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Too Frisky.9165

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Everything posted by Too Frisky.9165

  1. SOME people love it. The majority doesnt. Im fine with this event, actually - i will not die not playing a certain computer game for a week- but just looking at your Avatar picture lets me...somehow laugh and chuckle in the same moment. Enjoy your run while literally invincible. Must feel great. If the majority of players disliked anti-downstate as much as you claim, reset night this week wouldn't have had some of the highest queues in months and every map but EB would be empty. What is more telling is the number of smaller guilds that have come out of the woodwork to run havoc because they can actually contribute instead of following the karma train for 3 hours. Instead of attacking TEMPORARY change to WvW, you could just own up to the fact that it's fairly obvious you are a bad player who positions himself poorly in fights and is deleted immediately.
  2. As I've mentioned before, its new and exciting now, midweek its gonna get annoying and end of the week most will realize how kitten boring it makes fights because they all end in an instant and its impossible to punish ressers/stompers. I already saw the tendancies in zerging yesterday - the overwhelming forces just roflstomps without any delay to actually finish the job. Welcome to one push land. Fights are going to be boring and end in an instant, huh? Exactly how is that ANY different than the current boon, well drop, and pull meta that currently exists? Zergs that overextend can be properly punished now because there is real advantage in how your group positions relative to theirs. Good commanders can actually engage and disengage larger forces and win if they play it properly. The removal of the down state is certainly different and feels awkward at first, but that's simply because it is such a drastic change to what we've had for nearly 8 years now. The bottom line is that this a solid change to the way WvW works and if at the end of the day you don't like it, then just come back in a week when it disappears. Personally, I hope it becomes a permanent change because combat finally feels weighty and decisive and being downed inside the enemy zerg is no longer a literal advantage for your zerg.
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