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Posts posted by Fortus.6175

  1. @Khalisto.5780 said:

    @Fortus.6175 said:Because you know that people are now frantically running those
    overtuned builds while they can, I'm not touching ranked till then. Already played 2 placement games (luckily won both) but it was almost nothing but rampage, holoS, mirages and a pinch of condi or dodge thieves, in just TWO games.

    I really hope it hits tomorrow (or today) because ranked is the bubonic plague and I aint getting close to it.

    I think next patch is like 2 months from now, since the wvw focused one is like 2 weeks old

    Welp, guess I will have to work out my patience muscles.

  2. Because you know that people are now frantically running those broken overtuned builds while they can, I'm not touching ranked till then. Already played 2 placement games (luckily won both) but it was almost nothing but rampage, holoS, mirages and a pinch of condi or dodge thieves, in just TWO games.

    I really hope it hits tomorrow (or today) because ranked is the bubonic plague and I aint getting close to it.

  3. I'm going to try to make this as concise as I can without making it too much of a wall of text, which I'm not fond of reading myself.  

    Overall general mechanics outliers:  

    • Stealth: Very little feedback, very little counterplay, wont even display in combat log until they reappear. Blocking with aegis/blind/dodge doesnt reveal them until something finally lands damage or stealth runs out. Someone can teleport away, run around you in circles, go to high ground heal back up and drop back down and there isnt much you can do about it or even try to guess what they are really doing (Im looking at you holos specifically for this). Stealth itself in many videogames is the strength of the machanic itself, incertitude in combat in a game where everything can flip on its head in 1-2 secs is already QUITE STRONG of a mechanic itself. In Gw2 there is no punishment for it, no slow (in fact some get faster), no tradebacks, no a lot of room for counterplay unless you are a medium and can read into the opponent's mind. Whether you spend a long CD CC ability on an "educated guess", there is no rewards from it since virtually nothing but the debuff reveal can remove stealth (very limited or not existent for some classes, and application is situational like sick-em which requires a target........) , and even then you gave a way to remove the way of removing stealth to thieves. Some classes can drop you from 1500 range from stealth, with literally one shot, which can preceded by unblockable CC. No matter how good you are, if someone literally does 100% of your hp from stealth, 1500 range, there isnt much counterplay to that. Relevant picts: https://i.imgur.com/RT8nk87.jpg and https://i.imgur.com/7XieoAe.jpg (got more but dont want to clutter this). My advice, give it the modern-time-games treatment; invisibility =/= invincibility. Like WoW, OW, LoL, Destiny 2, etc... Damage and or CC, or a threshold of damage (based on %hp) reveals them. If they get too close, temporarily show them, if they are nearby you give a small visual cue (similar to how blind visual effects work?) so that we know that they are still around and they didnt just use that 8 secs long stealth to go to another point while you are standing around wondering where they are and what they are doing.  

    • Teleports need some rules: Right now Revs and thieves make necros/eles lives miserable with teleports that ignore LoS, verticality (except for funky spots in some maps, aka inconsistency). Eles have a hard time surviving anything that can teleport every few seconds to them while said attackers have neither LoS, or are not in the same "level floor" as them. A rev can teleport every 5 seconds (a thief has no CD), burst and repeat until you are dead or, if you are a condi class, you can try to get the attackers full of aids in between those shorts moments outside of their evade-frames/invuln, which might give you some breathing room. Sword #2 thieves basically are the bane of any squishy, no matter where you hide, where you climb, your positioning or awareness, they can virtually pop in and out with basically no CDs and engage at will. LoS needs to be respected, teleports that completely invalidate positioning shouldnt be so easy to come by and so spammable.  

    • Condition speccs need some look at: I have always played power classes, but recently I picked up a core condi guard and suddenly I was consistently in top 20-50 playing soloQ, while putting less than half the work or thought (https://i.imgur.com/Ph2BnLw.jpg, https://i.imgur.com/z73S7rt.jpg, got more but Im sure you got access to my account stats). I have no issues identifying the real mesmer (playing since beta) yet even when I know the real one, I'm often fighting the clones so that they arent stacking so many condis on me; it is oppressive, not fun and basically becomes a game of whether can you survive it or outrun it, and their access to stealth/teleports/CC makes it difficult to run away from them as well. Having overwhelming amounts of confusion and torment means that the only answer you have is either use a condi cleanse that can remove 4+ condis at once (since there are also quite a few convering condis to boot) or simply take your hands off the keyboard since if you move, damaged, if you cast a spell, damaged, I dont think it is healthy for a game where the answer is to NOT play the game, it's not fun, it's just frustrating.  

