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Posts posted by ZolracAtrox.2908

  1. On 8/24/2023 at 10:06 PM, Birdie.3869 said:

    I wish snow crows was deleted outright. Golem testing sucks, show me dps numbers on a boss or two that fights back and moves.
    I'm not saying dps isn't really high on scourge with pistol, it is, but man they better not drag scourge the same direction they dragged catalyst just because standing still smacking a large hitbox does big numbers.

    I assure you that is easier to get into the 49k dps line in a real raid scenario using a Scourge that doing 41.8k on Condition Weaver, or doing 44k on Condition Holosmith.


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  2. On 8/20/2023 at 8:59 AM, AliamRationem.5172 said:

    It's always going to be an issue trying to strike the right balance between effort and reward.  As we saw a year ago with the "mech wars 2" debacle, the community is always going to go for low effort with high reward where it's offered with the predictable result that any other spec then feels unrewarding to play.

    The take away there is that high effort must be rewarded, but not to the point where it dominates the meta.  Toward that end, I think ele is in a pretty good spot in PvE.  It's at or near the top on multiple builds, which is arguably where it should be.  At the same time, it isn't pushing everything else out of the meta.

    That doesn't mean there aren't areas of opportunity.  I would personally like to see underperforming variants brought up a little.  Condi sword, staff and dagger weaver builds, for example.

    You missed the part where Cata was not high effort, at least for pvp.

    And as for pve, for higher effort dps should be condi core engi p/p full kits

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  3. On 3/7/2023 at 4:58 PM, Swagger.1459 said:

    Devs- "the biggest challenge in creating more is the small audience they attract". Translation... We aren't going to waste developer time and resources on creating raids because the raid population doesn't justify it. We have better and more important things to spend our money on.  


    Enjoy your strikes.


    Time to move on to more productive topics.   

    Like what; Strikes are not a big deal neither.

    WvW has a big population and is even more dead than sPvP.


  4. 1 hour ago, Dr Meta.3158 said:

    Reaper doesn't burst. Reaper CC's and does sustained dps. If you die to a reaper you saw it coming. The same goes for warrior, mostly. There are some exceptions for warrior although pretty much no one but Vaans could pull it off and even he needed pawns teammates to set him up. (Also, pray for the man).

    I've said this elsewhere the the issue with scrapper isn't really exclusively scrapper but goes for holosmith as well. Its the duo of superspeed and omnidirectional grenades that allow for what is essentially lich form with superspeed but if the lich could shoot behind it. Topple that off with stealth, another toxic mechanic, and you have this mess.


    He's talking about PvE tho

  5. 55 minutes ago, shion.2084 said:

    Nades can be easily replaced by toolkit for the one shot stealth build


    at least toolkit's skill that deals lots of dmg is very melee; a build focused on that gonna be almost more troll than useful; nades are ranged and are 360° throwable while superspeed.



  6. As a Main PvP Scrapper (dunno PvE/WvW 'cause I play Guard in pve and Weaver on WvW) can confirm that Nades Scrapper should go; I mean, is not even nearly as  pre-nerf Cata brokeness. It's not the current most OP class neither. But an almost one shot + stealth build is toxic. That's why One Shot Chrono and One shot Deadeye should stay dead forever.

    I can kill a nade user with my own build; but one build shouldn't be a Cata-like class to be nerfed

    Scrapper need buffs on Hammer like cd reductions and increased damage. Buffs on core skills like turrets or kits like elixir gun.

    But nades toolbelt skill damage and 360° attacks should be nerf.




    • Confused 1
  7. On 3/7/2023 at 11:32 AM, Avatar.3568 said:

    on eu top 250 is 1500+ rating, this was hardly achievable throughout the last season. i am not even sure if i can't remember when we hit this number at the beginning of the season.

    game is fun, and people start playing, if YOU PLEASE keep up the eye on your game and maybe do some small fixes faster (i have an eye on you scrapper) the playerbase could actually recover 
    i had this season already more good quality matches than the last 2 years combined.

    You should specify which build; 'cause people that don't have any clue gonna start thinking that all Scrapper builds are the same (in fact, they're already doing that)

    Nades Holo/Scrapper should go.

  8. I think they should nerf grenades, even though that they're core skills


    I mean; in this case, both Scrapper and Holo are op on them. Scrapper should be a strong fighter, no a deadeye cosplay, that's why they should buff hammer, sustain, etc. And nerf Sneak Gyro and grenades

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  9. On 2/7/2023 at 1:56 PM, Imba.9451 said:

    To be fair, at this point I don't even know if I want Zojja to come back. Anet has a terrible track-record of continuing loose plot threats: Lazarus, Joko, Magdaer, IBS finale, Mai Trin, Devona....

