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Posts posted by mrauls.6519

  1. @scarydogie.3024 said:

    @sinsrock.1702 said:ranger is forced into using zerk amulet to do dmg like its been doing, the issue isn't ranger, the issue is zerk amulet lol, plus since using zerk ammy its a free kill for most high burst classes, rev, dp thief, the HIGH AMOUNTS OF CC from necro, condi rev, tempest, i don't think ranger needs further nerfs tbh. half the time in order for SB to get the bursts it wants you need to use most of your utility skills, and for core, if you don't hit your Maul your pet doesn't do the insane dmg, there are plenty of ways to work around the pet for certain classes. ranger is really only a solid side noder atm. much like prot holo, necro, FB , spellbreaker. all these classes still have High survivability for sidenoding as well and do fare well against rangers. if your trying to full on tank a ranger your going to die. much like any other class, you can kite half the rangers skills just by LoSing.

    If you think you need to use zerk amulet to do damage on ranger, you're playing ranger wrong. Pets don't scale with your stats either btw

    You'd think it was a meme, but there are even rangers killing people using knights amulet. Crazy times

  2. @Brimstone Jack.3462 said:

    @Brimstone Jack.3462 said:Disagree. But they shouldn't be able to just burst down the enemy dps build that's being played defensively. i'll certainly concede to that much. Nerfing the dps output so it provides less spiky or intense DPS and more slow pressure is a fair compromise for me. I'm not saying they aren't a little OP, especially at low-mid levels. But not because of their sustain. And sometimes we all just get outplayed or kitten up. I believe bunkers should be able to bunker.

    If bunkers are able to hold 1vX, then everybody would play bunker and sit on nodes since enemy team can't bring 7-8 people to deal with them.

    Bunkers should be able to bunker. I dunno how many times you're gonna need me to repeat that. Sustained 2/3v1 skillfully played should absolutely be able to take them down. But as I said, lower the DPS output from the bunker so attackers have better survivability and can keep fighting them. MAKE them move. Or outplay them. But I don't think that balance-wise, anyone should be able to solo faceroll a bunker except for the occasional, easily counterable meme build or cc spam. In silver right now, my bunker regularly leads my PUG team in damage, which even with aoe boon corruption, is a bit ridiculous to me. Bunkers shouldn't be facerolling anyone in 1v1, either. Unless they try to facetank the tank. Then they should get spanked.

    I agree. Bunkers should be able to put up a fight (defensively) in a 1v2 situation; 1v3 shouldn't be realistic. They should not be able to put out high sustained damage.

  3. @Sunshine.5014 said:The problem is with the base HP between classes. The difference between 11k base and 18k base is like 700 extra stats. It's the base HP that gives Necro so much sustain power, since their trait heals by HP percentage.

    We have enough thing to differentiate the classes: namely, armor classes. That should be enough. All the classes should have the same 15k HP base.

    If Guardian had 15k HP I would be insanely happy

  4. @Trevor Boyer.6524 said:I sort of agree. But that big shroud is all the Core Necro has. It's honestly just kind of bad all around in the DPS department, mobility, and even CC. Like right now, the only reason why a Core Necro can even deal damage at all, is because it can face tank while completing its long slow animation channels. If the shroud mechanics are nerfed too much, it'll force too much defensive play, and the Core Necro will no longer be able to offense long enough to do anything at all.

    I do think shroud play needs to be nerfed, but if this happens the Core Necromancer shroud skills need some kind of buff compensation to accommodate.

    I wouldn't mind updating shroud 1-5 skills. The Necro kit is good atm. It has great CC (fear ring), condi cleanse, heal options, reliable port stunbreaks, solid elite for bursting... Shroud just doesn't make sense in its current state, after all the damage reductions

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