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Everything posted by Sylpheed.8163

  1. Just got confirmation that the achievement reward is also not account bound for anyone else wondering. Thanks all.
  2. The materials required to make the infusion are the same as the mystic forge recipe, which is not account bound, so not sure if this is a good assumption or not. The only difference is you save one stack of ecto if you use your 500 tonics in the mystic toilet versus using consuming them for the achievement reward.
  3. Not sure how one would go about doing this, but I'll look into it! Thanks.
  4. Is the infusion granted by the achievement account bound? I know the mystic forge recipe isn't, but I'd like to get the achievement and also have the infusion be non account bound so I can share it with my fiance, as she put in a third of the required ectoplasm for it.
  5. I really get the feeling that some of the recent changes were made to set up coming elite specs. Like I said, the next elite spec for necromancer should be a bruiser like scrapper or daredevil are for their classes.Stability makes sense for a bruiser spec, protection does too. If the spec also gets additional self healing (life steal or anything), then even the new blood bank trait would make sense since it could have great synergy with a bruiser elite spec. I think it's far far too early to be making changes like that since the next Expac could still be very far off..Personally I don't expect it to come after Icebrood Saga or if it does then I expect a pretty heavy content drought between the final episode and the expansion.Even though i've not played the last 2 episodes I am pretty certain that so far Ice Brood Saga has done absolutely nothing to setup any Canthan storyline.Both Living World seasons 2 and 3 setup their expansions with a lot of build up content, so I expect the same will come for the next Xpack as well which is why I've got my money on another short living world season after Ice Brood Saga ends. I could be wrong though.. but I hope that's not the case, I believe we really do need this next expac to be huge or people are going to be disappointed and deterred from buying any more afterwards. Both HoT and PoF got a lot of criticism for their size and length.. and if we go to Cantha and only get 4-5 maps again and a story that can be rushed through in a day or two I expect people will once again feel like expansions in this game are just not worth it.3 expansions, 3 disappointments will be how they take it and they'll be done at that point. Next one needs to be huge, jam packed full of content and finally giving that big expansion experience that people have been craving since they first finished the personal story several years ago.Plus this is Cantha we're going to as well.. there is so much love and excitement for this region because of Guildwars 1.. for a good number of us old players this was our favourite location in Gw1.They have a lot of high expectations to hit because of that XDThen prepared to be disappointed? Kind of dumb to compare your entire original story play through experience to an expansion, which as the name states, builds off of the original game. Not to mention you could beat the original personal story just as fast, the only limiting factor was that you were low level and had to level up to progress it. Buying the expansions literally give you more of everything while also funding post release content in the form of living story, events and gemstore junk. Tbh sounds more like you just need to wait for GW3 to relive your "big expectations" of rediscovering a new world.
  6. Signet Reaper (shroud camping) with speed rune is a great roaming build with unmatched mobility for necro standards since you can stay in shroud and cast RS2 several times in a row while having basically superspeed all the time. If you want to even improve that, change spectral armor to wurm - but for 99% of your fights this is overkill and you don't need that much mobility, not even against thieves or rangers. http://de.gw2skills.net/editor/?PSwAc2FlRw0YcMPWJOuWntbA-zRJYiR3fZkZq2bVZ3JJM+D-eThis build outruns GS warriors. Deadeyes can't follow and catch you if you decide to leave them alone. Try that with core or scourge. That rune really changes a lot of things. But on the other side on the fence its just a rune, if a warror would use it as well the benefit should be nullified. Thanks for sharing though, i would never have tried to use that one otherwise.I'm not sure that's how it works though, or everyone would be running speed runes to 'nullify' them. Warriors and thieves already have a ton of mobility, so using runes to augment their sustain or damage is 100% more valuable than being able to run a little faster. The way I see it, reaper has mobility issues and not so much with sustain and burst, so speed runes are a great choice. Of course, this is just how I think it works.
  7. Nice, thanks for all the feed back! Runes of speed looks really nice, will have to save up for those as they're pretty pricey for me atm. I think I'll try to mix and match berserker, marauder and cavalier pieces while running spite/soul/reaper and see how it goes. ^^
  8. I see. I stated in my original post that I was looking for personal sustain with decent damage using reaper. My original idea was to sustain and build life force and burst with reaper's onslaught+death perception and repeat. This is for small scale/roaming, even if necro has terrible mobility. Of course, all of this is theory crafting as I actually haven't played my necro at all, so I figured I'd ask for some feedback before crafting my gear.
  9. Due to the wvw patch last month, my main's build pretty much got demolished and I have hardly any enjoyment playing it now. While looking for new builds with similar playstyles, I came across reaper and it's been intriguing me. Are there any bruiser type builds for reaper? As in, decent sustain/tankiness while still being able to dish out good damage. Currently theory crafting a cavalier armor, rest berserker reaper but I'm open to any suggestions. This is mainly for small scale and roaming, as zerg wars makes my pc explode.
  10. I ran into a roamer running something similar I think, was using greatsword and axe/warhorn. His sustain was pretty high and still regularly hitting 5k crits on my marauder spellbreaker. Trying to come up with something similar but he was definitely running strength/defense/tactics.
  11. That's what it was starting to feel like after testing lots of stuff over the past weekend. I have a lot of time on core war but I figured I'd ask to make sure since I'm a guard main. Anet pls.
  12. Is there a middle ground for damage/sustain? Over the past week I've been trying stuff out, but I just keep going back to core for the reliable strength/defense/discipline. If you drop strength for defense, primal burst doesn't feel strong enough to warrant the sustain and lack of normal burst skills while doing the opposite just feels like a surprise gimmick build which will lose if you don't instantly down someone with double arc divider.
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