    • Some builds kill too quickly, some dont die: Ever been on the receiving end of a power mantra mesmer bursting you from 100 to 0 from stealth? Or what about a DE dropping you from 1500 range from stealth? Or a ranger with Maul + Worldly Impact + sick'em coming from stealth from using smokescale#2 + blast? Burst guardian teleporting from 1200, behind a wall where you literally cant see them, with focus 5 + smite condi + other instant or near instant abilities, or a freshair ele, etc etc... There needs to be some chance to fight back, dropping to 0 or near 0 %hp right at the beginning of the fight, with little to no warning isnt something I think is healthy for competitive games. Likewise, holos, scrappers, spellbreakers or warrior with GS, any thief build with shortbow, perma evade daredevil, condi mirage, condi thief, etcetc will either facetank/evade-spam/tug you around the point/teleport/stealth/dash away if you get them low, then they can either get away and/or heal back up and re-contest, or go hide behind LoS on the back of the point if 1 or 2 allies come to help purge them away from the point. Generally speaking dying on these speccs means the player messed up, or the opponent can match their mobility and/or sustain. This isnt about the dueling power, Im ok with rock/paper/scissor, I just dont think laser should be in the game if it basically has an answer to nearly everyone while the others are extremely specialized on 1 or 2 things.  

    • Clear strengths and weaknesses are needed: Take necros, eles and guardians for example. When you fight a necro, you know that if you ignore it, they will kill you, your team, your family, and pets, you know they cant really run away so once they are in, they are in to kill or die, same for guardians but more like either you kill them first or nobody dies. When you see an ele (non weaver) attune out of one element, or overload it, you know that they are completely locked out of those defensive/offensive skills for a while, it clearly displays it on the hud, you expect mostly healing and chill on water, tankiness and cripple/bleed on earth, crits/vuln and stuns on air, damage/burn and might on fire. A damage staff ele will blow up from anyone getting close to it, but you know they cant heal their team, nor provide boons/condi cleanses, likewise, a healing ele cant really harm you even if you let it free cast fire spells. When you look at a build you should be able to describe its strengths and weaknesses in less than 2 relatively short sentences. You cant use this method to describe a holo who can basically do nearly everything, and do it better than some specialized classes, or a spellbreaker/condi mesmer/condi thief who basically can take nearly all other builds in the game by themselves alone or in small skirmishes, but there are only a very, very small select few builds that can fight them back. Also, unblockable needs some shaving, thief sword #3 with dagger together with sword #2 means that neither positioning, blocks/aegis will save you from the no-CD CC and teleports tied with evade. Doing damage while evading/defending is just frustrating and give nearly no room for retaliation; perma evade/vault daredevil, or condi thief, condi mesmers with constant evades and stealth and blocks. Impactful abilities such as holo's Prime Light Bean shouldnt be 60 secs long, while being unblockable and can be cast at any time during the 6 secs of stealth with no punishment, and lets not forget about the easy and near constant access to quickness to make timing even harder to "predict", and if you get them to low hp? brghrlghrl and they are now back to near or full health again and have nearly all CDs back up.  

    • I want to fight the player, not he UI: Too many boons, too many condis, too many unique buffs (skill icons, some are quite important and animations can be lost in the sea of particles, and in some cases, there is little to no animation, like for example most teleports, or engi's rifle skills), too many inconsistencies. I want to know if I can CC them, but stability is buried between 3-5 other boons that are constantly shifting positions as they wear off or are reapplied, plus unique UI buffs that are too small to see in the heat of battle, specially if I dont have the person targeted. We have blue bars, instead of putting a .5 secs daze with 0 CD (thief #3 sword) on the same strength as a 2 secs situational stun (ele staff air #5), CC should be based on strength and have visual indicators under the health bars, and these blue bars would have lines that show "how much" CC they can take via black vertical lines (how most game display hp so that it is easy to tell at a glance) and how long until it goes away (small white line like a fuse under the blue line?), of course, different kind of CCs would affect this blue bar differently. We already have great visual clues for things like blind, stuns, daze, which you can tell you are afflicted with these without having to look at your UI. Burning should show somehow, and unlike blind, 1 burn stack with no condi damage shouldnt have the same visuals as 10 burn stacks with condi damage. It can get quite noisy with too many effects if you are; blinded, dazed, burning, tormented, confused, weakened, bleeding and vulnerable (condi mesmers can apply all of these at the same time in less than 2 secs), so we need some shaving on either amount or strength of certain boons and condis. Also, show hp values, a 11k hp ele with 1.8k toughness has the same sized healthbar as a 26khp necro, yet we all know it takes more damaging skills to get the later health bars down to 50% hp.    

