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Posts posted by ZolracAtrox.2908

  1. 2 minutes ago, Jski.6180 said:

    Catalyses in no way is broken as an class though. This is what an mages looks like and we are "ok" with other classes playing this way for years now.


    One thing is a class themed skill base and another is overshadow the rest of specs. I mean, gn holosmith is ok in his themed playstyle, but stills broken and should be nerfed, along with heal tempest, defense spellbreaker, shiro vindi, untamed, etc. And im talking about numbers, not about destroy their structure.

    • Confused 1
  2. 1 minute ago, Jski.6180 said:

    Weaver has more stuns skills on scpter then catalyst. Maybe your issues is catalyest having good def utitilys vs that ele has as core tempest and weaver? (what is anet deal with making there ranged favor dps class melee only eleit spec and giving them all def base utitilys!?)

    Scepter is the only real ranged dps ele has right now staff not there and all of the other weapons are not ranged. What scpter is doing IS what ele should of been doing from the start.

    And that's why I said they should nerf specs , not scepter itself. 

    If the specs are OP 'cause a core weapon has too much synergi, nerf the synergi, not the core weapon. Core should only be nerfed if is the core class that's overperforming

  3. 8 minutes ago, Jski.6180 said:

    You say that but weaver dose more dmg with scpter and cata dose more dmg with hammer. For wvw no one realy talking about the 11k leaps of faith from gurds hehe. If you have low armor and not an tankly build you should take high dmg that just a turth playing an ele class will tell you.

    Think of sctper as an pure dps wepon for ele the only pure dps wepon at least for core ele every thing else is mixed. It should do high dmg and "magic" should be harder to block (sadly no real magic dmg in this game) so unblockable.

    Im not agaisnt glassy specs; but scepter weaver and catalyst clearly are not glassy in PvP (how I edited later; I was talking about PvP; in WvW im 100% totally agaisnt Staff nerfs). Weaver has more pure damage than Catalyst but catalyst has lots of blocks, aoe stun, etc.


    If they wanna do those high damage, aoe, stun, blind it's ok; but then don't give them tons of shields, stab, defensive stun, immob and dodges as currently.  


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  4. Aside of the typical "it's not op 'cause is my main"

    Scepter ele is OP and need a nerf (I mean, Cata). Blindness, spike damage, unblockable damage, AoE, stun, blocks, more stun, etc. There are many ways to do it without touching the scepter by itself (so core-eles gonna still a thing). 


    But yall know how this works; for nerf a spec they nerf the core game.


    Edit: forgot to specify that I'm talking about PvP only. 

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  5. I'm not happy with last balance patches but mostly in PvP, 'cause they always buff already stronger builds in pvp (untamed, holo, cata, tempest, etc.)  and forget weak ones with no reason, but destroying game 'cause pvp or wvw, wtf?


    PvE is so diverse right now.

    Think that:

    HoT PvE Meta for YEARS:

    Druid + Chrono for support. Tempest + 1 or 2 Warriors for DPS Groups. 

    PoF PvE Meta for YEARS:

    HB/QB + Ren/Chrono for support. Weaver + War.

    And then

    9 Guards (1 HN/QB; rest DragonHunters) and 1 Alac Source (Chrono or Ren).


    Right now all classes can be played. We still need some nerfs and buffs in certain specs. But is not so bad like before.




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  6. No! poor new players are getting smashed by 3k meteors from a class that is mostly one shoted by all rangers/ theives specs, necro's axe, dragon hunters, catalysts, heralds, etc😞


    OMG, I've got an idea. Nerf it againt, and don't forget to nerf Renegade, Revenant, Daredevil, Core Engi, Scrapper, Core Ele, Scourge and Reaper by the way. (Don't forget to buff a random skill power coeficent 0.68 to 0.75, so they can't say that we have them forgotten).

    • Haha 2
  7. Mesmer, Elementalist (When is staff Weaver getting back??) and Scrapper buffs are a joke xd


    And Untamed is getting a buff in PvP, really?

    Meanwhile Necro, non-cata eles and berserker are still bad


    Ty for Firebrand and Holo changes I think.


    (This is not an attack, only my very personal thoughts) 

    • Like 2
  8. Ah, yes. Another patch nerfing Scrapper in order to balance it in WvW; killing it more and more in PvP/PvE where is clearly underperfomed.

    And another forum where 95% of players are saying to the devs; how bad the idea is, but it gonna happens anyway.

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  9. I'm ok with  most of PvE changes but:


    I see some problems; nerfing core skills in order to nerf a spec is always a bad idea.

