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Posts posted by Xxnecroxx.4039

  1. I am curious if a certain profession is being overall very problematic in terms of balance and the overall direction it is going is bad, would there be a possibility to rework the entire profession? because at the moment there is 1 profession that sticks out like a sore thumb... and in a bad way. unlike most other professions that are very flexible and find viability in a large range of roles and high end content. this one profession really only has 1 job and 1 job only and it is only useful in certain gamemodes. and this profession has been a problem for balance for overall MANY years because of some of the core mechanics of it. so I am wondering if it is possible for a full rework of a profession. I would even give up a content update for this rework if the manpower is needed to accomplish it. because right now and with the future balance changes it is receiving it is clear it is heading in a even darker direction than I thought possible for the class.

  2. @KrHome.1920 said:

    @XECOR.2814 said:Anet wants the game to die. These decision are taken with that in mind.

    I doubt that want the game to die, it is more like they want necro to not exist

    The chrono shatter changes, warrior tactics buffs(50% damage buff to barrier lul), all necro changes. I think it is obvious no sane person would make these changes with good future in mind. Either they are not sane or they want the game to die.

    honestly I have only kept up on news about necros balance for about the past year waiting for them to actually be decent in PVE (that is not just a power build that a warrior will easily outshine everyday) with that not happening for a long while, at this point im just getting daily login with daily black lion crafting mats and getting guild harvesting nodes to make some gold for just logging in basically. and to get the free story stuffSame here.

    Checking patch notes every 3 months for the balance update hoping for a miracle, log in for 30 seconds before going to bed to unlock living story stuff and to get the daily chest. That's it.

    I did not grind the smallscale (dumbest timesink I've ever seen in an MMO) and I will not start a third class after ANet destroyed the two (teef, necro) I already mained.

    honestly they need to just do a COMPLETE REWORK of ALL of necro, I would forgo 6 months of content updates if they needed the extra manpower for it to, remove some of the boon corrupt from necro and give it some more pure condition damage as well as just reworking the shroud mechanic to not be crap. at this point necro is just a boon corrupt bot, now that is not all they need to do and call it a job well done but that is along the lines of what I would expect them to do in a rework to necro along with a lot of other things to make it more viable in PVE without breaking it in PVP/WVW

  3. @XECOR.2814 said:

    @XECOR.2814 said:Anet wants the game to die. These decision are taken with that in mind.

    I doubt that want the game to die, it is more like they want necro to not exist

    The chrono shatter changes, warrior tactics buffs(50% damage buff to barrier lul), all necro changes. I think it is obvious no sane person would make these changes with good future in mind. Either they are not sane or they want the game to die.

    honestly I have only kept up on news about necros balance for about the past year waiting for them to actually be decent in PVE (that is not just a power build that a warrior will easily outshine everyday) with that not happening for a long while, at this point im just getting daily login with daily black lion crafting mats and getting guild harvesting nodes to make some gold for just logging in basically. and to get the free story stuff

  4. they need to rework all of necro or rework the game heavily for necro to not be crap tier outside of WvW/PvP AND even in those gamemodes you are essentially a boon corruption bot, nothing else, yes you could TECHNICALLY go power reaper in PVE, but why? there are other professions that do power builds better and more consistant while also giving utility

  5. here is necromancer in a nutshell and what Anet wants us to be truly viable in, a BOON CORRUPT BOT. nearly all other builds are not meant to be competitively viable, at best they are just not a MEME build if you know what I mean. all of necro needs a rework or with how this game is structured where PVE does not really have boons and most of the boons they do have do not corrupt to be useful for DPS then necro will never get out of the boon corrupt bot status because Anet wont buff them

  6. A way I would rework necro is to remove the 2nd form of shroud and instead make death energy gathered used as a resource to cast more skills, no death energy no skills, this will increase damage but depending on elite spec, core necro it will increase boon corruption as in every skill will corrupt at least 1 boon but the skills themselves don't do much damage or apply much condi themselves, and some would be say single target or maybe a little survivability or even AoE corrupt etc, it would have to be played around but I would say 3-5 skills would be good to spend death energy on and for more balance you can always just increase or decrease the cost of these skills, but there is no transformation these are just extra skills basically, similar to warriors special ability for instance for the death magic energy, for reaper spec these would be more power based and apply chill, for scourge probably centered around barriers and condi cleanse or something along those lines, but to do this I would also take out some of baseline necro condi corrupt to help balance and even reworking some of the condi corrupt skills probably, and do a bit of splitting ofc between the different game modes, then probably increase the AA speed of scepter for necros, some balance tweeks to condi necro, this way it will move necro overall away from a boon corrupt bot to more condi but you can spec into a boon corrupt bot if you wish

  7. while I don't think this will fix necro. it is a good foundation to be going into the right direction I feel, also maybe increase the AA speed of scepter in PVE ofc by maybe like 10% would be a nice buff to BUT IN PVE or increase the bleed duration of every bleed cast by scepter AA

  8. you should also add the reversal of ALL NERFS to epidemic to the point to where its back to spreading the full duration of a max stack of 25 per condition instantly to the 5 closest targets around the Epi Source within a 600 range, but hopefully these other changes you listed will make Condi necro/Reaper/Scourge ACTUALLY VIABLE but because this is stuff overall buffing necros ANET WILL NEVER DO IT so don't get your hopes up it would take a GENIE to have these changes have a CHANCE at happening

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