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Posts posted by HawkXtream.1538

  1. Since it is impossible to increase LB2 damage for dev (they unlikely to revert what they did previously, when DH was released initially LB 2 can 1 shot glass canon) I would reckon to increase the area of LB2 or decrease CD or remove root. LB5 is a bit suicidal in PvP unless they reduce casting time (like LB 5 for ranger) / remove root. LB 3 if possible, make it travel slower so it has higher chance to block more projectile. Of course, if they can make knockback as base it would be awesome but since dev has no intention to do so since this has been asked for many years and no change has been seen.

  2. Hi all,I found that the equipment template in pvp is shared with pve. I find it difficult to find my weapons since the weapons have been used in pve template. Now I have to unequip my weapons from template in order to used it as my pvp build is different from pve. Will this issue be fixed? Plus all the sigil and runes are not applied in pvp.

  3. @TheAgedGnome.7520 said:

    @Zephoid.4263 said:Full shout and consecration rework. The only consecration taken in any game mode is wall and the only shout taken in any game mode is stand your ground. They have been almost untouched since release. Both CD are too high and effects too low. Imo, shouts need to be reworked to be lower cd, lower effect, stun break effects. In the current meta, a buffing utility needs to grand exorbitant usefulness if not granting alac/quick to be worthwhile.

    Purging Flame
    has some good damage and has been a useful Consecration for me.

    I love Pudrging Flame, but the CD is a bit too long though. And I am not sure about something, if an enemies cross the flame they get 3 stacks of burning, if the same enemies cross again do they get another 3 stacks? or it just affects them once?

  4. Hi, I am trying to choose between Quickfire or Loremaster for Firebrand. Which one do you think it's better? For Quickfire, I can constantly apply quickness hence apply Ashes of the Just to allies. But I don't like the present of cd for this traitwhich is a downside. For Loremaster, the valuable property is that it maintains the passive of virtues even it is in cd. Which is vital for firebrand as most of the burning comes from the passive F1. What is ur opinion?

    Another question is that, when I activate F1 tome skill, is my F1 passive still on or it went on cd?

  5. @Zephoid.4263 said:While i can agree with the 50%-25% crit change for rental, give guard SOMETHING back.

    Guard's shouts are straight garbage. they don't give many boons and the duration are god awful. Most haven't seen a change since release and they weren't even competitive back then.Spirit weapons are still bad. Mid cast time and delay for effect isn't a viable combination.Medis were go-to for a long time, but they have been nerfed a few times and have been power crept pretty hard.Consecrations are a joke. Not even remotely competitive in pvp, only wall is ever used in any game mode.

    You had very limited build options for any form of power guard and they received 3 separate nerfs (smite conditions, glacial heart, RI) without any meaningful buffs.

    Hammer guard saw repeated nerfs back to back on a build that wasn't competitive in any format. The cast time on every effect hammer has are incredibly long and do very middling damage/effects.GS guard was low-mid plat competitive when mirages were popular, but the RI crit nerf without any compensating buffs killed that. Previously gs guard lost to holos, sb, or revs, now they get dominated by them.DH hasn't been competitive since the initial round of heavy handed nerfs after HoT release.

    I'd love to see something done for power guards, but i really don't have confidence that Anet has a good grasp on what is wrong. I'm betting on some concentration cd buffs or something meaningless like that. Guard's problems have been apparent since release and haven't been solved, so why now?

    Shout is ok, more useful in pve with Pure of Voice trait. But as more and more classes get access to conditions cleansed, it is no longer preferred. Spirit weapons AOE targetting now make it better except shield is sometime bugged. Medis only useful in pvp, in pve is totally useless except pudging flame for condi damage. Consecrations some are useful such as Sanctuary very good in pvp bunker. Pudging flame is good for burning build. Hallowed Ground is wtf? never liiked it.

  6. @ChronosCosmos.9450 said:We already have plenty of ways to casually play the game with barely any effort. Is there not a way where you guys can make some parts of the game more difficult? I understand that your main audience is not hardcore, but please leave some hardcore content for your hardcore fans that have been with you for a while. That is all that we ask for. Legendaries are nice...but we prefer harder content. I would trade my existing Legendaries for difficult content.

    How hard is hard. Any suggestion? I thought there are raid and Fractal CM

  7. @Mimterest.4639 said:

    @HawkXtream.1538 said:Not all the skills act like what you descript. For example, Axe skill 3, Focus skill 4 requires your characters facing the enemies directly. And I am only talking about the Guardian, many other classes have this skill restriction even more.

    You do know I'm talking about the ACTION CAMERA specifically, right? No matter what direction your character is facing, those skills like pretty much every other skill in the game make your character automatically face the target and then fire the skill. All skills from ranger, mesmer, guardian and necromancer that I have tried except guardian mantras.

    NO, try to use Focus 4 and Axe 3 when enemies are behind you (even you are targeting them) then you know what is happening.

  8. Not all the skills act like what you descript. For example, Axe skill 3, Focus skill 4 requires your characters facing the enemies directly. And I am only talking about the Guardian, many other classes have this skill restriction even more.

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