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Everything posted by Rose.2593

  1. Nice post, and I agree the Tranq point doesn't do a great deal right now, the team with the point can just wait on it to wear off amd then carry on. The reapers things are good. The point you mentioed about respwan is more the players fault, if they spawn and then run and sucide without waiting for help. Also yes, very hard to fight back, if the other team gets to a futher flag, but you start winning, you need to try and get to there point, can be hard to do, when they keep running at the point and its not moving. Maybe getting tranq can reset one of the other teams flags, resetting everything might not be fair. Some buffs from the other modes, like those you get inthe lamp could make it more intersting, But I know they don't want to make it too complicated as its supposed to be easier to play. They could also look at enabling all game modes for ranked? Like stronghold is only unranked
  2. I think anyone who plays gets sent a survey to fill out, So was waiting for that. I guess we will get it on Tuesday
  3. Doesn't cast sometimes even when the shout works?
  4. Got the tranq point right at the end but still lost? No one pushed the point to the end,but with tranq, they shouldnt have been able to claim it, so we should have had the point and won. Nevermind, I think there flags were further along I guess.
  5. Pretty much what it said, in the PVP beta mode, a ranger used the AOE attack or something, right before the count down, and we all took damage even after the game start
  6. Trying to join one group was taking me to another group on the list? Couldn't join the group through the LFG at all.
  7. They keep going back to the starting place on log in, and dont staying where you leave them?
  8. Valraven champion should reward progess to the heart where you trap valravens, and repair fishing nets etc, but the heart is too far away from the event and it doesnt count? Would make sense if it did.
  9. They said they had to delay the weapon rack and armour stands, but we got the collection all boxes first instead.
  10. Add a menu so you can set emotes like sit, wave etc for your alts when they are in the home stead?
  11. For classes that already use the spear, double clicking from the inventory goes directly to the water spear slot. Should there be an option to decide where it goes?
  12. You can add a short cut for fishing, skiff, jadebot and rift finder but not for the door?
  13. 3 events has completed the hearts so far, so they don't seem that bad for them to do? I've seen some events do about 35% of the progress each so far. Like posioning 3 valern nests completed a heart, and doing the warclaw cub collection, and sparing did a heart too, so far so good, not slow at all.
  14. Okay, after doing all the sparing matches, the help the koden cubs with illusions completed itself, even though it wasn't completed before.
  15. No achievement for helping the cubs with the illusions even though i did the event and keep being told I'm not paticpating in Azure windfall but hes not up
  16. As before they did tell us all back in January, that new relics would need unlocking and it makes more sense to have to unlock something that wasn't already in the game, than to get them all instantly when you log in.
  17. You definitely always had to train a mastery first - i.e have an enough XP before using, I think just used to already having the XP unlocked already without needing to fill up the bar before unlocking the mastery to put the points in.
  18. Could they even add a skip button? Yes it's instanced but its not cut scenes, its kinda instanced open world dialog, so not sure it could even be skipped? I could get it being annoying after playing through more than once though, but the story is nice so far. Maybe they will add it so you can skip the whole scene instead. Open world dialog was meant to feel more involved than lots of cut scene's i think so they changed it
  19. Honestly people seemed to want everything instantly. Gathering stuff is part of playing and always has been, time gating seems unnecessary but complaining you need flowers or something on the second day and don't already have 500 is a bit ridiculous, take some time to gather them, then use them. I mean you need the materials before you make the items of course.
  20. They said right at the start when they first made the legendary relic that any new relics not already included would need to be unlocked somehow, either reward tracks or story I guess, its not news! So it might be annoying, but its not something they hid or didnt tell people about, all the way back in January it was already how it was going to be! https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Legendary_Relic https://www.guildwars2.com/en/news/legendary-relics-are-coming-soon/?fbclid=IwY2xjawEyD9tleHRuA2FlbQIxMAABHShD2TyxBv7RCOet8Nn8YHNLpIDzggOP9PPUbo593gATaAnOi2qsU9hV0Q_aem_2_Jm7brIjPLTF7G6dWaFbw Legendary Relics in Future Expansions Legendary relics will work a bit differently than other legendary equipment, in that players will need to unlock new relic effects for future expansions in order to make use of them with their legendary relic. All other legendary equipment components like runes, armor, and weapons are automatically updated with new attribute combination choices as those combinations become available.
  21. I collected some warclaw cubs, and did a fight in the arena with a group event to spar with someone, and then dodging hits from one of the trainers, and it was done.
  22. Could maybe understand if people had done the story loads, but it's alot of complaining for a first time play through of a few minutes of story in the prologe.
  23. Was pretty fast for the first heart I tried, pretty much 2 events and it was done? That's not slow
  24. Theres a book called field research that applies to Life in the Lowlands in the room opposite Frode, but not the camp field report. So still bugged.
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