    There are quite a few more things but I would honestly be surprised if there is anyone who has made it past the first 3 paragraphs.....

  4. This isnt about whether it is overtuned or not, but rather the playstyle you have to fight agaisnt. Pretty simple, not really fun to be bursted out of stealth, 1500 range, from high, unportable ground (not valid path MVP), and after finally reaching them somehow and or applying Revealed, they just roll away and take Revealed away (which is already pretty hard to come by), and repeat the whole thing. And all of this burst is done upfront, 17k shots (i have pictures to prove it) and of course initiated by unblockable CC.

    Now, nobody finds dying fun, but at least give a fighting chance.

  5. Yup. I queue as ele cuz in the mood, queue pops suspiciously fast, i get into the game, and there are 2 eles in my team, 0 on the enemy, but they have 2 necros....... hmmmmmmm

    I just hope everyone does it, so that matchmaking is as crazy as needed for this to not happen. In the meanwhile, I queue as either necro or guard when playing warrior /guard, or thief when playing ele. If they are gonna do it to me, well, they gotta take it too.

  6. @Serenity.6304 said:

    @Fortus.6175 said:So I adapted, and created a support core warrior and hybrid core guardian

    Would you mind to share the build? I never heard of a hybrid core guard and I would love to see what‘s behind that name.

    And I agree, queuing as weak classes and switching to their counters is an often used strategy (or manipulation of the match-making)But I don‘t understand why queuing as an ele and then switching would be a good idea. A lot of the weavers I know play very well, and I am only low p2- high p1. They have an amazing sustain, stalling nodes for minutes and can burst nicely as well.

    Well, anyone at or above P1 is already at the top 250. I queue as ele because thats what I wanna play lol, just that other people assume they are still a free kill, so they queue as them, or they are playing necros.As far as hybrid guard goes, im still tweaking the build so I would rather not post it until it is finalized, but it is akin to FB symbols build, just that it is burning instead of crits, and I dont have tomes but make up for it with shorter F1-3 abilities.

  7. its u> @Leonidrex.5649 said:

    @"Crab Fear.1624" said:8.56k prime light beam.

    Dude was also just sustaining everything we threw at them.

    This damage and tankiness is why I don't think it is a fair class.

    very good mobility as well


    Unblockable, cast time of a dodge with quickness, big initial damage, respectable pulsing damage and burning. 10 pulses.

    Oh and it launches you too. cd starts at 60s? and ways to lower that?

    If they cast from stealth where is the warning?


    dont forget that it hits several times, so aegis doesnt work :D or stability :D also 1200 range so no running away!and its a channel so it tracks people in stealth! you stealthed after engi? you still better dodge becouse he might blast your kitten anyways :D

    EDIT respect for playing d/p thief, not all heroes wear capes!

    Its unblockable so aegis wouldnt do anything to save you either way. Also, one of the shorter CD ultimates in the game (60 seconds), off the top of my head only guardians have shorter ones)

  8. @"Onlysaneman.9612" said:So, as somebody who generally does not like thieves (among a few other classes) I feel like I should take a shot at giving my answer for whatever help or satisfaction that might be to OP. Some general context and notes before I get into it. 1) I play warrior almost exclusively for pvp modes, but I've been doing it long enough that I feel I generally have a good grasp of the other professions. 2) I haven't played sPvP in a long time and stick mostly to WvW (where thief roamers are significantly more obnoxious) but I'll try to keep my answer to those areas largely applicable to both. 3) This is all just based on my general personal experience, so take it with a grain of salt. And, finally, 4) I don't have anything personally against thief players, or the players of other classes I don't like. Nor do I necessarily feel they're overpowered or need any sort of nerf (although there are maybe certain things I wish would be tweaked).