    Well, even the first antagonist (Zhaitan) had a... weird end, imagine all secondary characters

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  10. On 12/27/2022 at 8:24 PM, LSD.4673 said:

    Zojja? You mean Taimi? She's right there: in the storylines, in the cutscenes, in your ear, always with something interesting to add to the plot.

    There is no Zojja. There never was a Zojja. Only Taimi, and her clever funny joke-jokes.

    Zojja would beat Taimi in a Taekwondo fight tho

  11. By design Zhaitan and Deimoss (not on list) by far.

    By story: 

    Jormag and Scarlet (despiste Jormag's end)

    By charisma:

    Ankka and Scarlet again

    By random reasons:

    Balthazar - reminds me of Gwyn from Dark Souls xD

    Mordremoth and Ensolyss  (not listed) from Battle OST plus edgy dialogues (that works 'cause they are allowed to be edgy by their origin)



  12. Combat System: It's great, but man check how repetitive PvP is, same maps, same mechanics, throgout the years xD


    In balance: It was ... almost at the bad spectrum before that scepter cata meta. Trash during that meta and right now idk what to say, 5vs5 season hasn't started yet, but I hope it's not as bad as before, i don't even know if scepter cata stills OP 'cause haven't played much lately.

    However; tried Aion & New World and can tell you that GW2's PvP is a fking masterpiece if you compare to them (NW not by a balance topic, but is boring asf). Haven't tried WoW PvP but I heard that is trash.

    So for MMORPGS Gw2 (for me, personal opinion dodn't judge me) still  has the crown.


  13. I recommend you to not use +2 gyroz. They can be Healing + Stealth, Bulkwark + Stealth or Healing + Bulkwark.

    The Shredder one has decent damage, but the only way to do real damage with it is to become a one shot glass class, and you will require stealth so after the damage spike you rarely be able to disengage against good players 'cause stealth gyro gonna be on cd.


    Take kits instead; tool kit, elixir gun, nades. Are good options (never tried nades, I don't really like them, but is personal). Medkit has an ok autohealing but a very nice condi cleanse; Heal gyro has even less healing, but superspeed + water blast/jump turn it into a good option. The rest of healing options are a kitten (at least for scrapper, due to high cds or kitten heal)

    Mortar kit isn't really a good option against good players. Tool trait and explosives focused on deal damage, don't try bunkering, 1st 'cause isn't worth, you will not tank anything, 2nd damage output even with 3 damage traits gonna be mediocre, image if you take a bunker trait.


    I mean, glass cannon option could be fun btw, but isn't good agaisnt good players. You have to  think in a damage+sustain balance option (that's why I prefer 3 kits + bulkward gyro instead of a full gyros build)


    And mind conditions, even "weak"(quouted, they're not weak, but the're overshadowed by current meta ones) classes like burn weaver, condition berserker, condition guardians could be very dangerous for a Scrapper. But due to your def options, you can handle against power creep (Except scepter ele due to unblockable and stun spam)

  14. Why people stills crying about how hard Ele is.


    No; Support Tempest is not even considered hard. Catalyst are almost a braindead option.


    Yes, Sword Weaver is hard to play, and even harder to master; and yes, Almost all PvE builds are hard and complex (Except Tempest, ironically he's the easier Ele option along three game modes) but no, repeat with me, Support Tempest and Catalyst are not hard. Their rotations are intuitive, low effor, low cd options, lots of useful skills, etc. 


    Tempest was already strong at PvP, those improvements are good for PvE/WvW (PvE requires more Alac improvements, due to that kitten dodge mechanic) and WvW one brings back Support Staff as an option. Not gonna talk about roaming, haven't roaming in WvW by years. But PvP's buff was 100% unnecesary. Buffing again an already strong options instead of touching dead specs... but I hope the fix before conquest season.

