Gen-X here, born in 1977) and don't see this ever changing, unless they stop making physical media altogether.

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  14. 21 hours ago, Moto.7280 said:

    I'm glad at least some people took my concerns seriously. This topic isnt meant for amusement, its genuine feedback. My problem with alcohol is not particularly that I'm grossed out or traumatized, its merely that I reject it on grounds that its seen as mandatory component for social participation, an attitude some posters have demonstrated here by mocking me for not wanting to do that. I have not even suggested anything drastic, yet people still feel the need to put me down for it.

    I would ask why you are bringing this attitude here? Do you not want me to play? Would you rather a new player is booted out of the community than to simply acknowledge that some content is making them more uncomfortable than what you personally think?

    I made the topic here because I looked how to give feedback on the game and the arena net team suggested putting it here. And I was curious if anyone else has ever felt this way.

    I don't think you've been mocked for not wanting your character to drink for personal reasons (and if that was the intention of some of them, well, they can go F themselves). It just raises questions, valid ones. For instance, alcohol is an insurmountable problem, but killing animals and people isn't? What's your motivation for not having a problem with the latter and why can't it be applied to the former? 

    However, drinking is seen as mandatory for social participation? Sure, I know there are people for whom alcohol makes social participation easier but it is far from considered mandatory.  It might feel that way but that doesn't mean it actually is. I think we're mostly talking about parties/bars/clubs here. There is so much social participation going on outside of that. Talking to your neighbors in the backyard, having a conversation with someone you know at the grocery store, interacting with classmates at school or colleagues at work, etc. All social participation but I don't think anyone expects anyone to consume alcohol in those circumstances. And there are plenty of people who don't need alcohol at all to have fun.

    But such is life. We come across things we don't like, every single one of us, without exception. It is too much to expect the world around us to change according to our wishes so we can feel more comfortable. It's our own responsibility to deal with those things and that's part of how we grow and evolve as people. Not dealing with it or putting it in perspective has consequences and puts up barriers. This barrier is self-imposed, though. Why should anyone other than ourselves be responsible for removing those self-imposed barriers?

    I'm glad that someone has come up with a workaround for you. But don't make the mistake that the people questioning your request are all mocking you. It's not exactly a strong position and is actually counterproductive to understanding. It makes it seem as if you're putting yourself in a disadvantageous position, i.e. making yourself a victim to the whims of the world. That just makes us a target for a specific kind of people. I mean, we're talking about pixels and a fictional story here. Representation of a thing is not the thing itself.

    Anyway, I hope you'll do the responsible thing and put yourself up as the designated driver for whoever is going to be inebriated for your benefit. 😉

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  15. On 3/10/2024 at 8:46 PM, Pifil.5193 said:

    I got 8000xp for each map completion for the first third of the map, nothing for the second. They may leave it at that but I'm hoping they'll reset map completion and give proper map rewards, though.

    Well, you're certainly not going to get 8,000XP more than once for a single map, but you will get proper map rewards once the map is actually complete.

    They used to do it the other way around. Bjora Marches or Drizzlewood Coast, for example, which were both introduced in 2 phases instead of all at once, gave map rewards when you completed the first half, but then no map rewards when you completed the second half because you already got them. Now they're doing it the other way around. This will not be a case of Southsun Cove, where you only get XP because the map is nothing but a handful of WP's and PoI's.

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  16. I'm definitely for more variety when it comes to JP's/mini dungeons in the daily/weekly section. But what's the problem with Long Way Around? Get in, swim through, hop on turtle of someone who's already inside and you're done. It doesn't even take 30 seconds to do.

    And don't get rid of Spirit Vestibule. People might hate it, but having it as a daily has ensured that it is now done by plenty when it pops up on the list. It works having it as a daily.

  17. 17 minutes ago, Sobx.1758 said:

    Exactly, but I guess good luck getting an answer to that 😄
    "someone will complain about it so we can't do it" is such a meaningless attempt at argumenting anything here. Even moreso when the idea includes not substituting objectives for the new one, but maybe adding the new one on top of the already available ones.

    People tend to confuse the concept of "something for everybody" with "everything for everyone". No. Just no. No one gets everything and nothing is for everybody. And that is okay. That is how it's always been and always will be. It goes wrong when the people who want everything deny the wants of everyone else because they can't have it so no one should.

    The real reason, though, why we won't get a raid boss in the WV (and also why dungeons don't turn up in there) is because both are abandoned content. ANet isn't even trying to ferry people that way. Fractals and Strikes is what it's all about these days. As much as I hate that, I've accepted it. It's an 11 year old game. It changes, just like everything else does.

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  18. 4 hours ago, DanAlcedo.3281 said:


    People will see a reward they can't get. It doesn't matter if that's true or not. 

    "Why are you forcing us to do raids????" 

    Topics will pop up alot. 100%. 



    So? How is that an argument against adding a raid boss to the WV? If we stop ourselves anytime someone has a complaint we wouldn't be able to do anything anymore. People who always find something to complain about are best ignored. Not that I see ANet adding a raid boss to the WV, but this should be the least of the reasons not to do it.

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  19. 4 hours ago, SeTect.5918 said:

    Yea it gives 20. Strange it still says "30" when you hover over the chest tho.

    Not so much. Every day I get the pop up that I got 10AP for finishing my dailies, but I've reached the 15k cap years ago. The thing with the AA is likely a bug, though I won't be surprised if it stays like this forever.

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