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Posts posted by Vision.7265

  1. It should be like a character selection screen for a fighting game like street fighter or mortal kombat with character selection music or like a car selection screen for a racing game. Backgrounds should be connected to the location of the character like in the current thumbnail.

    It could also be a great opportunity for having the character selection screen combined with a character design editor to entice people to buy more items to keep the game running. So using Wintersday as an example, imagine logging into the game and having all or most of your characters decked out in Wintersday gear or other things on sale. Then, have a customize button so that you can choose specific items and recolor them to your liking while on your character of choice.

    Throw in a mount option so you can customize your character and mount at the same time. "Try before you buy" goes a long way.

    I know they won't do anything of what I just said, but I see an easy and worthwhile in-game marketing opportunity here that they can capitalize on.

  2. I have had my Logitech G502 since it was first produced. No issues. I honestly don't understand why people like the mice with a thumb dialpad: they're just not ergonomic and there's no place for your thumb to rest. I would use my backup ball mouse which is really comfortable, but there isn't enough buttons on it.

  3. No race is perfect. Each is unique and will have its own standard for being bland, dull, or uniform. So let's see what they have:

    AsuraAs a culture who relishes intelligence and invention, loving learning and discovery is the norm. They have Asuran geniuses who are governed by a council which, let's be honest, is VERY academic in nature. Inquest are the only other major faction who are more into experimentation without any ethical limits. In the early story of the game, they played with Sylvari and then the Olmakhan Charr in much more recent memory.In general, Asura are short toons with dense brains whether or not they are ethical or unethical like the Inquest. We will never see the 40-year-old progeny who was too lazy to get off his couch and actually use his brain because he was too "high", nor will we ever have a sidequest concerning such a bum of an Asura.Every structure they build is some sort of floating cube or other geometric shape. As a race, they can never never have just simple stairs when they have elevators, warp gates, waypoints, and quite frankly, the most advanced technology out there.Sidenote: Although an Asuran Engineer really fits the bill on paper, the engineer class in-game uses technology that is prevalent in the steampunk Charr city of the Black Citadel so it doesn't make sense from a game lore standpoint. Asura should have engineers with the standard tech of their race.

    CharrThe furries all love this floofy class of warring furballs. The hulking, muscular charr love to define themselves through war and battle save for the more recent Olmakhan Charr who do not. They are technically the "bad guys" of gw1 so they had appeal just so that people could be the bad guys.They have iron legion, ash legion, blood legion, and flame legion in Ascalon as well as the Olmakhan Charr who validate a druid or soulbeast build from a lore standpoint. But let's be honest, without the Olmakhan, the Charr overall are all just warmongers with flame legion at the top saying the rest of them should get on their level.Their main city structure is a giant, steampunk arena. I sincerely love its design and is the only race to truly validate the engineer class with it's matching steampunk theme.

    SylvariAre delicious salads ready to be eaten. No j/k lol. But lets be honest, the npcs love making fun of them. I respect the sylvari because they never seem to be offended by it either. They're all so cheerful save for the Nightmare Court who broke away from the Pale Tree Sylvari. When the Mordremoth Expac came and they got their chance to be mind-controlled zombies like the rest of us were with Zhaitan, I was ecstatic because it brought about a new dimension to their lore.In terms of personality, they have two main types represented by two characters: happy-go-lucky Sieran or Faolain (aka Fao Fao) who was fiercely independent and really did have a mind of her own until they went extra dark side in Mordemoth.Their city? A big tree house. I think it was charming. So in-tune with nature which invalidates the engineer who has a flamethrower.

    HumanHands down no one has more lore and focus than Humans both in-game and even in the novels before the game started and even in the previous game. (Good base character design, not fat and wide like WoW Humans who originated from Walmart).The humans are, well, HUMAN. However, they are very idealized human forms. I can easily etch out faces that match supermodels from the base model (I have 21 characters of proof, lol, and that's not all of them).I can make ugly ones with the older, wrinkled, and aged faces, but I don't want to play reality simulator like many people have alluded to in the forums, so I based my humans on models' faces. Additionally, if I want to spend, it won't be on an ugly toon.At any rate, everyone knows about humans because the in-game story forces everybody to know. Lol. We have the White Mantle, we have separatists in Ascalon, human ghosts Everywhere! Oh yeah they live in Divinity's Reach which looks like a Disney Castle from a distance lol.

    NornThe Norn have the least amount of lore presented in the game. What we do know is that they are adventure-driven and always discuss growing one's individual legend. They are large, human-like people who relish the hunt and the glory that is associated with victory.In essence, they look like human and like to fight like Charr and are sized like Charr.They have two main factions Norn we can play who sided with Jora killing dragon minions as the right thing to do and those who believe that Jora was wrong in what she did, the Sons of Svanir, who love Jormag and the power of dragon.Their home of Hoelbrak is designed in the snow with the Great Lodge as its governing center.

