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Posts posted by Xxnecroxx.4039

  1. @"Joxer.6024" said:When I left GW2 3 yrs ago I was loving my Necro, both as Power and Condi. But since coming back it appears to have become somewhat of a "meme" class now for PVE? Others finding this or is just me and feeling a 3 year gap? I hope they are still wanted as I had fun with mine. ;)

    Power reaper is meh, it is fine but not anything special and is usually outclassed by other classes, condi necro is dead as a doorknob and support is the best way to play scourge but usually better off playing a different support, but if you where hoping for condi damage build, that is been dead for a LONG time. the main unique role of the necro at the moment is boon corrupt bot.

  2. @Phraq.5802 said:So I recently came back, I love playing the Necro type classes but being someone who also enjoys getting into raiding in MMO's how bad is it to main a Necro? Almost everything I read online is doom and gloom hoping to find a bright spot lol

    if you want to make an impact, dont play necro unless you want to be a boon corrupt bot that is about all necro is relegated to, the other positions it COULD FILL can be filled better by a different class

  3. @Lynx.9058 said:I'm not a fan of the death shroud replacements that we get with reaper or scourge, kinda got used to the standard death shroud abilities while leveling. Am I limiting myself by sticking to core?

    option yes, is it viable/good option for competitive stuff? mostly no

  4. @"SpellOfIniquity.1780" said:tldr; I have two computers but only one can support GW2. Said computer is getting a little old and needed to go in for a fix up.I have been away for a little over 3 months (since roughly the end of May) and would like to know what things have changed from my fellow Necromancers.

    If anyone could quote me on what ever those things are, I know at least a few like something to do with Blood Magic? As well as including your own thoughts on said changes, I'd appreciate it.

    I know I could just go back and read through previous notes, but I'd honestly prefer to get them from you guys.


    Okay I've read through most of the patch notes anyway, but I still want to discuss some of these things for the sake of curiosity and conversation. If you have any thoughts please write away!

    Just always assume that if there was a balance patch, necro got nerfed. or they got such a insignificant buff in something that was already negligible that it doesn't matter. it is how most balance patches go with necro. they never get TRULY buffed

  5. My wishlist,overall make the necro class not a boon corrupt bot and give it a good STRONG condi dps build and make it the king of condis again (without breaking the game ofc)

    also make staff ACTUALLY USEFUL, as well as an AI update for necro minions would be nice.

    but that is the thing about wish lists, you wish for stuff that will probably not happen

  6. @Black Storm.6974 said:I can not play Scourge in its condition version, it is really overly complicated, more than anything else in the game for me.

    There is a combination of factors that contribute to generate the problem, making Scourge condition extremely difficult to manage:

    • short internal cooldowns on traits that offensively affect skills, and traits strong enough to make those skills stronger than the auto attack chain;
    • short cooldowns (on skills) and several instant cast skills (powered by the traits I was referring to);
    • strength of the Scepter auto attack chain focused on the third hit, making important to not interrupt it.

    It is interesting to notice that I have this problem only with the condition version of Scourge. The main reason is that internal cooldowns of traits makes it overly complicated to play. It is interesting to notice that we have these internal cooldowns to not make these traits “too strong” in competitive game modes. I suggest to remove them, finding a different solution to not make the combination of skills and traits “overpowered”. I would really appreciate that.

    Another thing I really dislike and contribute to generate “the problem” is that to play condition Scourge effectively in PvE, I have to constantly keep my eyes on the cooldowns on the skill bar (that is bad for the game: it makes too difficult to pay attention to all the other things we have to pay attention to while fighting, and it goes strongly against the idea of not having to “play the UI”), these cooldowns are also very short. Also, I have to constantly try to judge what skill I should use next.

    Another thing that adds to the problem is that every skill is needed as offensive skill (cause some traits add powerful offensive effects to support skills). It would be helpful if some of the skills would be stronger as offensive skill and “other skills” (the support ones) weaker than the auto attack when combined with traits.

