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Seremela the Elf Mage.1748

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Posts posted by Seremela the Elf Mage.1748

  1. 1 hour ago, Xyonon.3987 said:

    Please consider consulting experienced players for individual balance of specific specs. I'm sure we're all eager to provide whatever you need within minutes of dming us on Discord! 🙂

    Thanks for trying to fix everything - besides is there anything planned to help Holo a bit too?

    That is exactly what got us this patch in the first place. Backroom conversations with cherry picked individuals. If they want class feedback, their own forums would be a great place. Anyone can post their thoughts and feelings on class gameplay, devs have a constant stream of feedback on painpoints, ITS PUBLIC, and there wouldn't be a debate on what qualifies for experience (per game mode? What kind of content you run? What skill level? Etc)

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  2. 24 minutes ago, Kurrilino.2706 said:


    And this is your opinion.

    Some people play video games to get rid of daily stress, not to add additional stress.

    If you need perkyness, complexity and speed, i strongly advice to get a job

    And this is your opinion.
    Some people enjoy complexity in games, some like to chill and unwind
    Some people like the satisfaction of pulling off a complicated rotation and feeling rewarded for it, for others its hitting a personal mile stone

    Different people are looking for different things from this game, and there isn't a reason that both can't find them. If you want to work harder, why shouldn't you be rewarded? If you didn't want to play piano, you shouldn't be "useless" across all content, just not competing with the output of the classes that do have high apm rotations.

    But suggesting that people who want complexity and speed are unemployed is incredibly disrespectful. 

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  3. 4 hours ago, Mik.3401 said:

    In the ideal world the points you made would be taken as priority by the devs indeed. I’m also shocked how much potential is being thrown to trash here. It just feels like they changed their business strategy towards luring new players and making them buy stuff quickly rather than making people stay. This sort of high traffic and low devoted player base model is something I kind of notice for couple years now.

    Also, nowadays people want to play a bit, buy some skins with real money and move on. We may like it or not but that’s what we are working with to say. And Anet capitalises  on it, GW2 is not a passion project anymore, with time things changed.

    Makes you wonder if you're playing a phone game. Look at the pretty waifus/cosmetic! Next month there's more, but really they all play the same. In a few months the phone game stops getting developed for a reason: you can restart the whole system with a slightly different theme (like scifi instead of fantasy) and get people to buy in all over again. The new game won't have any content either, and that's what GW2 is turning into: empty vanity.

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  4. 32 minutes ago, Catilena.8729 said:

    And on Catalyst, they took away our Quickness, and if we want it back it'll cost us 10% damage.

    BuT tHe LaRgE hItBoX gOlEm BeNcHmArK #s!!!
    BuT tHe PoTeNtIaL tO sTaCk 3 aNd CoVeR a SuB's QuIcK wItH nO bOoN dUrAtIoN iNvEsTmEnT UsInG sOme SuPeR sEcReT uNpUbLiShEd RoTaTiOn!!!

    You know, things that only a TINY fraction of the playerbase will be able to do/have interest in. Let's balance around that...entirely off suggestions and fixation made by a non-anet employee. A stack-build in speed running community shouldn't be the basis of gutting a class for everyone if you ask me. Now when a large portion of the community starts using the strat, that would be the time to look at making adjustments. Meanwhile one of the raid teams I was on reported that on Tuesday there were "Mechs as far as the eye can see" in the Aerodrome 🤔 (Couldn't verify myself as I refuse to log in until Anet cleans up their act: starting with holding their employee accountable for their actions.)

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  5. 3 hours ago, ShionKreth.1542 said:

    I don't see anything prohibiting talking about employees being reprimanded or fired in the forum code of conduct, and it was openly discussed without reprimand during the Jessica Price/Peter Fries controversy (https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/topic/33336-gw-2-devsplayerbase-twitter-discussion/?tab=comments#comment-543585). They should probably update the rules if they're going to publicly tell people they're no longer welcome in the community for doing so... since it seemingly isn't against the rules and wasn't an issue before; otherwise, it just comes across as personal.


    Maybe that's that infamous Anet double-speak where it applies to certain people in some situations when it benefits Anet, but not to everyone equally? /s Who knows anymore?

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  6. 24 minutes ago, SpellboundTutor.4257 said:

    That's a false equivalency from what I'm seeing here.

    What I'm seeing, from my perspective, The balance updates were announced, happened, people got upset, attacked the developers personally, this post came out with someone saying people talking that way aren't welcome here, and now that's the focus of the conversation.