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  15. 8 hours ago, Arheundel.6451 said:

    Can you read properly before commenting? I specifically stated that playing catalyst takes as much effort to play as what you lot have been using for the last 8 years since HoT: low effort braindead specs that play themselves! I know that because I have been using most of them also, tired of actually putting effort in a game...where a trained hamster on a wheel, can go and reach super sayan mode while using  any of the  0 IQ gw2 specs: druid, boonbeast, beastmaster, bunker chrono, perma distortion virtuouso, tools holo, condi spellbreaker, core necro, reaper, harbinger,  vindicator,  renegade blah blah blah blah blah blah blah. Basically catalyst is as braindead easy as what you lot use and I find it insulting that people even dare to speak! Elementalists have been asking for "zero effort...all reward" gameplay option for years, asking for ranged combat so that us too could sit, fire and forget from 900/1200 range...exactly the same gameplay abused by you "pro" for all these years.

    Does any you know what the word: balance mean? Balance: Equality.....braindead vs braindead gameplay...fun for all ...complex vs braindead is not balance...it's BS. 

    Again as I said, I don't care about nerfs or buffs, I  want equality! As long as catalyst remains as braindead easy as the rest...I am happy , it's time for eles to switch off their brain too ..like the rest of you have been doing for years....

    Just put as many emoji as you like, spend all day adding emoji to my posts....they make you lot mad AF, I am only stating the truth...

    Braindead not equal Overperforming (and in a whole dif level, not by a little)


    So you can keep your almost braindead Cata (braindead ele class already existed, akka Support Tempest) but make them balanced, and even after this patch it gonna still broken.

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  16. 3 hours ago, Dreams.3128 said:

    I'm very aware. And I meant what I said. There are Cata nerfs coming and people are still complaining. Weaver doesn't even range close to Cata and yet people are still being farmed in the supposed high leveled play and I guarantee you it's gonna be the same way afterwards. If someone is farming you on WEAVER of all things, something is wrong. Very wrong. There was one very easy thing Anet could have nerfed in order to avoid a lot of what was making Cata yuck in the first place, but they didn't hit it. 

    So I'm gonna let people figure that out and see if it will click. 

     Coming cata nerfs arent enough, that's why people are still mad against anet. They are nerfing 3 skills, and buffing sustain by a lot.


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  17. 2 hours ago, Arheundel.6451 said:

    Indeed! And now eles have something that requires as much effort as the rest to play...people hate it...they call for balance and what balance that would it be...a balance were they press 2 buttons with specs that defend, attack and support all at yhe same time...meanwhile as @Grimjack once said: " to play ele, you need to look 30s in the future" and as I said to him that time: " kitten that! I don't want to put 10x more effort than the rest who literally facepalm on the keyboard". I don't want to put more effort! That's why I stopped playing ele in 2017 after they nuked weaver from orbit, you want me to dodge for my life while looking for a way to melee through aoe kitten....meanwhile a hamster on wheel camp the staff on a necro or mesmer...press 2 buttons and feel like god, that's sort of balance this community want...sadly for you all...the ele hate is finally over! I genuinely don't care how many times they nerf catalyst....as long as it remains as braindead as the rest of the specs in this game....it's all good, I want a spec for eles where they can switch off their brain too. Somebody playing a ranger( spent 6k hours playing one), a necro, a mesmer, engi etc etc shouldn't dare to come here at talk about balance. I always find it funny...Somebody playing a condi druid, or a condi mirage/virtuoso, a core necro, a tools holo or scrapper , a vindicator or pewpew renegade....come on the forum to whine. A complete lack of self-respect, integrity, honesty....shameful 

    How in the world is  a Scepter Catalyst "an effort to play class"?

    The fact that Core Ele and Sword Weaver are def complex classes, doesn't automatically mean that all ele's builds are complex.

    Both Scepter Catalyst and Support Tempest are almost braindead classes. Even Holosmith (the other class that should be nerfed asap) requires more effort to master than Scepter Catalyst; due to combos and heat management.


    If you wanna have a complex class to be good, ask for Sword Weaver or Full Kit Engi buffs; don't cry about Auto Carry-list.

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  18. 30 minutes ago, Master Ketsu.4569 said:

    >Buffing tempest when it's the best and most overplayed support spec in PvP

    >Slap on the wrist to the most broken spec ( Scepter Cata ) in over 5 years.

    >Nerfing skills that have obvious counterplay

    This balance patch is a clear miss and shows a severe lack of understanding of the meta and what is actually being playing in plat+ games and ATs. Did Anet not watch the mAT? Did you not see 5 Catas completely dominate? That isn't going to be fixed by 0.5 less power contrib on DT, especially when you nerfed non-meta specs even harder.

    Shameful display.


    Sad; we probly gonna still see Cata's and Tempest even after everyone (non-brokeness enjoyers) said that they still need hard nerfs soon.

    The same with Holo.

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