    All this mess is made worse by the necessity to not interrupt the auto attack chain of the Scepter.

    As I said this is simply impossibile for me (and probably most other people) that I’m even far above average for my commitment to improve my skills. It really totally ruin the fun for me.

    I don’t doubt that most of the player base is not concerned at all by the problems I mentioned, but this is mostly because the vast majority of them just spam skills on cooldown and don’t care if they can not perform well (if they are aware at all of their performance, which is also unlikely in most cases).

    I’m not against specs that require to think and are more complicated than others, but this is really too much (also too messy) and this is even on a profession that many people chose to play for its simplicity.

    I hope ArenaNet will be able, in the future, to consider and prioritise solutions different from “adding short internal cooldowns on traits that affect skills” when designing or balancing traits/skills.

    Thank you.

    where base necro is meant to be a condi corrupt bot, reaper a power spec, then there is scourge, which is supposed to be support. the class that should be the KING/QUEEN of condition damage is not allowed to by Anet, they hate necro and dont want it to be damage viable, heck even support viable it is not as strong as other support roles and its damage is crap. in the end necro is just a boon corrupt bot, and scourge is meant to turn that into a little bit of support, not for making necro what it should be and that is the top damage for condition damage (or at least competitive for the top spot)

  7. @Obtena.7952 said:

    @"jpsssss.7530" said:I know Well of Corruption and Well of Darkness got buffed, but every other well lost a lot of good stuff AND got a cooldown increase if you were using the trait... As someone who uses wells on Necromancer, I'd rather all the well changes be undone. I actually liked having some good protection up-time to make up for being immobile. Thank you Anet for ruining the one Necromancer build I actually enjoyed playing...

    In short, why nerf skills that have very little use? Like Well of Power and Well of Blood were already used very little... So why nerf them?

    Anet is like "someone is liking necromancer? NERF IT AGAIN, APPEARENTLY WE DIDNT HIT IT HARD ENOUGH WITH THE PREVIOUS NERF BAT" then there is that elementalist on the side crying "stop! he's already dead!"

    I almost missed your incessant whining.There have been a few builds that have been nerfed due to the Vampiric Rituals removal...but overall necro has been buffed. The change to Well of Darkness has been amazing. In T4's it shuts down everything under champion level, and by the time it's done, the target is dead. Reaper brings a lot of damage while also bringing a lot of debuffs (blind, chill, and yes even boon corrupt) as part of it's damage rotation. A profession doesn't have to deal 40k damage to be viable. And just in case you don't know, Reaper's at 34.3k benchmark, which is nothing to scoff at.

    necros still scoffed at in raids?

    Only if you choose to play that way.

    But hey ... you don't play anymore right? Or was that just an empty threat?

    o i did quit for a long while, i hop on every know and then to check things out (mainly necro) i look at the LFG posts and still commonly see necros not being accepted into raids or 100's and such

  8. @Methuselah.4376 said:

    @"jpsssss.7530" said:I know Well of Corruption and Well of Darkness got buffed, but every other well lost a lot of good stuff AND got a cooldown increase if you were using the trait... As someone who uses wells on Necromancer, I'd rather all the well changes be undone. I actually liked having some good protection up-time to make up for being immobile. Thank you Anet for ruining the one Necromancer build I actually enjoyed playing...

    In short, why nerf skills that have very little use? Like Well of Power and Well of Blood were already used very little... So why nerf them?

    Anet is like "someone is liking necromancer? NERF IT AGAIN, APPEARENTLY WE DIDNT HIT IT HARD ENOUGH WITH THE PREVIOUS NERF BAT" then there is that elementalist on the side crying "stop! he's already dead!"