    The short of it is just that I don't generally find thieves fun to fight against. When fighting most classes- even when a given class or build is overtuned- there's a certain amount of back and forth. Both sides will be clearly visible with a few tools for any given purpose (movement, stunbreak, invuln, CC, so on), and attacks will involve some sort of significant tell or animation. If I get hit by a ranger's Maul, it's because either they've managed to exhaust my other defenses, locked me down with a CC first, or I failed to dodge it despite seeing it coming. Same with a holo burst, or to some degree necro marks or DH traps. I may take some amount of damage from auto attacks or other minor sources not really feasible to or worth dodging, but if I die it's going to be mainly because I made obvious mistakes and ate too many big attacks. As far as defenses go, sure, an engi or ranger might stop a good Bull's Charge into burst combo with an invuln, but at least that's a defense that's gone for a good while (likely the rest of the fight). Ultimately, unless one side FAR outclasses the other or is somehow a natural counter, fights between most classes will at least feel like both parties got some good hits in. That FEELS good, and leads to a lot less frustration about the outcome of any given fight. And I know it's maybe not entirely fair, but how a game FEELS to play does matter- we're here to have fun after all.

    That brings me to thief. You're right, thief does have a different playstyle from most of the classes in this game. Thief attacks are, as you describe, fast and high burst. More important than just being -fast-, however, is that there's no clear single burst to dodge. Thief spikes involve either an attack from stealth (which by definition does not have a clear tell) or a series of quick, high-damage attacks covered by blind or daze before moving back out of range of counter-attacks. Neither these attacks nor the steal/shadowshot/whatever else is typically telegraphed to the degree that other classes' attacks are. I want to point out that, whether thief burst is actually strong in any given meta, this is not particularly fun or satisfying to fight against. Dodging a Maul or a CC meant to set up a Maul feels good, like you've just negated a major offensive tool and can now take advantage and pressure them back. Dodging away from half an auto chain or a heartseeker feels like... kind of a waste of a dodge, even if ultimately the damage negated was worth it. Defensively, thief has kind of the same problem. Thief doesn't have a lot of big defenses. Low armor, low health, not much as far as invulns. So, to compensate they have lots of little bite sized defenses. More dodges. Short blinds. Fast interrupts. And between that they have ways of removing themselves from danger while they wait for those to become available again- stealth skills and teleports. If I manage to hit a DD with Bull's Charge, and they use Bandit's Defense to protect themselves from the followup burst, then they'll have it ready again BEFORE the attack that forced them to use it. Despite landing a key part of any warrior's setup, it doesn't actually feel like I've accomplished anything (just as an example). Whereas if they catch me with a good combo and force an Endure Pain, that skill is done for the next minute while they'll probably be able to burst again in a few seconds.

    Again, I'm not saying thieves are overpowered, or that there isn't any kind of counter play to what they can do. They NEED all of those tools to be even remotely viable. I'm just trying to expand on your point. If somebody does pvp because they like the combat system and want good fights, it would then be expected that they'd dislike those classes that they don't think provide good fights. This is, I expect, why thieves (and mesmers, who I usually feel similarly about) get a lot of particular hate on here. Both share the tendency towards lots of small, short defenses and being able to do lots of damage without landing singular, clearly telegraphed attacks. When fighting a thief, it often feels like I just have to hope they make a mistake while doing what I can to keep myself alive in the meantime, and winning a fight through one "lucky" hit that doesn't get dodged feels a lot less satisfying to me than seeing an eviscerate coming and catching it with Full Counter or a Bull's Charge into followup burst. There's probably other aspects to it- in WvW they can run away forever, and in sPvP their primary purpose has always been to move around the map, decap, and +1 (which, if you were so inclined, could fairly or not be read as "jump in and ruin what was shaping up to be a good fight"). But as I said, I've been away from sPvP for a bit, so I'll leave commenting on that to others.

    For those who dont read wall of texts;

    It is worth the read, even if you may not agree with this person. We need more thought-out, cool-headed comments like this that try to see the topic from both sides of the argument.

    I agree that my issue with dealing with thieves, mesmers and holos are because of the poor tell they often come with, as well as their ability to engage/disengage from just about any fight, and fight only on their terms. It often feels that killing them is usually due to over commitment on their part, or big mistake, or overestimation of themselves, rather than my ability as a player to finish them off.It just doesnt feel good to be constantly blinded, CCed, cant move (torment), cant use abilities (confusion), and then having very small windows of opportunity to strike back. When I'm fighting a warrior/guardian/ele/ranger/necro/revs I know whats coming at me and when, I know I can time my abilities and how to budget my dodges/stunbreakers/condi cleanses, but cant say the same about thieves, mesmers, holos.