    It's not an employee making a comment about a customer's race, it's a customer making a comment about an employee's race, then the manager coming out and asking them to leave. Then a group of customers getting upset about one being asked to leave and trying to get the manager fired.

    If I am at all mistaken in what the problem is about, please tell me because I hope I'm wrong. Because I haven't had time to scan the 20-odd pages of back and forth banter.

    To my knowledge, race was never brought up.
    To my understanding the situation is:

    • Balance patch preview was met with anger/outcry/dissatisfaction from players commenting on the form (some might say an overwhelming amount of dissatisfaction, but that could be considered an opinion)
    • A discord chat log was leaked in which an arena net balance team dev behaved in an unprofessional manner while representing the company. This discord was between Arena Net employees and some select few content creators of the game with the purpose of getting contribution from players on balancing classes. In this conversation the employee admitted to playing favorites when it came to balancing classes, wanting to buff classes they favored, nerf classes like catalyst that overperformed in very specific scenarios in speedkilling teams/very specific comps because they were too strong in that hypothetical scenario instead of what the majority of the playerbase could manage, buffing certain weapons they personally liked and nerfing/ignoring issues with ones they didn't personally like (specifics being they liked mirage staff so they buffed staff because they didn't like axe, even though there has been a fair bit of input over the years on many issues with mirage axe from mesmer players. Another was that they buffed mace and signets on mechanist because they personally did not like engineer kit swapping and didn't want players to have a reason to use them), the employee did not believe that high effort rotations like catalyst/elementalist should not be rewarded for complexity with more damage and that classes should relatively all perform equally with just a few button pushes, they were balancing classes when they did not understand how that class played/how its skills and traits functioned (having to look them up on the wiki and balancing based off that). To top it all off, the employee made comments saying that players were idiots and they could not wait for the salt that would come. (I think a lot of the outrage comes from this point here where you have an employee seeming to be deliberately antagonistic and derisive of the customer while being extremely biased in the execution of their duties as a member of the balance team).
    • People who have cited this Discord conversation have been told they are taking things out of context, meanwhile posts linked where the actual chat logs have been linked in full have been aggressively taken down across multiple forums. (How can anyone who wants to learn the context if the original document keeps getting deleted?) The flow of information is being heavily controlled in this conversation where we are freely fed what Anet wants to tell or the narrative they want us to know, but evidence cited by the other side is being actively removed (which makes it seem like there is something in those logs that would reflect badly on the company and they are trying to cover up). Not allowing people access to this information has gotten a lot of people to think that this long thread of mostly outrage is related to the patch notes itself, instead of the call to review the behavior/conduct of an employee on the job that it has become. 
    • Anet has claimed it has received death threats from angry players because of this patch while making no comment on the conduct of their employee. To my knowledge there is no evidence to support or refute this claim. They have lumped the players/customers making these threats in with players/customers calling for the balance team member from the discord chat to be reprimanded/reviewed/fired/reassigned, which came across as "any and all criticism, no matter how it's presented is considered toxic and unwelcome".

      Finally, I’d like to thank those of you who have approached this discussion in a civil manner. To those that have chosen extreme toxicity, called for developers to be fired, or sent death threats–you're not welcome in our community.

      This stance is further supported by selective pruning of posts in which players have (imo civilly) asked for the employee to be reprimanded and pointed out how it might look when a company stands behind an employee who makes disparaging comments about customers. (See page 9 where @MesmerizedNYC.2479 quoted a post by @Dunklord.5930. The post that was quoted was pruned and the user was issued a 3day ban for "Rude/Insulting comments directed at ArenaNet Staff". Imo it was a polite assessment, no swearing, no threats, a request for an apology to the playerbase and for the developer in question to step down/be removed from the balance team for unprofessional behavior.) I can only say that there were others about arbitrary post deletion by mods, but I was not able to find proof in the form them being quoted elsewhere to preserve the original (deleted) post. That response further fans the flames in this situation where you have an employee who can badmouth customers without repercussions, but customers cannot politely call to question product quality or ask for employee behavior that goes against the company's reported vision to be reprimanded. Instead they're lumped in with people who threaten another's life and told to get out. 

      On another note, in many places (including Washington, U.S. where Anet is located) making death threats is illegal (in Washington its felony harassment). If they're players in the game and Anet has their account info, drop the banhammer on them and move on, no way ToS allows it. If its outside of the game, take all the information it to the police. Don't make inflammatory comments on the forums that feed the trolls and sideswipe those who disagree civilly. It seems like a ploy for sympathy (a remark that has come up on previous pages) meant to make them look like innocent victims without any proof and further control the narrative/information they want you to have (removal of civil but critical posts, removal of Balance Discord chatlog records) by shifting the focus of the incident off of their employee's behavior and onto supposed entitled customers threatening the lives and safety of employees. It creates a culture of fear where a person will be shunned or silenced for disagreeing regardless of how "civilly" they express themselves and make it seem like everything is happy and fine by only keeping/allowing supportive posts.