    I almost missed your incessant whining.There have been a few builds that have been nerfed due to the Vampiric Rituals removal...but overall necro has been buffed. The change to Well of Darkness has been amazing. In T4's it shuts down everything under champion level, and by the time it's done, the target is dead. Reaper brings a lot of damage while also bringing a lot of debuffs (blind, chill, and yes even boon corrupt) as part of it's damage rotation. A profession doesn't have to deal 40k damage to be viable. And just in case you don't know, Reaper's at 34.3k benchmark, which is nothing to scoff at.

    necros still scoffed at in raids? yep, so no necro seems to still be crap

  9. @"jpsssss.7530" said:I know Well of Corruption and Well of Darkness got buffed, but every other well lost a lot of good stuff AND got a cooldown increase if you were using the trait... As someone who uses wells on Necromancer, I'd rather all the well changes be undone. I actually liked having some good protection up-time to make up for being immobile. Thank you Anet for ruining the one Necromancer build I actually enjoyed playing...

    In short, why nerf skills that have very little use? Like Well of Power and Well of Blood were already used very little... So why nerf them?

    Anet is like "someone is liking necromancer? NERF IT AGAIN, APPEARENTLY WE DIDNT HIT IT HARD ENOUGH WITH THE PREVIOUS NERF BAT" then there is that elementalist on the side crying "stop! he's already dead!"

  10. @DanAlcedo.3281 said:I dont get it.

    Was there a way to cheese a random fractal or something?

    A nerf to afk farming?

    Its not that i care much but this change is so nonsensical to me it hurts my brain.


    Anet hates necros, that is why. they just want them to be boon corrupt bots and nothing else. so be like everyone else, take your nerf bat beating with a smile and don't complain, it's not like they listen to us anyways

  11. @Nimon.7840 said:Yes you can clear everything, but You should look for a static group.If you are planning to pug raids, you'll have it hard to find groups that take you with them, as necro's dps potential is 15% behind all other classes.

    But even then, if you're looking for a static group and you find one that's not too bad, you might want to Switch Charakter pretty quickly, if you have arc dps meter installed.

    Pugs aren't really necro friendly, because necro has been on the bottom of the dps table for most of the time since raids exist

    wrong, necro was strong up until after Xera i believe, then necro started getting hit harder and harder with condi damage nerfs. but for a while, a sweet sweet fun time. necro was raid viable. unlike now

  12. @Clockworks.3825 said:Hello.Im almost level 80 on My necro.My question is, will i be able to do everything at a decent level?

    Im not looking to raid at the highest level, but would be able to clear everything in game with a necro?

    YOU CAN play necro in ANY content, whether or not you SHOULD is the REAL question. because you name it, another class can do it bettercondi damage (which necro should be the best at but it isn't because anet hates necromancer)power damagehealingsupporttankingroaming1v1ingetc, name it. another class can do it better OTHER THAN BOON CORRUPT, ONLY BECAUSE it is the only class that can boon corrupt. (but there is stuff like boon strip etc)

  13. @silent killer.5732 said:How the developers sees the meta in all games ? Do they really want everyone to play certain classes and not play certain classes !

    Why cant you make it possible to have meta for all classes like. It has to be a meta where for example the engineer can fit in and us necros can fit other meta.

    We paid just like the other players who plays their favorite class. Its pure racism nothing else. Or else how can the developers nerfed the only skill the necro can run to have a slight hope of having a party that will accept him to play with.

    Yesterday i run with two thieves and one renegade and one guardian as the so called condi scourge which is supposedly the best meta build for the necromancer aside from the power reaper.

    Dude i swear to god they were clearing the fractals as if im having deadly lag. I blink all the mobs were dead. I blink again they open the gate in swampland. By the time i run to them they already finished killing the boss at whatever fractal we were doing.

    I dont want anything bad to happen for any class. But dude make us relevant at least.(Dont say play other class because im playing this game solely because thats not a solution we want equal treatment, you choose your favorite class which happened to be the devs favorite child and never felt the need to switch because of irrelevancy).

    Anet hates necros, they re to lazy to do a full rework so we got to settle for being the bottom of the barrel for everything, PVE/PVP/WvW (unless you are being escorted which will raise your standing in PVP/WVW but that is outside the necros hands)

    their vision for the Necromancer is BOON CORRUPT BOT. so you better get used to it, i have sadly and i dont play GW2 because of it

  14. @"Nimon.7840" said:https://snowcrows.com/benchmarks/

    Only one class falls out of the 35-38k dps grid.I knew, necro wouldn't change based on the patch notes.14-20% behind all other classes dps wise? Really?