  9. Honestly? Im glad about the nerf. Scourages were pretty oppressive to lots of classes, it was one of the builds that were acting as gatekeepers of the meta.

    Dont believe me?

    Since the patch there are at least 29 viable builds I have seen in P1 ( https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/89394/this-is-actually-the-most-build-diversity-i-have-seen-ever ), which is not that these classes were buffed, but rather, the changes to holo, scourage, thieves (condi application, although still not enough) and guardians (spirit weapons now apply only 1 stack and less duration) opened up a bunch of new builds taht couldn't survive to the constant onslaught of condi spam/boon conversion/random CC flying around at all times.

  10. Stealth as a whole is very counter intuitive in this game. Aegis wont break stealth so that DJ from the DE, nor the backstab, or literally any other skill will break stealth.Same for blinds, you can whack away at someone to clear blind and only when you actually land the hit will you get revealed.There is no feedback about hitting the enemy, unless you switch to a combat tab and not be able to use regular chat easily, or have the combat stats being spammed in your chatbox.   Most videogames have successfully moved away from omnipotent stealth, since it is not exactly fun for either side (unless you are into unfair advantages). Old Evelynn in LoL used to be able to stun you for 3 secs out of stealth, which was much like Gw2's stealth were almost nothing reveals them, she could also stand next to you with Sunfire capes, an item that does passive damage around you, back then you could stack 6 and you would literally melt people by standing next to them in stealth, and no amount of flailing or skill usage around you would reveal her, or let you know you hit her.

    WoW made it so that rogues are temporarily revealed when they go near you, higher chances if in front of you, and also they cant 100-0 you in less than 2 seconds.

    Anet's attempt to give a counter to stealth was revealed, but then they also gave the class with the most stealth uptime in the game, the means to remove the already-hard-to-come-by reveal; a counter to the counter.....

    Countless feedback on the matter has been given, but it would require the devs to actually sit down and analyse their game, which seems like a grand operation... and we are already hard pressed to get a proper balance patch every 3-4 months....

  11. My favorite is queueing up as ele, getting into the game, and seeing 2 eles on my team, 0 on the enemy team.....at which point I realize that 2 people on the enemy team queued up as ele and then switched before the match started, so I do the only sensible thing with my fast loading pc; wait until it is 10 secs before the start, and change to a counter to the coonts that did that.

    Although I main ele, the recent nerfs to tempests (the traited swiftness being removed from overloads) has made it very difficult to properly support my team with my old build. So I adapted, and created a support core warrior and hybrid core guardian and I have been hovering on top 100 at prime times. It just sucks that Anet has no idea how to properly balance eles, so they randomly throw feces at the wall and hope something sticks and stinks.

  12. @Vancho.8750 said:If only most builds were not cheese that hits multiple times under 1 second condi or power while you are channeling 3/4 ability. They really should reduce the speed of the game cause it is no longer about being careful what the other guy would do and you to react, it is all about who has the better quick draw . I would like the game to be more like fighting game than a wild west shooter.

    I certainly understand the feeling, specially vs holo, condi thieves and condi mirage, where you are barely given a chance to retaliate since all of them can engage/disengage at will, and have several tools to make you hit them for less damage (Weakness is an awful condi for power builds) while overloading you with damage condis, CC condis, cover condis and a few hard CC in the middle (that often is unblockable or comes up ridiculously quickly).

    That's why I'm mostly playing burn guard, support warrior or support tempest; I figured, if I can negate those things from the enemy team, then maybe I can give my team a chance to fight back.

    @Stand The Wall.6987 said:

    I don't have a working build its just fun to play. the new salvation trait line is pretty kitten stronk.

    Hey man, at the end of the day is all about having fun! I'm support player at heart, literally almost every build I play has mid-to-high level of support built in, which is why I have tried ventari rev for a while but no success, and neither have I seen others succeed either.

  13. @Stand The Wall.6987 said:long live bunker rev lol

    I honestly haven't seen it have much success being something other than a meatball who can only eat damage if the enemy team decides to focus him first for whatever reason.

    Maybe you can share your build/screenshot/people playing it successfully/video or idk so i can form a more informed opinion on it, because I rarely come across it and when I do, they perch at our home, but my team [mostly] plays far and mid then, since it is a 4v5 everywhere else.