      When Anet comes forward and says they have a new team, we will listen to the players more, this incident happens and they say again we will do better in the future while censuring people talking about aspects of this incident other than dissatisfaction over patch notes, not even acknowledge the inflammatory comments that some people are in an uproar over and try to keep details of it from getting out to save face...can we as players, consumers, customers really expect them to make good on a (thus far) empty promise while they continue to repeat the same patterns and engage in the same behaviour?

      I personally am afraid I spent the last few hours drafting this only to have it deleted and be banned myself. I'll do it anyway because I find the spread of misinformation to be an abhorrent way to control them. I don't believe in double standards where it's acceptable to bash one group of people while defending others doing the same thing. I don't believe it's right to villainize anyone with a dissenting/critical opinion and make them feel unwelcome to express themselves in a logical and polite manner (i.e. without making threats, resulting to slurs, or bashing intelligence). I believe that if someone is unfit for their job or violates company ethics/code of conduct, they should be reprimanded or removed from their job, not just for the company to save face, but to send a clear message that the company does not condone such action and disrespecting other human beings (employee or customer) will not be tolerated. If that makes me toxic, fine. I'm toxic. Censure me, silence me, ban me, but don't lump me in with the people who allegedly make death threats.
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  7. 1 minute ago, SpellboundTutor.4257 said:

    I mean, that's not really anyone's call to make other than that person's boss, right?

    It's not helpful feedback from the playerbase. We don't know that person's workflow. We don't know if it was one person or a team of people. Or if all parties involved were working on the balance patch while also multitasking with working on balancing the next Challenge Mode, and maybe some wires got crossed. Or that maybe no one on the balance team plays a warrior main so they're not as "passionate".

    The feedback we, as players, should be giving, is "We don't like how this works. This is why we don't like how this works." And, if you want, add in a "We want it to work like this."

    Throwing around disciplinary action, as lenient as a reprimand or as severe as a firing, is not your job or your call. And it's frankly a gross overreaction from an echo chamber of toxic attitudes.

    I think you've been left behind in the conversation at some point. This has moved beyond being an issue of "bad/questionable balance decisions" and become more focused on reprimanding an employee for behaving in an unprofessional matter and the company trying to gag any proof of their wrongdoing/mishandling the situation

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  8. If I remember correctly, your account info here is the same information you signed up with when you bought the game.

    I find it extremely interesting that a number of the people defending (white-knighting, even) Anet's actions in this thread have made their accounts on the forum within the last few hours and have immediately jumped into this thread and started commenting on the most recent balance changes to be implemented and in some instances bashing and badmouthing other players. Their only posts are in this thread, their accounts are new. Low and behold the first thing a new player does is jump into an argument in a game they  just joined defending a developer they have...how much knowledge of exactly? Where is that loyalty coming from within an hour of account creation? When I get a new game, the first thing I do is go try it out, not defend a developer decision that the community AT LARGE decried as a huge mistake and begged to be reconsidered. So in your sub-one hour of being a part of this community, how much do you really know about the state of dissatisfaction of players, outrage at being dismissed and ignored for years, watching management stand behind employees who admitted to balancing around bias and calling the players/customers "idiots" and call the players who ask for said employee to be reviewed or replaced toxic (nice double standard by the way). How much does someone who just joined the game know about long standing balance issues, frustration, and dissatisfaction?

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  9. Death Perception: This trait now gives 10% critical chance, regardless of whether the necromancer is in shroud (currently it's a 33% crit chance increase while in shroud). This trait now increases critical damage by 15% instead of increasing ferocity (300) while in shroud. Honestly, not happy about this. This is a straight nerf. This trait is what let you autocrit in shroud with fury and full berserker gear (lets face it, you want to be in shroud as much as possible). Now in the same gear set up you'll be looking at 60% crit rate base, 85% with fury, so Reaper might need a couple assassin pieces now (especially with spotter change deletion), further lowering damage to get the same results. to add insult to injury 300 ferocity is about 20% crit damage increase so "increasing crit damage by 15% instead" is actually a 5% crit damage NERF. Because reaper (or power necro in general) needs MORE nerfs because it doesn't already hilariously underperform compared to its condi variants (scourge/harbinger) already while being MORE needy with its shroud hp reliance to dish out damage and not being able to be healed in shroud. It was already the most underperforming dps (condi or power) that didn't bring a buff for the party (literally provides nothing) and now it will do even less damage. Awesome job "balance" team! (/s if you couldn't tell)

