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Tankun.3907's Achievements

  1. Before the descend button was 2, but now Fireball is perma bound to 2 and it would be amazing if I could swap it to something else to get my old keybinds back. I can't even Griffon or Beetle properly anymore because I had to move my old 2 skill to a different button :{ Has anyone else experienced issues with Fireball being stuck on 2?
  2. I have my music turned all the way up and my ambient sound is very low, but I still can't really hear anything. I wish I could though. I heard some of the music uploaded to youtube and it sounds amazing. But in game I don't hear any of it :{
  3. Every time I log in now it's so unnerving not to hear anything on the character select screen after years of having amazing music pieces there. I finally sat there to listen if maybe it was just extremely quiet, and I can kind of hear something, but it's too quiet to really hear it. I don't know if this was intentional or if it's a bug, but it feels like a bug.
  4. There seems to be a bug with the Mini version of the Roundtail Dragon. When interacting with jade batteries or the protocols the dragon sounds normal, but if you have it out as a the mini version it sounds like a normal jade bot. I can't tell if its looting noise is any different from a normal jade bot, but I have noticed that it kind of gets stuck in place and there is no animation for when it loots.
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