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Everything posted by Greyling.4768

  1. I do not understand how... I lack the executive function to parse how others are working around it, though my partner is trying. Are you using Launchbuddy? If so, just uncheck the "Use -autologin" box on the Account Manager window, then hit Launch Guild Wars 2 at the bottom of the screen as many times as it takes to open the number of instances you want. You'll have to log into each of them individually, but they'll all run.
  2. Good news! You can still totally multibox; it's just more annoying to do so.
  3. Would a better security measure not have been to add an account-switching feature to the launcher? Say, a drop down box to select the account and have the encrypted credentials stored by the launcher itself? If the removal is actually to prevent people with access to the user's computer from being able to log in to the user's account, you should remove the Save email address and Save password check boxes, no? If you're going to remove a feature that so many players use, why not replace it with a stronger feature that serves both security and usability?
  4. This is not working for squads with commanders. I just had my squad, which I was tagged up and commanding, merged with another squad that also had a commander. Neither of us got a confirmation request.
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