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Posts posted by Vision.7265

  1. @"EremiteAngel.9765" said:However with every elite spec, these distinctions get more and more blur.There are a lot more overlapping roles and at times, their more efficient build is totally opposite to the roles they were generally designed for.

    Everyone can DPS, Support and Control.Everyone can back-line, mid-line or front-line effectively.Every class can be built to fill almost any role.

    Many weapons and categories of utilities overlap across all the classes.There isn't much uniqueness separating each class.

    Should there be a sharper contrast in terms of role and identity for each class, or are things fine as they are now?

    What you are criticizing is the very structure of the game design. It has always been flexible save for closed content which actually falls back on the "Holy Trinity" in builds, not classes per se.

    You will need a healer build, a tank build, and a dps/condi damage build for specific content. Because of this need, there are classes that cover these roles better than others.

    With that said, I think there should be more options for flexibility, not less. That's just one of the many things we lost from the pre-expac days: flexibility. Now everyone must have a Mesmer for something. That's the dev's favorite class. It is arguably the most flexible of all classes.

    What we need is for all the classes to be as flexible as that class. Long story short, you want a Holy Trinity of classes, you picked the wrong game.

  2. I chose other. The current characters around the commander aren't appealing enough. Braham just needs to go. Rytlock, though an awesome Charr, seems as if he's more connected to Logan than anything. The novels with him and Logan really built up story between them and added more layers to their relationship into gw2. As far as the commander is concerned, he saw through balthazar's and kralk's demise so he should be off the hook. Other than wanting action because he is who he is, he doesn't have a bond with the commander as strong as Logan. I love the lesbian couple of Kasmeer and Marjory but clearly people like Marjory better so we don't need them both. Kasmeer can just hang out in DR in the service of the queen. Rox has found her home with the Olmakhan.

    To me, Canach is the most interesting simply because of his history. I know it would be difficult to implement, but Canach has every right to backstab an Asuran commander after what they did to him early on. He may even hold some sort of grudge against a human commander since he was under Anise's thumb for a while. But despite all of that, he seems to be both useful (bombs expert) as well as entertaining. He could really make the story interesting if he outright goes against the commander because of something that happened in his past, but I doubt they will do such a thing.

    I would like for Sayeh al' Rajihd to make a comeback since we're in the ocean. And my long-shot choice would be Livia. I know her journey was technically over, but I don't think they did such a good character justice from gw1 into gw2.

  3. This is the heart of this game: open world content. Whether we're rushing metas, events, bosses, as long as the content is OPEN, you'll get good reviews overall. Closed content makes for a game that serves a few. This game was meant to be open. Core Tyria was structured to be that way. Go back to your roots, devs. Open world is your bread and butter.

  4. @eldrin.6471 said:I finally finished this horrendous collection .long boring and tedious is how i would describe it.Can only hope we do not get a repeat of this.This mount i refuse to buy skins for.

    There are skins? If they dangled them out early as incentive, I may have bought 'em. Since getting the mount after the first week of release, I'm over it. I can't bring myself to care about them either way. There were suggestions for other mounts and skins for them, but they weren't taken seriously. They just pattern skins off of the ones they had before. So we can expect things like primeval, awakened, starfall, arctic, fire, electric, exalted, forged, etc.

    I want an American muscle car themed beetle skin, but I know it won't happen.

  5. Gorrik: Never underestimate the ignorance of the masses.

    Gorrik: Am I supposed to anticipate the neuroses and paranoia of literally everyone around me?

    Zildi: No need. It's dying; we ghat it!

    Skritt @ Bloodtide: Glad you're here. Don't want to end up undead lunch like dredge burrow people.

    Kian @ Sandswept: Stay out of my cabbages! These outlanders, trompin' around all willy-nilly.

  6. After acquiring it at 10:30 PM EST Wednesday evening, I passed out. When I came to, I decided to max out the mastery at Dragonfall. That meta was awesome! The optional bosses are also great and made it a huge loot farm. If I did the meta on an alt, I would not have enough space for all the loot.