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  10. I think LI builds have a place in open world solo play, chill farming, unwinding doing some metas, world bosses, bounties
    but not raids, not t4 fractals, not cms
    Role requirement is more strict there and should be because there are limited number of slots and certain party compositions to make things go quickly and smoothly. If you're taking a slot where you're expected to provide full uptime of a buff, please do, dont bring 40% uptime or say on joining you're "quickness" or "alac" but actually on a dps build that doesn't provide the boon at all. If you're joining as "heals" don't swap to something else partway through because it's too intense and say nothing. Don't join as a low intensity "dps" and pull less damage than the supports. I'm not asking for benchmark numbers here, just for players to put in the effort to carry their own weight on their role when joining groups for raids, cms, and fractals. If you want the rewards, learn your job for the encounter instead of joining groups and expecting to leech off everyone else working even harder to carry deadweight.

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  11. Yeah I don't particularly like having to decide between getting my rewards from the gerent meta chest or keeping my ascended food going for fractals when I still have more duration on said ascended food than I would get off of the cake platter (not to mention way better stats!). Dancing around the chest to try to find a spot where I can get my rewards and keep my food is tedious and annoying. Multiple cakes? I'll be lucky to get my loot at all. This garbage item should be able to overwrite malnourished, but nothing should overwrite ascended food except other ascended food 😕

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  12. 47 minutes ago, Shinavast.1328 said:

    1)  hit windows key


    2) type "run" (without the quotes),  hit enter


    3)  type "%appdata%/Guild Wars 2/" (without the quotes),  hit enter


    4)  Delete that folder (it will not permanently hurt anything though you will have to reset hardware settings and re-save your login credentials at client.


    5)  Fire up the client, sign in, and hit play.

    This is the work around that got me back in as well

  13. <- Has Legendary Trinkets, only uses them on 2 characters because the aesthetics and visual noise ruin the look of my other characters.

    At most I only use 2 PvE legendaries together because the third effect wont work on any of them. I love the legendary armor for cleaning up my inventory by reducing the amount of different-statted accessories I have to lug around, but I won't use it if it's going to detract from outfits I spent hours designing with globular light-vomit! The ability to transmog or hide them would be much appreciated!

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  14. better question, why cant we post screencaps of what they say? boo hoo, we are name shaming them and trying to start witch hunts? They have no one to blame but themselves, its screen caps of what they chose to go out of their way to say to other people. We might ostracize them and have multiple people gang up on them an kick them from our parties "for no reason". Plenty of reason, and said subhuman trash gave us those reasons. They made their bed, let them lie in it. Let them feel the consequences of their own actions because its not like they'll get banned for it any time soon (if ever)

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  15. Can we please get this fixed? It's extremely annoying and breaks the flow of group content such as fractals where you change between legends a lot based on the fights/instabilities. Time for template swap, time to swap between each legend and then back to the one I intend to start the fight on (about 20 seconds since mistlock doesn't reset legend swap for some annoying and unexplained reason). The only reason I'm taking Jalis to a fight is for big road stability. If I'm going to get stuck with two sets of vengeful hammers and no road, I might as well be running Shiro. Utilities swapping places is disorienting and often deadly in the case of Shiro when you think you're hitting Impossible Odds and suddenly you're 1200 units away because it swapped with phase traversal or you Riposting Shadows off an edge in Shattered Observatory. You thought you were going to hit Dhuum with Banish Enchantment? No, instead you're Call to Anguish leaping onto a Messenger. Good times, I love looking like an idiot and having elitist pricks jumping down my throat because this years old bug still hasn't been addressed <sarcasm>. 

  16. Also running into this issue. If this change is intended, please update the tooltip to reflect that the boon application is no longer around the caster and instead around the target of the ambush attack. I hope this is unintentional because it's fairly annoying to not be able to use out of combat whenTides of Time, Well of Recall, and Orders from Above all apply alacrity out of combat. Until we get some official confirmation one way or the other from ANet, I guess Alacrajs are going to be working out their legs more than usual!

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  17. I immensely enjoyed the difficulty of the private Marionette instance. The coordination and player skill required in the 50 man set-up made the encounter more challenging than any raid boss in the game and much more satisfying when you got the kill. Thank you for bringing it back, it was a great fight back in the day! I hope we'll get to see more instanced fights that require more skilled play in the future too ^_^

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