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Everything posted by allshallperish.4620

  1. wvw new linkings <3 and only 4 tiers now AMAZING FINALLY, and now all these notes telling us everything we wanted to hear, maybe fights will last more than 30s now. No more 1 shotting people hopefully giving people more time to react. Nerf to boon rip and damage and healing really good proposed changes. Still more to do but for once i actually am looking forward to the future of this game.
  2. this bug is still in the game anet hallo fix game ty
  3. So instead of keeping on nerfing the Skill, rendering it useless for GvG and Small Scale, since you are not massing necromancers in these styles since you are limited regarding the number of players. My consideration: Put the ammount back up to 3 corrupts, but instead of limiting the casting end, limit the recieving end.For example put a debuff on players struck by the skill, which lasts 10 secounds and is stackable up to 3 times, preventing the player from taking further corrupts as long as the debuff persist (kinda similar to the way the new Deathmagic mechanic works). That way you can stop things from being broken if stacked infinite times while on the other hand not hurting players that like to play world vs world in a amaller scale like GvG or Roaming/Small Scale. The debuff idea is nice, keeping in mind wvw consists of blob fights , medium sized gvg fights and small scale. Therfore changes should be balanced around all of these very different scenarios. Say If a player gets hit by 20 scepter 3's, only 3 will corrupt him =9 boons gone then the debuff appears for 10s, the skill still corrupts aoe but again only cap 3 times per player in the space of 10's. This is strictly talking about corrupts not the dmg part of the skill. good idea worth testing, but then people will probably just run axe lol
  4. terrible terrible lmao, how can you get this so wrong anet
  5. I sense you maybe mocking my clown friends for thumbs up? but infact You are all thumbs, yet you have observed well and managed to piece the puzzle together infront of your class mates, little do they know you are unaware on what the puzzle is. (spoiler alert = all the clowns are infact correct ;-))
  6. IMO alliances should not happen unless ANET implement/ensure the following things are achieved/maintained as a priority. 1. Fix LAG skill delay - They could fix this easily or too hard idk?, reduce the number of players allowed on a map , instead of 70 vs 70 vs 70 lower it all until no skill lag (easy????). Obviously that means bigger queues for some servers in its current state pop wise, however if they ensure balanced population across all servers then you will achieve also a more balanced overall lower queue number. 2. Make WvW more fun - Stronger teams/guilds/players/servers should not be fighting vs much weaker enemy and MUST BE matched vs similarly skilled players, smaller Good Groups should be able to kill larger groups again. Time spent doing nothing or the bare minimum should be kept to a minimum, i.e running, exploring, seiging, gathering. reparing. The action part should last the longest the fighting/war experience, reduce boons and reduce boon rips spammmmmm. Since HoT we saw power creep and now its just a meme. The core game was fun and now its way less fun since HOT and POF has been released and ive had to pay for the game to be less fun?>??? makes no sense. Id pay alot of real money to have core only version again though. Melee trains, backline, focus party meta was the best, fights that lasted longer than 60s and where individual skill and group skill really showed. REMOVE CLOAKING WATERS, REMOVE DRAGON BANNERS etc if you want to know the reasons why you obviously dont play this game or lack understanding. remove mounts remove gliding from wvw. remove the watchtowers and remove or lower max stealth durations. PPT yawn delete make matches alto shorter like spvp. Lastly and by no mean least, skill balance. 3. (Active) Population balance - will never happen due to anet making money from transfers/current system, unless they can monitize it in some way. And this is where the whole alliance thing fails. An alliances success will impact one or more major goals, especially involving growth, if they cap the amount of players in one alliance then how will it grow? it wont and how can they make money from a static group of loyal players, hope the people that joined the alliance are kicked and then they have to find another alliance??. The success of the alliance develops or reinforces a core competency, especially one which provides a competitive advantage and / or blocks a competitive threat, bandwagoning is ANETS butter and the linking, relinking system is anets BREAD. 4. GvG system implemented - will never happen and idk why. But they need to atleast bring in some rewards and support the scene way more than they have previously. 5. Player/guild ranking system - more stats more things to make the gamemode more competitive. Rank 1 guild fights rank 2 guild (obviously a points system needs to be made based around wins/loses etc etc. 6 Better rewards equal to pve. I dont want to pve to get X, i enjoy playing wvw. Get fresh blood into the game mode and reward those that play it. Growth & Sustain. 7 Unban my perma'd main account xD
  7. wE dOnT cArE aBoUt dPs, did u carry the fights and focus lida and fight was over in 20s? if you played ranger properly and killed lida lida then GG yo a beast, if the fight lasted more than 1 minute you slack.
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