    For example:

    Mech is strong 'cause MECH; nerfing core engi support skills gonna kill Scrapper more than Mech. Nerf the spec, not all the specs. 


    Please; fix PvP. Almost all EoD need a nerf; don't let us with another month with this broken meta, please.

         SPECS that need huge nerfs:

    *Power Bladesworn

    *Pow Catalyst:

    *Rifle Mechanist:

    *Condi Druid/Soulbeast/Untamed

         SPECS that need some nerfs:

    *Power Untamed:

    Power *Willbender

    *Condi Specter:

    *Condi Harbinger: 

    *Grenade Holosmith:

    *Core Support Guard/Tempest Support

         SPECS that need buffs:

    Firebrand (Not support)




    Dragon Hunter

    Almost all core classes (Rev, Ranger, Engi, Mesmer, Necro, Ele)

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  10. @"Obtena.7952" said:No one is hiding behind anything. There are game design decisions that result in Anet not needing balanced DPS between classes. It's not a debate about who's wrong or right; it's simply a recognition that GW2 isn't designed like a typical MMO and that leads to the situation we have with classes. Anet gives players choice. WHATEVER criteria you want to use to filter those classes, there should be an option in those 9 classes to give you what you want. If you want DPS, you need to choose DPS.

    You're right.If you want to be dps, choose guardian; DragonHunter is a strong dps class and maybe the easier power class in the game, you have all in one: Autosustain, autobuff, DPS Burst and DPS Sustain, CC, mobility, utilities, blocks, range and melee dps, you can "precast" ur skills for be even stronger, (anet removed that but is now avaible again by any reason)If you want go healing, choose guardian; HB is an easy class with strong buffs for a firebrigade comp with 2 healers.; stab, aegis, resistance, blocks, etc . And you can use it condi and power.If you want to be a Boon Sharer class, choose guardian; in a firebrigade with 1 healer, then Firebrand quickness is a great option: You have only 2 skills for share quickness, and your dps is acceptable for a boon sharer class (with a super easy rotation)If you want to go condi, choose guardian: Burning FB is the second easier condi class (Soulbeast is the easiest), you'll have big numbers with a joke rotation.

  11. @Psycoprophet.8107 said:

    @"Drennon.7190" said:That thief nerf xD as always, just had to nerf teef.

    to be fair unblockable aoe daze with poison field is insane. I wish they'd just remove the kitten daze they added and reset to base initiative cost though.

    This would be a better solution. Anet in the past doesn't usually walk back on decisions even if its ncredibly obvious after that it was a mistake.

    That's true, when they nerfed holo in PvE without any sense adding cd in toolbelt while overheat; Forum and Reddit were full of "that's a stupid change, that's a senseless change, you're killing an already mediocre class, you're nerfing a class without a *** idea of how it works, etc". It took many damn months they waited to "fix it"; they preferred to completely change the explosives trait than remove the change.

    Right now, killing mortar and Elixir E, they killed more Core Engineer and Scrapper than the Holo. (For PvP)

  12. Anet did it again, attacking core - Scrapper Builds thanks to holo nerfs; destroying nice damage builds forcing us to play those Bunker Boring (and bad) builds for scrapper, like always; or flamethrower 1-1-1-1-1 spam. It is your obligation to recover the loss of damage and sustain that was done to the scrapper thanks to the holo.

    So, if Scrapper can't have Mortar kit thanks to holo, please, check then Specs skills, Hammer damage isn't good, got a strong nerf for removing "power creep" in an already weak class. The class is slow in all senses, movement and fighting, making the class who already was ridicously bad agaisnt ranged enemies is now even worst, and hard to fight against classes like Necro who can't get damage with shroud as you getting infinite freeze in a clumsy class, only to gain a few pathetic seconds of alacrity. Without Mortar Kit, is going to be hard destroy that Shroud, while necros only have to press 1-1-1 (or spinning if they're Reaper) for destroy you. Mortar Kit was stronger than the hammer,. Mortar kit was an extremely defensive options agains those faster and ranged classes like Rangers and Deadeyes, you can't get close to them with this slow class, so ur only option was doing ranged pressure too.

    The class doesn't have good sustain neither, (power one, don't talk me about the cancer bunker one, which by the way isn't good neither due to extremely low damage, and being less than the resistance of weavers, firebrands, revenants bunkers); and you added an important cooldown in Elixir E. Not to mention how little Purity of Purpose aids in the damage build thanks to the big nerf (Obviusly, thanks to holosmith again) .

