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Everything posted by Makthul.5876

  1. Do you play on NA or EU? NA What team were you on during January 12-26? I don't remember. What team were you on during January 26-February 2? I don't remember. If there is a day of the week and time of day you usually play, what are they? I usually play most days starting at reset time or a little before. Did your world restructuring matchups feel more or less balanced than your regular WvW Server matches? I haven't paid attention. Did you select a WvW Guild for the beta? Yes. Was your guild part of a larger alliance guild? No. Were there usually commanders around during your normal playtime? Yes. Which week felt most balanced and enjoyable for you? They all were fine. What part of world restructuring felt the most well executed? I don't know. What part of world restructuring feels like it has the most room for improvement? I don't know. I am looking forward to this change because it will mean all I have to do to play with the people I want to play with is specify a WvW guild. Right now, I am on a different server than my children because I was in a WvW guild that changed servers a couple times. And now the server my children are on is full so I can't transfer there. But once the WvW restructuring is live then all we will need to do is all be in the same guild and designate that guild as our WvW guild.
  2. I'm interested in meeting new people and hoping to find people to adventure with in Guild Wars 2. Can I please get an invite? I'm mostly interested in PvE and some WvW. Generally I go into WvW to do dailies when the PvE dailies are not simple enough for me to do alone. For example I am jump challenged and so generally avoid jump puzzles and I haven't been able to do bounties on my own. Whereas in WvW I can take a camp by myself as long as no one from the other team shows up. I'm lousy at 1v1 PvP but when with a group in WvW I'm happy to fight and go down with my team mates. I'm not on your server but am hoping that the 4th world restructuring beta will come soon and once the world restructuring is released then servers won't matter anymore for WvW. I enjoy helping others and at times need help and so am hoping to find people I can help and people willing to help me.
  3. Hoi, What server are you on? I am interested in a lot of the same things as you in Guild Wars 2 but to do WvW together you have to be on the same server. I am on Borlis Pass. And I think to be able to do most things together you have to be on servers in the same region. I am in the North American region. To help people out you may want to post here what region and/or server you are on. Robert
  4. Zalverdius is currently a level 0 guild with 3 active members. We are on the North American server Borlis Pass. My name is Robert and I am the guild leader. I want to adventure in Tyria with other like-minded people that are in-game at the same time as we are. We are most active between the times of 4 PM to 9 PM Eastern time. I prefer to keep swearing to a minimum and am very patient and will be fine with any age people joining. I intend this to be a casual guild where anyone can join together to do different aspects of the game and where veteran players are willing to help, mentor, and train new players. I want to find people who will help me do PvE guild missions to level up our guild and to help the guild progress. I will likely need help knowing how to do certain things related to guild management. I always do dailies and like grouping up to do them and when I don't like or can't do three PvE dailies then I do WvW dailies. I even went and played in PvP once to complete one daily. I want to find people interested in WvW or learning about WvW so that we can have a small havoc group and at least once a week go into WvW and take things besides camps, sentry points, and monuments. For this, you need to be on Borlis Pass. I am fine with a few other players on a server other than Borlis Pass forming their own WvW group within the guild. I want to learn more about PvP. I don't do well in one on one PvP and avoid those but as the group gets larger I can enjoy PvP sometimes. I am unlikely to join in PvP often but welcome PvP oriented players to join and do PvP together. I want to learn more about PvE races, dungeons, fractals, and raids. As the guild grows I intend to schedule times to do many activities in Tyria but when to do them and which ones to schedule first will depend on those who join. For now, the one sure activity is that I am on around reset time to do dailies if I didn't do them the day before and then to immediately do the new dailies. Anyone interested in having new friends and helping to grow our guild please reply here, whisper me in-game, or send me a message in-game if I am not online.When replying here or sending me a message please let me know what you are most interested in, when you are usually playing, and what server you are on. Thanks for considering Zalverdius, RobertGuild Leader
  5. I'm interested in joining your guild to see if I can find people to adventure with at the times I usually play. I'm on the East Coast of the United States and you said you have plenty of people on NA servers that live in Europe so that will probably work. I sometimes play late at night but often I am done by 7 or 8 PM. I often get on at 4 or 5 PM. I'm also hoping to find help with parts of the game that I just can't seem to do by myself (such as kill Balthazar in the last story of Path of Fire).
  6. I am looking for a casual guild that focuses on fractals. I don't have any characters with agony resistance; although I have done a few fractals and have some agony resistance I can use. I have a level 80 characters that I can gear specifically for fractals. I'm fine with spec'ing one of my characters in a way the guild recommends to be optimal for fractals. I am on most days between 4 and 8 PM eastern time and hope to find a guild that is most active during those times. I'm not the fastest person with a key board and generally am horrible at jumping. Other than that once I have a character geared properly I can do damage pretty well and can keep up most of the time. I will enjoy a group that is willing to teach me sometimes as we do fractals. Mostly my interest in fractals is for the gold and for the places you need to be to kneel or do something for a legendary. I'm also interested in helping others with personal stories and getting help with them when I get stuck. For example right now I am stuck on my personal story with one of my characters trying to kill Balthazar. But this is secondary to my interest in fractals. I wouldn't mind raiding either as long as it is casual. I can gear one of my characters specifically for raids. This is also a secondary interest. I currently use team speak but could use discord if needed. I'm not willing to switch servers as I am already in a guild where I play WvW when I can.
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