    The meta and bosses afterwards are best done with Griffon and Springer for sure. How could the Skyscale even keep up? I honestly thought this would be THE map for it.

    My only hope now is that they don't force its usage.

    I really fooled around with the thing but so far I think it would be best for: recording beetle races from a set point and slow exploration of maps. It has that great fire blast thing upon dismount, but I don't see the practicality in it if you're moving slow enough for ranged enemies to abuse you from the ground. By the time you reach your attack point for your skyscale to fly by, you may have already been dismounted by mobs who aggro from Lake Doric no matter where you are: Cantha, Elona, the unending sea, etc.

    Going back to the entire collection and process to get the mount again, I will reiterate that it isn't really worth it (meaning the mount should be much more than what it is to justify the process). I had to make it fun for myself. For me, I used my beetle to make it enjoyable. Unlike people who had stockpiled all the materials and map currencies, I didn't have much. I only have one absolute advantage: many many many alts (and tenacity). I use this game to test design looks I want to implement for other things so it just turned out that way. All but 2 of my characters are max level. So I spammed hearts.

    In the Domain of Kourna, I spammed the supply transport heart from Faren's position to the camp. With Roller Beetle, you can make the round trip in less than a minute, 40 secs or less if you take an ideal line.

    In Jahai Bluffs, I spammed the southern heart where you chuck a shard at the dummies. My characters all weren't positioned there so I used the Sun's Refuge portal and stepped out into Jahai. From there? Roller beetle to the heart avoiding brand storms and branded all over the place. Fun racing.

    In Thunderhead, I spammed two hearts. One to rally troops where I used roller beetle through that narrow corridor from the forge. Then the most fun heart I did was the fishing (reminded me of SAB w2z2, lol). The fishing itself wasn't the treat though, it was getting there from the top of the mountain. Of course the Roller beetle is the fastest way down since I found several routes which were intended by the designers that were full of magic to collect between ramps and jumps as well as an achievement where after the downhill run you hit a specific ramp to splash into the ice fishing hole. That was a nice surprise. I started picking out landing points after that for my beetle lol.

    One of the worst things that happened as a result of the collection are the no effort, almost entirely afk commanded Dragonfall maps who are only doing it for the minimum requirements for the skyscale. Please just run the full meta, people will be in and out regardless.

    To those who are wondering about mounts, it would serve you best to go after the griffon over the skyscale since it is useful in many more situations than the skyscale, even on the Skyscale's home map for the awesome meta they have there. For me, it really is a vanity mount and people are already using it afk in town.


  7. The overall reset timegate affects many parts of the process, not just one. To add to that one overall gate, we have several other gates: farm gate, craft gate, gold gate, collection gate, jump gate, episode gate, boss gate, res gate, kill gate, charged quartz gate, etc. There are people who can defer to gold at some points of the process, but not everyone is a whale.

    I may not be done with the thing myself, but at least there's no RNG gate that I know of. That would have been an epic fail. Nightmare scenario: RNG black lion chest mount. Picture that and the current situation doesn't seem as bad despite the ridiculous high cost in time for low benefit skyscale.

    Again, I do not think you get what you pay for in the skyscale: the mount isn't worth what you put into it. Legendary collection should have legendary reward. Many of us don't mind the work if it is worth it. It just isn't. Only getting it as a vanity mount for afk by next month maybe early August since this journey really isn't that engaging, either.

    If we could raise it like pokemon or monster rancher instead of the current system, maybe it would warrant the time investment but it isn't a new system at all. It's a series of collections that does not introduce a new element to the game.

  8. @Faaris.8013 said:But what all this for? A dragon mount that cannot even fly and has no advantage over other mounts in combination. Unless there is some surprise that makes it a flying mount, I will prefer the griffon. And all the stuff that we do for the Skyscale is a bit overkill for a mediocre item. I did Aurora and think it was worth it. So far, I don't think the Skyscale is worth the effort.

    In other News: Suicide rates in Divinity's Reach are exploding.

