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Posts posted by Xentera.4560

  1. On 9/1/2024 at 9:11 PM, Trevor Boyer.6524 said:

    lol I come back 3 months later and this thread is still being discussed.

    I'll drop my updates on the matter:

    1. Yeah, we tried hard on initial release to complete the very challenging content, and it was fun.
    2. Later, after everyone did the same thing just to get KE, no one wanted to run this fractal anymore.
    3. Three months later, even after the nerf, 9/10 CM groups still avoid this fractal. Actually in recent weeks, I've not once seen a single CM group posting to do 100. Even the sweatiest try-hards are realizing that it's just too much of a hassle and not worth the rewards for the effort/time involved. I've had to accept the fact that players really want to avoid this fractal at all costs. Players even avoid this on normal mode non-CMs. Even rec groups just straight skip this fractal.

    It seems to me that Arenanet should either greatly enhance the rewards for Lonely Tower completions, especially 100 CM, or gut out some of Eparch's orb mechanics entirely. I don't mean nerf them, I mean remove them. In the long haul it's proven to be too scattered & complex for a 5 man party to deal with. Seriously though, when the sweatiest of the sweaty are avoiding something like this, that content needs to be fixed.

    It is annoying though, when Lonely Tower pops up for dailies/recs and everyone wants to skip it. I see why, it's just disappointing when you have to a miss a daily or rec complete due to this fractal being in the list. I'd dare say that if Arenanet doesn't want to fix it, just remove it. It has made daily fractal runs feel a great deal less fun than before it was added. Fractals might actually be the most important asset they have for getting players to want to log in and do something fun in pve that is lucrative for the day. You'd think they'd take this issue seriously and want to clean it up asap. Doesn't seem like it'd be very hard to clean up Eparch in a single quick fix.

    It would be nice of we actually get a response. Like Anet announcing: " LTCM is fine, no further changes planned". So (?almost) everyone will just continue to ignore that LT exists as a fractal and continue on with their lives. Or they can announce that they heard the overwhelming feedback from the fractals CMs community and the matter is being reviewed.

    It is just very disappointing that we keep giving suggestions on what needs to be done, and hoping to see something done with every patch; only to be disappointed.

    And yes, @Trevor Boyer.6524 the vast majority of the CMs statics will continue doing CMs(-100) till then. LTCM is neither fun, nor rewarding in its current state.

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  2. I would say that since the release of deepstone, the direction and quality of fractals have taken a noticeable turn to the worse. A lot of the newer fractals have parts that feel they belong more in a game like Roblox than a high fantasy MMORPG. Think mazes, and puzzles that are there only to waste your time and provide no challenge or any fun factor.
    Having said that, lonely tower is in its own special league of kitteness.

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  3. Another patch and nothing about LTCM. I guess anet will just continue to pretend that there is nothing wrong with it despite the overwhelming feedback to the contrary. Knowing well that nine out of 10 of all CMs group forming nightly don’t even bother with it.

    Hope everyone is enjoying that “CMs-100” LFG post because it’s pretty much the norm now.

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  4. I would say this is the best response to content released in this state. Anet needs to understand that if they spend time and resources on gimmicky, untested instances like this, the community will I’ll just actively avoid/ignore it. So basically they are just wasting time and effort.

    The sad truth is that I don’t believe they have any resources left to try and fix this clusterkitten of a fractal, since they have an expansion coming up next month.

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  5. 52 minutes ago, Trevor Boyer.6524 said:

    What happened here is you misunderstood the nature of my response, and in your completely aggressive/defensive forum stature, you assumed I must be attacking you with some kind of Joker/Riddler like scheme to twist up your words and use every logical fallacy possible to make you look dumb because I care that much to devote all my focus to a single random person's small response.

    Look man, all I did was point out that Silent Surf CM ended up being easy in the end. This was to give you the social queue that:

    1. It's not worth complaining about because it's so easy. It's the 2nd easiest next to nightmare being the 1st easiest.
    2. And it is in no way comparable to 100 CM, neither mechanically and certainly not in sheer difficulty.

    Chill out dude.


    Ok try again, in English this time, and go ahead and show me where I actually said Silent Surf was hard.

    • Confused 4
  6. 9 hours ago, Trevor Boyer.6524 said:

    If you ran nightly CMs you'd realize that Silent Surf is actually the 2nd easiest CM to complete, Nightmare being the 1st.