    Can necro please be one time the class that is ahead of the others and not always get the last crumbs, while everyone already has their bread and butter?

    So when is the big necro rework?

    Some ideas:Maybe introduce traits like:for scourge: loose all access to barrier but all conditions do 15% more damage?Or reaper: going into shroud doesn't cover your health anymore, deal 20% increased dmg?

    Other ideas for necro traits, that buff necro extremely, but also have a trade-off?Post them here!

    Edit: this isn't meant to be a qq thread for everyone. I already did the qq so cut that.. If you agree, just like my post. This is purely meant to be a collection of mostly trait ideas but also skill reworks that allow necro to do more dps, while having a trade-off, if they're too overpowered

    there is nothing more than I would love to see than a necro rework to give it an identity other than BOON CORRUPT BOT (I would prefer that identity as in the plague bringer, I,E the top condi class) but lets face it

    Anet hates necro, and never wants to see it do good

  15. @"KrHome.1920" said:Necromancer:

    • Signet of Undeath: Reduced passive life force gained per interval from 4% to 2% in PvP only.
    • Signet of Vampirism: Reduced passive base heal when struck from 325 to 211 in PvP only.
    • Unholy Martyr: Reduced life force per condition consumed from 7% to 3% in PvP only.
    • Death's Carapace: Reduced toughness per stack from 20 to 10 in PvP only.
    • Lich Form: Reduced duration from 20 seconds to 10 seconds in PvP only.


    Revenant and Guardian have been "hotfix"-nerfed too.

    what do you expect from Anet they hate necros and only want necro to be the unfun boring class that only corrupts boons

  16. no MEANINGFUL PvE buffs to help with necro, guess necros position of boon corrupt bot for all 3 modes is not gonna change anytime soonsad facehow long do you think it will be (if ever at all) until necro is COMPETETIVELY VIABLE for PVE endgame content, as in fractals/raidsand I mean viable as in, you bring them in for damage/healing and that you cant just put another class in the necros slot and probably get better results in every way

  17. and I mean this for both PVE and PVP, and NOT being just a glorified boon corrupt bot, since that is all necro is at this point. I love this class and would LOVE to see this class get some love, but unless it gets a full blown rework I doubt that will happen. I wish you could take this class into raids and not be laughed at/straight up booted. or at the very least not feel like you have very little impact in the actual fight due to necro being pretty much the worst class in the game for PVE

  18. @Axl.8924 said:

    @Xxnecroxx.4039 said:... you could literally replace the necro with many other classes and get MUCH more value ...

    Maybe that's true ... but then again, I think you will find that most players don't choose classes to play because of 'value'. It's primarily a theme-based decision. If your decision to choose a class IS based on value ... then you have lots of choice available to you without Anet embarking on a fool's errand to add another in a continuously evolving game system. This is more about players making good decisions, not about something wrong with a class.

    If a class ends up being below DPS of every class and by quite a bit while also playing as DPS, its bad.If a class is so badly designed, that people can't decide if its a support or condi such as scourge, its really bad.

    This game is not just about speedruns, and classes should not be prevented from doing raids for being too niche, because that is a sign of a terrible videogame.

    If all the sudden banner warriors became useless because of being nerfed, It would be a no brainer that they would get angry and take out their pitchforks. Being at the bottom because you are a support class and you actually do really make up for it would be one thing, butt necros hold no such thing, so its time to buff necromancers in PvE.