    I agree.

    The DR suicides are Dwayna's REAL agenda. She actually wants a blood sacrifice. Kek. Elizabeth Bathory is her Champion.

  9. I would like to take a step back and look at PVE mounts (not Warclaw) since the release of POF for comparison's sake looking at the cost, reward, and overall practicality of each mount.

    All mounts require the collection of mastery points so I won't go into that. So for one thing, nothing mount-related is free: PoF must be purchased so there is a minimum monetary cost to be a part of the mount riding population. After doing a little story, you get the raptor, a basic mount that can canyon jump after leveling it up. Cheapest one, minimal cost. Not a mount I use all the time from a practical standpoint nor for fun at least for me. Worth it? Yes. Need it to get bunny.

    Bunny, by far, is the most practical mount: I use it for collections to the present day. It gamebreaks the previous expansion and even enables you to skip and shortcut around some core game PVE content. Cost? Leveling up Raptor and one heart. Total steal.

    Skimmer and Jackal similarly just need the previous mounts leveled up and one heart mission completed. However, I would argue that both of these mounts were gimmicky and only useful in maps that used their specific abilities so they were purely PoF mounts. You can use them elsewhere but they're not as gamebreaking as the bunny.

    Beetle for me is the most detailed in gameplay design since you can drive it grip or drift and it completely changed the experience of the game itself. I tip my hat to the beetle design team because they brought back racing and Tony Hawk into one mount. Racing was implemented throughout the game just for this mount. I just go into my own world hopping ramps and drifting circles around the Crimson Wurm area of Bloodtide coast before TT for the pure pleasure of it. It is not a practical mount and has it's own gimmicky wall break barriers in PoF but it has all the fun factor points above all mounts at least for me. It's the only mount that immerses me in this game. Cost was the completion of some story and three sets of collections. It was worth it.

    Griffon, I would argue, had a fair cost at 250 gold and a series of collections which were quite enjoyable. Nothing matches bunny in terms of bang for buck, however. The Griffon was a game breaking mount that made you rule the skies anywhere. It has an excellent fun factor and like the beetle, it lets you re-experience the world in a new way. The bunny still beats it out in terms of vertical ascent since advancing upwards from the ground up a mountain is not griffon specialty, air speed dominance is. Griffon is fun but not as frugal in terms of cost. With the griffon, you truly get what you pay for.

    So what is the Skyscale in this spectrum of mounts? I like that it can hover and can stick to walls; if anything, it's unique. However, it has the highest cost of all mounts in terms of time, collections, and mats (I don't know the exact mat cost because I only just hatched my baby skyscale Suction Cup). Is it the most game breaking and most practical and most fun of all mounts? No. If it requires the most effort, it should be the best mount hands down, no question, even replacing something of the previous mounts since it is the largest time investment and collection investment. I've used the temporary one and was not impressed. I primarily used my bunny and griffon, which is a testament to their practicality, for collections and could only find one mastery point and one story point to justify a mid-air helicopter hover trademarked by the skyscale.

    I can't say about the future but this skyscale is too gimmicky and not as practical as bunny or griffon to the game itself to justify a cost in time and collection that is greater than all mounts in the game so far. If this is a legendary mount with a legendary level of cost over all other mounts, it should have a legendary gameplay experience, and it plainly does not. There will be no races on this thing like they introduced for the beetle because it is too slow and doesn't even hold a candle to griffon.

    This is the biggest miss of all the mounts because what you put into it doesn't give you something better than the mounts you already have. I will get the mount, but I'll be honest: I'm only doing it to use mastery points I saved up for it. The low value of the mount for the game in terms of practicality/fun and what you have to do to get it is absurd; It does not justify it. I only see it being used as an afk hovermount, nothing more.

  10. :(> @Shikigami.4013 said:

    @hugo.4705 said:Huge thanks to Anet for that very cheap set of decorations purchasable at racing vendors. Really Apreciated, I can finally think about creating a skatepark and slopes instead of using jade, stone blocks and gaming room floor tiles.