    Once players get very experienced and run together, you'll notice that these groups easily complete Silent Surf without any hiccups. But they'll see downstates & even deaths against something like MAMA if they move wrong, or other various CM bosses. It's true.


    Ah, I see you have created a delightful strawman! It is always fun debating things I never actually said.

    Show me where in my post did I mention anything about Silent Surf being difficult. If you were around when Silent Surf CM was released,  you would understand that I was actually alluding to the buggy mess it was on release. And how poorly received it was at that time.

    It is refreshing to see your creativity at work, even if it means avoiding my actual argument.



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  7. Another untested, unfun, garbo release. Have you learned nothing from the clusterkitten that was silent surf?

    It almost feels like you are fully intending to drive people away from the game at this stage,  by releasing kitten like this (both in NM and CM btw).

    Here’s a novel idea: next time, let someone who has actually played through a single fractal design encounters.


    Instant skip for the foreseeable future, from someone who’s has been leading a daily CM static for close to 5 years.

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  8. I have all expansion, and been playing since the first beta, and yes I absolutely loathe all forms of JPs.

    5 minutes ago, Dibit.6259 said:

    I have a question: Do you have all expansions?

    Reason I ask is that I only have the Tribulation Caverns JP as a weekly. I'm wondering if the lack of expansions reduces the variety of weeklies.

    • Confused 6
  9. 1 minute ago, WaifuJanna.9108 said:

    No one force you to do the jumping puzzle, you can just do another weekly instead, and get the 6/6. You only missing a handfull of astral claims. Jumping Puzzle is fun.. and if you dont like it, just use teleport to friend 😉

    Aww the classic response of “if you don’t like them, don’t do them”


    imagine If next time they place HTCM and silent surf CM, on the same weekly rotation, and if u dare criticize you get the same response of:

    ” if you don’t like them, don’t do them”


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  10. So 2 jumping puzzles for weeklies this week..

    I strongly believe choosing jumping puzzles for weeklies in the first place is a terrible idea. While jumping puzzles can be a fun and challenging aspect of many games, they are not everyone's cup of tea. The weekly objectives should ideally cater to a broader range of player preferences and playstyles to keep the player base engaged and motivated. Opting for more diverse challenges or rotating through different types of content would likely be a better approach to ensure that weekly tasks remain enjoyable for all players, regardless of their gaming preferences.


    Edit: silly me, I forgot this is the official forum, and any kind of criticism is frowned upon and instantly gets you the “confused” emoji. Without any real counter point response.

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  11.  Silent Surf CM is plagued by clunky mechanics that have left players frustrated and disheartened. The lack of fluidity and responsiveness in gameplay hampers the overall experience, leading to a constant struggle for many. Movement and skill interactions feel awkward and unpolished, making combat encounters a source of annoyance rather than enjoyment. Additionally, the unclear objectives and poorly communicated mechanics only exacerbate the problem, leaving players to figure things out through trial and error.

    To salvage this fractal and make it worth revisiting, urgent rework is imperative. ANet should prioritize optimizing the mechanics to ensure smooth and seamless gameplay. Clear and concise explanations of objectives and mechanics would greatly enhance the experience, allowing players to focus on the fun rather than deciphering obscure instructions. A more engaging and dynamic encounter design could inject excitement and challenge into "Silent Surf," rekindling player interest and encouraging repeated clears.

    By listening to player feedback and investing in a comprehensive overhaul, ANet can redeem this fractal and restore faith in their ability to deliver compelling content.

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  12. From someone who’s been doing fractals CMs clears on a daily basis for years now here is the one advice I have for you:


    Take this kitten down, take it back to the drawing board. And let someone who’s actually played fractals before redesign it from the ground up.


    It is an embarrassment that this was released in its current state.

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  13. Easily, and by far the worst fractal ever designed. It’s almost as if whoever was in charge of the design never played fractals before. the tether mechanic is clunky and poorly designed. The boss still has more HP than most 10 man instanced content. 

    Watch it quickly become the new skip fractal. I see no reason at all for this to be at the same level of the other daily CMs in terms of clearance every day.

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  14. Clearly the big issue is the MMR that literally punishes people for playing. Easy fix too:


    1) Take the individual player rating not the average team rating when making matches, even if that means longer queues.


    2) It is beyond idiotic for the MMR to target a win rate. This literally discourages players from playing driving the population even lower.


    3) DuoQs vs randoms should not be a thing. Allowing DuoQs at high ratings vs randoms is beyond comprehension.

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