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Grumpdogg.6910's Achievements

  1. Yet again the wall humping bearbow rangers we have as Devs break the game further. How about instead of obsessing over damage and healing, you focus on the element that ruins the game? CCCCCCCCCCCC gg can't play your character blobs win gg
  2. Any chance of adding Mesmer/Rev/Ele back into the meta again instead of purely focusing on the holy trinity of Guard/Warrior/Necro?
  3. Rev Staff 4 needs to cleanse more than 2 condis if you're determined to bring back condi spam Revert all Chrono changes so we can return a class to the meta instead of just tinkering around with the current ones. Nerf Longbow Wall Ranger camping so you force people to actually come down and engage in the game. Remove siege disablers and double the damage of offensive siege so maps stay active instead of locking down a few T3 and then taking the week off.
  4. "Due to lack of participation we are no longer supporting this game-mode" Ie: Business as usual
  5. It's not about finding someone to play with, it's impossible to find anyone to play AGAINST
  6. Before totally removing WvW from the game as per your current plans, please condense NA to just two tiers for a while so we might actually see an enemy person.
  7. aaaaannnnd it's broken you absolute cabbage company can't even code one button
  8. 10% chance of an 'update' that contains nothing new90% chance they laugh in our face100% chance you'll be banned for asking
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