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Naps Elif.7438

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  1. Welp I guess I'll stop and have something to eat. Come back in an hour when the patch gets a patch.
  2. While holding Right Click to control camera panning then using the scroll wheel to zoom the camera in/out you gain control over what the hidden cursor mouse is moved over. Steps to reproduce Place your mouse pointer near but not over your mini map. Hold Right Click. Move your mouse pointer over the mini map (The instant you move your mouse the cursor will be hidden). Scroll your mouse wheel in and out. What happens Instead of zooming your characters camera in and out you'll instead zoom in and out on the mini map. What should happen Using the mouse wheel while holding down right click should only control your cameras zoom. Other Notes This also works with any in game window open that has a scroll bar. My example with the mini map is just one that is constantly there (Unless you set the option to hide your mini map).
  3. This is the go to means of bug reporting but there are times where the bug sits for so long that it will be swept under the rug. This is the case with a bug report I made and still to this day want fixed dealing with Griffon mounts using the Rising Spirits mastery. Run into enough bugs that sit around and I can see someone losing their cool.
  4. This bug is still present in the game. When you refresh Rising Spirits using the Skyscale, Rising Spirits continues to work as intended. Tho on the Griffon you have to actively avoid updrafts for 5 seconds while speeding around.
  5. While using the Griffon Mount Rising Spirits will stops working if the buff is refreshed before the duration runs out. Steps to reproduce Have Rising Spirits unlocked. While using a Griffon Mount fly into a updraft. (This will apply the 5 second buff from the mastery) Before the buff's timer runs out fly into a updraft again. What happens You replenish your endurance at a normal speed after each flap (space bar by default). What should happen You should regain your endurance at a dramatically increased speed after each flap (space bar by default).
  6. ok so I've now run into this very thing 3 times. And I can say that it always happens when the event fails. The instant the event fails the Champion Oni will turn around, run away and vanish only to have the event spawn back up (can be the same spawn area or a different spawn location on the same map). At that moment it no longer be able to be targeted. I hope this helps in solving this issue.
  7. I just did a test run with Boneskinner in a PUG with myself as a Alacrity Healing Specter. What used to be a cake walk to keep everyone alive as well as picking up those that have fallen from the other group turned into me not even being able to keep myself alive let alone my side of the group. Can someone else test this out with their Specter.
  8. I'm foaming at the mouth waiting for the wiki issue to be solved. I can't function w/o going to the wiki.
  9. Yeah I was just coming here to post about the same thing. Cause it's not only that fight. I was fighting bounties in core Tyria and noticed I couldn't see any of their must avoid attacks. So the cause of it all is Disable Area-of-Effect Rings.
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