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Lord Grey.5042

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  1. Firstly as a disclaimer, as a long time player of multiple MMOs (CoH, Wow, Swtor, GW1, GW2, ESO, Rift, etc.) as disjointed or frustrated you may be, I feel GW2 has the best possible pay model I have experienced and have never felt obligated to buy, or cheated out of money (outside of maybe gem store cosmetic creep) So I disagree with bundling LW stuff. you don't need it. heck, you technically don't even need to do the story in the game (I would argue that's a minor part of the content). But if you do want to, pay for it. That said, Here's the solution for you as someone that's had to figure out a way to introduce new people to the game. Id say they need to eventually get HoT and PoF. help them level 1-80 in core Tyria. DO NOT BOOST! Take time to figure out class and weapons, and how to play. (you can even chose to do story later all at once) start Pof, play 15 minutes, get your raptor. Then you need to help them get their bunny. Don't do more then the intro story to get there watch a summary vid for LWS2 story so you aren't lost. play through HoT. again take time to enjoy this content. (If you are rushed for some dumb reason, join a HP train. Many hit easy mastery points along the way as well. Just ask the commander of your party, and tip them) decide if you feel invested enough to buy and play LWS3 Play through PoF and onwards in order. Keep in mind most veteran players didn't have mounts at all in HoT, nor flying mounts in PoF. They are a luxury that you WORK for. Not a free handout.
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