    Remember WOW when I think it was paladins who were sunwelled? well, they were very angry. What it means to be sun welled, is to be told you cannot raid.There is a stigma right now against necros and have for years, and they need to fix scourge and buff reaper in PVE. People don't come to this game to sit only on the bench and warm the bench while everyone else gets to play, so of course, necromancers resent ANET.

    not just scourge and reaper but core necro needs a overall. like I said a FULL rework of the entire class and some major changes to the elite specs are needed for the health of necromancer in this game. because as necro sits at this time. in PVE it is a joke with a reaper power build that is the but end of DPS. and in PVP/WVW they are nothing but boon corrupt bots. that is it and nothing more

  19. this class needs a rework SO MUCH in order to fix its many issues and make it fun again to play. and to be played in endgame PVE without being a joke. and I mean by a joke as you could literally replace the necro with many other classes and get MUCH more value. be it for damage or support. because as of now in PVP/WVW necro is a boon corrupt bot and in PVE it is nothing. yes there is a power reaper build but its nothing that good. I do love this class but I HATE how Anet has treated it over the years, and seeing this "what to expect in 2020" just made me think of how I would give up all the content updates just for a necro rework to make the class fun, more balanced, and just EASIER to balance instead of having to GUT it in so many places JUST FOR BALANCE.

  20. @KrHome.1920 said:

    @KrHome.1920 said:Just wait for the big balance patch where anet plans to lower overall damage. If done properly this will be a buff to necro since its defense is directly affected by damage numbers.

    Necro's main issue is its weakness to kiting and hit and run playstyles. Overall lower damage will raise the demands for proper kiting attempts to outplay the class. The lesser the damage other classes can apply to a necro outside of shroud the stronger the necro will become.

    I am also not a fan of limiting certain specs to certain damage types. Why would you do that? It does not make sense.

    when you think of warrior you thing of POWER, it should be when you think of necro you think of PLAGUE, PESCILLENCE DISEASE! but really all you think about is tickle damage and boon corruption. and a free kill if they are alone. it is fine for classes to have multiple builds but a class should have a main identity. you don't think of POWER when you think of Necro so why focus so much on giving it a power build? when it pretty much doesn't have a condi build that is ACTUALLY GOOD? where warrior has bot has both good power AND condi builds. where necro is still JUST A BOON CORRUPT BOT and nothing else viableNah, when I see the berserker animations anet created I think about fire. And when I think about a slow horror movie monster I think about hard hitting direct damage. Nevertheless a direct damage berserker and a condi reaper should be viable options.

    It is going to be a long time until we get another elite spec, if we will get any ever... so we have an interest in as much options as possible with the specs we currently have in the game.

    Anet Doesn't want multiple options for Necro because all they want for necro is a meme power build and for them to be restricted to a boon corrupt bot and nothing else

  21. @Axl.8924 said:

    @KrHome.1920 said:Just wait for the big balance patch where anet plans to lower overall damage. If done properly this will be a buff to necro since its defense is directly affected by damage numbers.

    Necro's main issue is its weakness to kiting and hit and run playstyles. Overall lower damage will raise the demands for proper kiting attempts to outplay the class. The lesser the damage other classes can apply to a necro outside of shroud the stronger the necro will become.

    I am also not a fan of limiting certain specs to certain damage types. Why would you do that? It does not make sense.

    when you think of warrior you thing of POWER, it should be when you think of necro you think of PLAGUE, PESCILLENCE DISEASE! but really all you think about is tickle damage and boon corruption. and a free kill if they are alone. it is fine for classes to have multiple builds but a class should have a main identity. you don't think of POWER when you think of Necro so why focus so much on giving it a power build? when it pretty much doesn't have a condi build that is ACTUALLY GOOD? where warrior has bot has both good power AND condi builds. where necro is still JUST A BOON CORRUPT BOT and nothing else viable

    If necro is solo queuing he wil often still not get supported, and since he cannot really do ok alone, solo queue sucks.

    I focus on the more PVE aspect of the game, since you know. it makes up about 90% of the content, also I don't play to much as a mini protest of how they have treated necro to restrict it to nothing more than a boon corrupt bot and nothing else

  22. @KrHome.1920 said:Just wait for the big balance patch where anet plans to lower overall damage. If done properly this will be a buff to necro since its defense is directly affected by damage numbers.

