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Everything posted by Ice.8956

  1. Hey there! Glad to see you posted this, I was just about to myself, I was the guy (Dabnabbit) annoyed and posting in map chat about people intentionally abusing that bug to kill everyone repeatedly. I believe there are several people that may have done this accidentally, but the precision that it has been occurring intentionally on every single meta, despite warning people of it's existence, definitely points to people intentionally abusing the mechanic. No hard feelings I hope, but bringing awareness to the issue and bringing people to the forums to help support this issue is important so it doesn't spread to other event mechanics and ruin more of the game metas. I managed to catch a clip of another instance of the issue happening soon after that one you were a part of, it's likely still uploading the higher resolutions but this is a link to the clip: If you look carefully you can actually see more than one EMP go off...
  2. This is STILL bugged? SEVEN attempts in a row and the assassin still spawns in the wall long enough to shout then despawn even if I manage to hit him through the wall... how does this persist for 6 years? Worst part is every attempt takes an absolute minimum of about 10 minutes of dialogue and speed clicks to even reattempt... I've spent about 2 hours on this thing and it hasn't worked correctly a single time.
  3. Hey, thanks for the response, I understand this though. My problem is that the South Meta events are NOT awarding keys regardless of my participation. I have no issue accomplishing Gold and 200% participation within minutes of every camps events, the problem is that am I NOT receiving any keys from any events, full stop. I am also, as previously stated, fully aware that I can and do buy some keys up until they cost 500(!) per key, this does NOT provide me with enough keys to complete even a single south meta, and definitely not enough to push into the north meta at all. There is no way this is currently functioning as intended, as people are telling me that the events are supposed to award keys, and they do not for me, which means that I can complete and participate in EVERY SINGLE EVENT for a meta, which takes over an hour or two, and not be able to loot a single one of the dozens of chests that drop... Also the chests are one of the primary sources of commendations from the events... which are needed for the reward tracks... Also isn't it a little weird to say that a purely PVE zone and function of a .. story-driven PVE map should function like PVE is expected to? It's already weird enough how much they simply emulated WVW with the map, but to say that providing PVE rewards is not the point of a PVE zone is kind of disingenuous.
  4. I appreciate the reply, but that leaves me even more confused as I spent at least an hour talking in the map chat about when specifically people acquire keys. It seems that everyone was getting keys from the chests at the end of taking camps/forts on the southern Meta every time, however, I was not. Is it confirmed that the only sources of keys are reward track and vendor?
  5. Ok, I'm super frustrated with this one as it doesn't seem to be affecting anyone else, however, having just recently started the Icebrood Saga and working on Drizzlewood the last few days, I immediately felt something was wrong with the key to chest ratio. Completing the ENTIRE Event Metas both South and North, and I would only have enough keys to maybe do half of the champions after the South Meta Bridge, and maybe 5 keys by the time the North Meta ended, with full participation and Gold on every event and lots of tagging. I quickly realized that part of the issue is that none of the events awarded any keys and figured it was just a poor design, until others on the map let me know that those events are in fact supposed to award keys during the South Meta escorts and camps at the very least. I don't understand what is happening but for three days and numerous meta completions I have only rarely received keys that I did not buy from the vendor, and never from the events themselves, only occasionally from one of the "track" chests. I don't understand what is wrong or why it is affecting me more adversely than anyone else on the map, but it has been greatly discouraging me from playing or enjoying the new content.
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