    Like the previous leviathan decos, you have several shapes like:-curves-ramps-slopesAnd many others, around 10 I would say, will post screens when I have them.

    Where do they go? I bought some but I don't know where to find them.

    Directly into the storage of the guild you are representing when buying them.



    Wrong guild everything.

  11. @hugo.4705 said:Huge thanks to Anet for that very cheap set of decorations purchasable at racing vendors. Really Apreciated, I can finally think about creating a skatepark and slopes instead of using jade, stone blocks and gaming room floor tiles.

    Like the previous leviathan decos, you have several shapes like:-curves-ramps-slopesAnd many others, around 10 I would say, will post screens when I have them.

    Where do they go? I bought some but I don't know where to find them.

  12. @Zeefa.3915 said:Female light armor has plenty skimpy armor sure, although they also got modest options. Medium armor does not have as much skimpy armor... infact for my female sylvari ranger where I would very much like an open back, so I could actually see that beautiful glow pattern, there is a grand total of 2 options, and I like neither one. So yeah, given up on that....Oh how I would love the elite druid armor set from GW1 on my sweet sylvari.

    I agree. Female light armor has the most 'skimpy' options.

    But Heels? I haven't seen anything that looks even remotely like stilettos or anything like Cinderella's glass slippers (which I would buy with real cash if we had). Everything looks like wrestler boots all the way up to the knee.

    The aurora shoes are the only shoes that look like actual shoes you'd wear with a gown, but I don't think they're in bad taste at all. To me, they're the only good ones.

  13. @Lonami.2987 said:This is a heated topic, but let's have a serious discussion about it.

    Raids are not profitable for ArenaNet

    Let me say this clearly: I do raid, and I love challenging content, but I have many friends who are utter noobs, and can't learn to raid with what we have now. They simply can't. Don't start lecturing me about training groups and whatever. They can't.

    Then they don't deserve raiding.

    No one has entitlement to any game mode ever, specially hardcore players, who are pretty much those contributing the less to the game's finances, since they already have a lot of gold and convert it to gems instead of using real money. If we went by a simple metric of what is good for this game, raids are pretty much at the bottom. ArenaNet would make more money by just releasing open world zergfest content, than with raids. Raids are a special snowflake, and that's why it can't hold on forever, not like this.

    Hell, if tomorrow they scrapped raiding altogether, and started doing dungeons again, you think the happy people wouldn't outnumber the angry people? Think about it.

    Raids are neither viable nor profitable being exclusive content. We need more raiders.

    So that's it. Feel free to vote in the poll, and whatever your opinion is, please express it civilly below.

    I voted and I quoted to discuss some points about this game and why it's special to the people who've been playing it long.

    If anyone remembers, this game was WITHOUT raids for a long time.

    Because of this, this MMO was the casual MMO.

    Compared to more hardcore MMOs, this game was easy to get into with its welcoming atmosphere.

    It was non-competitive and you could be as flexible as you want with your builds because you weren't going after a RAID wing and no one would tell you otherwise.

    The introduction of raids changed the game along with the expansions.

    Many of us in the community glossed over raids because we didn't start playing this game because of raids at all.It was the casual structure that kept us and continues to keep us, not raids.

    However, it brought in more competitive aspects that brought a whole new brand of MMOer to this game, the competitive raider.

    You competitive raiders deserve one another. Let there be a HARD mode for you all.

    Give the rest of us a ZERG mode (not easy). Same rules just lots more people.

    The reason why the majority of this game's content is enjoyable is the fact that many can partake. Remember, this game was originally structured on inclusiveness and NOT exclusivity.

    But for you minority hardcore raiders, be thankful for those of us that fund this game out of our pockets because we really don't make our lives here and just want to enjoy it as a casual game on the side.

    I grind and train enough in real life to build my career into what I want it to be; I can't do both in-game and rl.

    If you grind and train here to be the best you can be at raids, go for it. Just remember the game isn't centered around raids and us casuals are funding the game.

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