    Necro's main issue is its weakness to kiting and hit and run playstyles. Overall lower damage will raise the demands for proper kiting attempts to outplay the class. The lesser the damage other classes can apply to a necro outside of shroud the stronger the necro will become.

    I am also not a fan of limiting certain specs to certain damage types. Why would you do that? It does not make sense.

    when you think of warrior you thing of POWER, it should be when you think of necro you think of PLAGUE, PESCILLENCE DISEASE! but really all you think about is tickle damage and boon corruption. and a free kill if they are alone. it is fine for classes to have multiple builds but a class should have a main identity. you don't think of POWER when you think of Necro so why focus so much on giving it a power build? when it pretty much doesn't have a condi build that is ACTUALLY GOOD? where warrior has bot has both good power AND condi builds. where necro is still JUST A BOON CORRUPT BOT and nothing else viable

  23. @Methuselah.4376 said:Since the forum has been quiet for a while, I have been juggling a few ideas regarding how necro and it's elites can be improved. For starters, I would like to see Core necro becoming THE condi dps choice, Reaper remaining THE power dps choice, and fixing Scourge to be a better support choice.

    Reaper: I personally think Reaper is great atm, just needs a few minor tweaks in DPS numbers but that can mostly come in the form of competent off hand DPS choices.

    Scourge: sigh....For me personally, I did not take the nerf to the shade mechanic well at all. But fine, leave it as it is for the purpose of dps. I wanna address the support ability of the spec.

    • Desert Empowerment: Barriers you apply to yourself are also applied to allies around you/within your shades. Allies affected by your barriers do 10% more damage and gain protection.
    • Sand Savant: You can no longer spawn shades. You increase your personal AoE to 360 and can affect 10 allies. You apply 33% more barrier and heal allies for half the barrier value upon expiration. No healing if barrier is entirely consumed. F1 becomes Desert Lore.
      • Desert Lore: Convert all condis on allies into barrier (5% of health per condi). 30 CD, 45 for PvP and WvW
    • Nefarious Favor: put condi to boon conversion back up to 2.

    Now core necro needs a lot of love to be viable. Lets start with Death Shroud:

    • Change Life blast to Plague Blast while keeping the coefficients of the former.
    • Dark path inflicts 4 bleeds (8s) in PvE. Dark Pursuit will inflict 4 more bleeds (8s) in (2 in PvP , WvW) and more chill.
    • Life Transfer inflicts 2 stacks of bleeding (5s) on each hit.
    • Tainted Shackles does double the amount of torment in PvE.

    Next is Death Magic. While it IS the tanky traitline, I would also make it the poison/condi specific traitline like it was in GW1. Not as a competition or replacement for Curses, but an accompaniment. Kinda like how Guardian has symbol enhancing skills across different traitlines.

    • Flesh of the Master changed to Deathly Fortitude: Take 10% less damage and condis expire 20% faster when you have carapace.
    • Soul Comprehension changed to Spiked Protection. When enemies strike you while you have carapace, you inflict 1 stack of bleed (5s icd) on the attacker.
    • Dark Defiance: If you are disabled, gain stability. While above the carapace threshold, you gain pulsing protection (20 stacks).
    • Necromantic Corruption changes to Necromantic Zeal: Gain 100 expertise. Conditions you apply on poisoned enemies last 50% longer.
    • Beyond the Veil changed to Master of Death: Inflicting a condition on a foe grants carapace. Take reduced condition damage while at or above the threshold of carapace stacks. (This will help with maintaining carapace stacks without needing to invest in a grand master trait.)
    • Corrupter's Fervor changed to Bone Lancer: Whenever a stack of carapace expires, it shoots a bone lance (projectile) at your target (900 range) and inflicts a stack of poison on them (5s).
    • Unholy Sanctuary: Regenerate health while in shroud. If your life force is above the threshold, your shroud will activate if you would take a lethal blow and you will gain 1% health per Carapace stack.
    • Death Nova changed to Power of the Lich: minions you summon have extra life, deal more damage and transfer condis from you to enemies (10s). This changes how minion skills work. (It also condenses three individually meager traits into, what I think is, a solid grand master minion master trait).
      • Blood Fiend: Siphons more health and automatically heals you when killed as if sacrificed
      • Bone Minions: Summon three minions instead of two. Putrid explosion also leaves a cloud of poison gas; Poisoned (5s), 2 pulses.
      • Shadow Fiend: Can evade every 3 seconds and Haunt corrupts a boon.
      • Flesh Wurm: Automatically teleports you to its location when you're health drops below 20%.
      • Bone Fiend: When Rigor Mortis successfully immobilizes a target it will also Slow them.
      • Shambling Horror: Reduces damage taken by 40% instead of 33%.
      • Flesh Golem: has even more health and gains 2 ammo charges for Charge.