  14. @ProverbsofHell.2307 said:

    @ProverbsofHell.2307 said:Yo I sort of agree but honestly who is using horn/rifle core warrior? Sounds like a nice way to get farmed.

    Working for me:

    This is from last night. There were games with 3 core warriors running this in the same game. I know of at least 4 distinct players beside me who also use (in fact, i only started playing it because I was getting owned by them).

    Interesting, but isn’t it just a one trick pony? If killshot misses?

    The rifle is the afterthought, you wil spend about 20-30% of the time in rifle, the rest in one-handed weapon of choice/horn. Make no mistake, you are a support using marauder/demolisher, you go on rifle if you get a chance to finish someone off, hopefully you can set it up with horn 4 before that.

  15. Like I said, I'm just reporting what I'm seeing and the success it is having in P1-P2 matches, not going into whether these builds are good or not. No one will EVER agree on whats good and whats not, mostly because of their personal experiences with 1-2 bad/good players playing these classes you dont see often. But I have been playing PvP nonstop these past few days since I'm having a IRL break, and the amount of diversity is astonishing tbh. (seriously, vigorously penetrate holos, condi thieves and condi mesmers with a cactus where the sun doesnt hit)

  16. @"ProverbsofHell.2307" said:Yo I sort of agree but honestly who is using horn/rifle core warrior? Sounds like a nice way to get farmed.

    Working for me:MIwIWDO.jpg   AUG2Z99.jpg

    This is from last night. There were games with 3 core warriors running this in the same game. I know of at least 4 distinct players beside me who also use (in fact, i only started playing it because I was getting owned by them).

  17. @"MyPuppy.8970" said:I also feel people are more comfortable with playing with whatever they want. There is less meta dictatorship. That is a good thing. It's even common to have 2 thieves in each team without anyone saying "one thief reroll". Of course whenever you lose, the offmeta builds are the first ones to get the blames.

    I have been on the receiving end of that when I play tempest or DH.

    As of late I have been playing almost exclusively core guard and core warrior, and what I'm most impressed about, is that Anet actually has made some core builds viable (some by buffing them, some by nerfing what countered them).

  18. Sure there are still some outliers, but overall I have seen so many different builds actually working now! This is from a ~P1 perspective:

    -Spellbreaker (might Dg/Sh GS)-Core warrior horn/rifle-Berzerker (seen it have less success but still see every now and then)  -Firebrand symbol hybrid-Firebrand support-Core guardian burst-Core guardian burn-DH (less success but still see it every now and then)

      -Fire weaver-Fresh air weaver-Support tempest (Staff)-Support tempest (dg/horn or dg/focus)-Core ele staff burst (not as often but there are 2 people in P1 who run it consistently and win many matches)  -Blood scourage-Cancer scourage-Reaper (many different builds, some more success than others)-Core necro  -Core ranger-Boonbeast-Power ranger SB-Druid (less success but seen it ran both as hybrid support and node dueler)  

    -Unkillable metastatic cancer holo-Protection holo-Damage scrapper   -Sw/d - Sb core thief-Sw/d Sb DD-Cancer condi DD-Burst DE-Vault DD(seen some Ps/Ps builds but not particularly impressed)

     -Burst shiro/glint-Condi mallyx/glint(seen a few attempts at support renegade and/or ventari, but not been impressed so far)  -Cancer condi staff mirage-Power shatter mirage-Power shatter core(seen some attempts to chrono, but not particularly impressed)

    Overall thats 29 builds (not counting the ones with less success imo), which is quite a feat!

    I'm sure I'm missing some, and there will never be an agreement on what are considered "worthy" builds in this meta, however, I'm just reporting what I have seen in this season after 600+ games in P1-P2. Honestly I'm having a blast knowing that every game is unlikely to be the same time after time.  

  19. Sure, in PvE and WvW it might not be a big deal since in PvE most people were taking the stability trait or you dont need to get from point A to B all that fast, or there is plenty of swiftness to go around.

    In PvP though, this has been a HUGE nerf to support tempests, who now have little to no access to swiftness if we take the trait that applies regen to shouts.It wasnt like tempest eles were OP to begin with, so "shifting" an integral part of overloads to an optional trait that heavily competes with other, was not a good move.

    Anet, when we asked for the master passive trait to be less overwhelming, we ask to ADD to it, not remove and replace. Honestly, I know see myself to either take traveler or be even slower than I was as a staff support. Please reconsider the change and revert the swiftness back to the passive IN ADDITION to its current functionality.

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