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Tehologist.5841's Achievements

  1. I still feel holo mode being a tool belt skill is killing build diversity in competitive modes. The synergy with static discharge and kinetic battery is why holo forge damage gets constantly nerfed. I also feel always giving up something by choosing rifle vs pistol shield which kits do not compensate for. Either mobility and immobilize of rifle or blind/block and defense of pistol shield. With weapon swap and kits would still be weak, but at least viable.
  2. I see lots of scrappers and holos on my server, less frequent than firebrands or scourges for sure, but definitely not the rarest. Scrappers definitely get a lot of love, people do appreciate what they bring to a zerg. My server is pretty high pop, so roamers are a lot rarer, I roam with a havoc group from my guild from time to time. The truth is, regardless of class, your not very useful when your by yourself in WvW. You can basically flip camps and kill dolyaks, which you could do easily with rocket boots and grenades.
  3. We already have explosions cause vulnerability and a lot of other sources of vulnerability. I like the new additions. I really wish we had a single traitline for all the kits, they are so spread out.
  4. I play on wvw daily, everyone is way over tuned. If your not running heavy toughness your going to die very fast in wvw. I don’t feel holosmith is much of an issue there.
  5. I wished it worked like competitive battles in guild wars, had 3 factions instead of server vs server. Have an area with 5, 5 man parties per side and actual matches instead of zergs with pugs. Kurzick 4 life.
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