    In Soul Reaping, I would change Dhuumfire to apply 2 stacks of burning on core necro in PvE.I would also change Plague Sigent's passive to increase Condi damage by 180.


    I am a PVE focused person but I do see the issues that stem from necro due to the existance of boon corrupt in PVP/WVW and lack of it in PVE. so my suggested hanges will mainly be witout numbers but a general idea of changes. and overall it would be a HARD HARD rework of necro

    Staff, rework most of the skills, focus it of being a AoE weapon choice with lingering effects across all of them, like applying constant bleed poison etc. making the entire weapons moves like a mini plague lands.

    Core necro needs to be what it should be. a Condi focused class. being the MAIN Condi damage class. I would strip most of the boon corrupt from basekit necro and transfer it to a traitline that will replace current weapon skills with alterations where they deal less damage and apply less conditions but have the benefit of boon corrupt. while for core necro I would be ramping up its condition damage across the board and have the traits able to build the necro in 2 ways. LONG ramp up but HUGE damage when the ramping up of conditions is finished, or you build for quicker ramp up but the max DPS is decreased compared to the other version. a example of this is for the long ramp up would have LONG durations of bleed but short stacks applied in a short amount of time vs the other version where its lots of stacks of bleed with short durations. this would allow the necro condi class to change its specs depending on the encounter in PVE content, making it more versatile. also I would revert Epidemic (at least in PVE) to INSTANT transmission of up to 25 stacks of each condition from the target to 5 enemies closest to the main target, and they have full duration.

    Shroud in base necro would be REWORKED to add a new set of skills that require life force to be used but you don't need to enter shroud, thus locking yourself away from your weapon and utility skills to use them. these extra skills would be changed depending on the traits you have in your build to help further give the identity of either Long ramp up conditions or quick ramp up conditions.

    Minion mancer would be a entire trait line of itself as well an overall buff to Minion AI as well.

    Now for Reaper, I would keep the reaper shroud form aspect of it and the elite spec line would convert condition power and traits in core necro trait lines that have been selected into power, precision, ferocity etc boosts and maybe even giving self might and fury etc. it would not fully eliminate the condition damage from the lines but the condi damage would be more of a compliment instead of the main damage from the reaper specialization.

    I have never liked scourge, necro as a support? I think its stupid. but how I would go about it is to add some more base healing to the scourge abilities, and with similar transformations of turning condition damage to power from my suggestions in the reaper changes, scourge would do the same but for healing power and such. while still giving a decent amount of barriers to help keep its barrier identity. but I would nerf the AoE damage potential but BUFF the AoE buff potential. basically the AoE size for doing damage and such is reduced but the AoE is increased for ally affecting abilities.

    this would just be a general what I would like to see changed to necro. numbers of course could be changed here and there within this rework but overall I think this would help establish a identity of necro for being something OTHER than a boon corrupt bot (which is its current identity and only identity). with this rework you could be a boon corrupt bot if you want but you have the option to branch into other identities. a freedom which is not available currently

    Do I think Anet will ever do this? NOPEDo I wish Anet will do this? HELL YES

    but I have no faith in Anets direction with necro. because it is BLATANT that they HATE necro and ONLY want it to be a boring boon corrupt bot AND NOTHING ELSE.

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