    I don't know why they can't foresee that they'll ruin two damn engineer variations for trying to fix one; the worst thing is that it will take another three months to fix the builds, and they probably won't touch the scrapper, or touch it in a poor way, as always since this class exists ...

  13. @"Shao.7236" said:

    Did I say that? Where have you seen it? Where's my statement? I thought I said that holosmiths get self carried by the stupidest of oversights. I don't have to rely on overblown designs, why should they? Why should my entire profession gets blanket nerf but some get exceptions while they still struggle to do anything? Hmmmmmmm.

    Sorry, wrong person, was for the guy who said "You can't kill a prot holo"; with my scrapper, revenant and core necro/reaper it's not hard.

  14. @HnRkLnXqZ.1870 said:If Holosmith performs too well, core gets a punch in the face and a kick in the stomach. If it is still too powerful, they break a rib, an arm or shoot in one of our legs. Core is getting weaker with every of these actions and Scrapper sadly too. The impact on Holosmith is the smallest. I fear the day they finally start balancing Holosmith for real, the only thing that will be left of Core is the NPC in the training area.

    As Engineer is not really relevant in PVE atm, except for Holosmith obviously. Some of the skill-changes that are inspired from competitive only, get applied to PVE. That way we lost a lot of good skills. If Motar Kit gets ruined for PVE, we are back on Supply Crate. SC contains turrets, which have not been reworked since launch.

    Yep, I'm a main scrapper; we lost Elixir U, Elixir S, Elite Elixir, condi cleanse. Due to some senseless changes like removing F5 for add a shi*** Gyro, or bigs nerfs in damage in an already low damage class. Right now I have to run full berserker and damage stills low if you compare it to other classes, but I can win 'cause mortar kit; is the last strong skill that can I use in Scrapper.ALMOST ALL MY SCRAPPERS NERFS IN MY BUILD WAS THX TO HOLO NERFS.

    I don't remember the order, but was something like this1° Build: Heal Turrer | Elixir U | Elixir S | Elixir Gun | Supplies Box Elite ---> They nerfed mines while dodging thx to holo2° Build : Heal Turrer | Elixir U | Elixir S | Elixir Gun | Supplies Box Elite --> They removed F5 and lost a lot of sustain. (No thx to holo, just a senseless change) due to change all damage traits for bunker boring sh*t like stab while dodging and changed might gaining while stab sinergy.3° Build Heal Turret | Elixir U | Elixir S | Elixir Gun | Elixir X -->They nerffed Elixir X, U and S thx to holo and lost a lot of damage.

    4° Build Heal Turret |Purge Gyro | Bulwark Gyro | Elixir Gun | Mortar Kit -->Forced to use gyros even if I don't like use gyros. ---> They nerfed Hammer a lot (yeah, I know it was a global nerf, but hammer damage wasn't strong. Right now even with full berserker, its damage is low as f***; they changed skybeam and obviously is worst than before, at least in this build. If they nerf mortar kit, they gonna kill this build thx to holo again..

    I feel like when they killed the holo/condi engi in PvE forcing us to play those boring/broken dh/fb classes.; but now they're killing Scrapper thx to Holo.

  15. @Shao.7236 said:@Chaith.8256

    Reducing the Blind duration would already be a better start if the cooldown is to remain this low.

    If not, increase the cooldown.

    As for damage, it makes no sense as to why it dodged the blanket nerf, it clearly shows that it was good in the past and people prefered other things rather than just having to use the only thing that's still mentally doing the damage they were used to before.

    A lot of things, even the most minor damage skills got nerfed even if they were as little as 2 digits, again no reason this to have ever happened.

    What I know is, anytime an engineer is losing, this Flash Shell is the only thing that stops me from giving the final blows and allowing them to survive everytime.

    If u can't kill a holosmith in melee, u shouldn't play pvp.

  16. @Nephalem.8921 said:They buffed power Chrono to 42k so there goes engis viability. oh and you can stack chronos for quickness.Holo is in a decent spot now but with unchanged dh numbers, buffed slb and op pChrono i dont it fits in the meta. I really hope this chrono trait gets nerfed fast.Also the barrier is quite ridiculous in pve. 10k on a 6sec cd when adds are around.If this stays engi could become a good tanky dps bruiser for pugs.

    Obviously they will change that. I don't think those 42k will stay, if they do it would be pretty stupid.Once the deadeye also did 44k after a recent buff and a few days later got a nerf.

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