    ConclusionAfter review, it really depends what you're saying is BLAND about the particular race.

    Humans are bland compared to the other races in terms of physical description: not to tall, not too small, not too much of anything. They also have generic city design and architecture, typical fantasy castle.

    However, humans have the most fleshed out storyline and lore of all races. What I love is that there's MORE lore out there to uncover! I want to know about the THORN line and how it got to Queen Jennah at some point, I looked at the wiki and there are question marks all around the royal line.

    Additionally, humans have the most character diversity. Asura all genius love math and science. Charr is war, save for Olmakhan. Sylvari all Sieran happy or like faofao. Nornies all about the hunt and glory and bragging about it. Humans just have a larger range of personalities.

    I see why people see Humans as generic compared to other races. But within their own race, humans have much more character and personality range which makes them more attractive to me to play along with the insurmountable amount of lore that goes way back before the games started.

    Let me know if there's a sidequest for that 40 year old progeny who never gets off the couch and smokes up, or a charr who's never killed anyone and thinks all Charr shouldn't kill (ghandi charr if you will) or a sylvari who is always depressed and only drinks at the bar, or a Norn who is smarter than Asura who actually cares about knowledge for knowledge alone.

    Which leads me to see why DR is so popular for RP. Because of the personality limitations, there are less options to RP with the non-human races from a lore-based standpoint. Are there non-lore-based RP groups out there aside from ERP? If so, I may be interested for the lels because I want to see these unique suggestions I made here come to fruition.

    Edit: I voted Norn because they're physically humans and with Charr size and Charr fighting attitude. So a copy of two to make one.

  4. @"Lilyanna.9361" said:Even BDOs outfits fit more with their world and they had things like kitten Victoria secret swimsuits. Like it just make fashion wars a whole big yikes for people that actually want to fashion wars properly.

    All they have to do is flip the Victoria Secret swimsuit mode on here and bank. They can even make it like DoA beach volleyball and let people collect sets of pixelated "armor" and rng gate it too. If people are dropping serious cash for this, sky's the limit.

  5. @TheGrimm.5624 said:But now a days if a friend of mine wanted help in creating a new guild hall I see no reason I shouldn't be able to join their guild and help in that goal without having to leave my own guild. If a smaller guild needed more people to run missions, why should I not be allowed to join them to run those missions. If my core guild doesn't raid, why should I have to leave them to join one that raids? My guild runs some havoc in WvW, what if my raid guild doesn't, would I have to stop running WvW? Your points are what a number of us have been making, if you have a guild that does it all and it works for you, good on you. But if it doesn't why not allow people to join more guilds that would cover those areas that they are interested in. In any case we will differ in the opinion that when a guild grows to big people will have less chance to interact, less so in text but even more so in voice comms, you can't have that many disparate discussions going on in one voice channel. So you end up breaking into smaller groups to interact. There is no difference there in being in one guild versus a number of them outside of the name. And if comes down to pride in a guild name over that of the people that make it up, I will have pride in the people that have acted under it versus it for itself. People make a guild, a guild doesn't make the people.

    I failed at brevity, but it is what it is. Good gaming!

    I have one guild slot free to help those smaller guild out when I can.

    I also use that slot to observe the larger, multislot guilds with 600+ members and growing.

    None cater to every single person's individual needs and make them feel included especially when they become very big. The audacity of any guild big or small demanding anything over 50% rep is appalling when the game has 5 slots. What are they going to do to replace all of the specialties that my current guilds have? If nothing, there's no point. This is a buyer's (prospective guild member) market, not a seller's (recruiter's). They have to compete. So either they assume they will do everything including ERP, or specialize in something. Most guilds accomplish the latter and carve out an identity in that manner.

    None have Beetle Gymkhana either. I don't have to worry because I can just make one myself. Small group, but I like to stick up for the little guys (smols included, lol).

    TL: DR if one guild can offer intense ERP, casual RP, Raid train, Speed run Raids, WvW roam, WvW havoc, Zerg bust, sPvP, Open World map comp, map meta, bounty train, dungeon speed run, dungeon train, fractal speed run, fractal train lower tiers, T4 dailies, beetle gymkhana, and have people who will be actual friends....

    Let me know. Dropping all my guilds for that one. (But it doesn't exist).

    It's easier to have more slots.

  6. @Sarah.1825 said:I will point out, as I do every time this subject comes up. In other games you are limited to one guild per character. Multiple characters in a guild would quickly fill up that guild's roster, so many/most guilds would only allow one or two characters into the guild. So, with that in mind, in WoW you could be in a maximum of 50 guilds, one per character.

    GW2 has gone a step farther and let the guild be tied to the account, not the character, and beyond that, lets you see and talk to any guild that your account is in. This, honestly, is the best thing to come along since peanut butter and puppies.

    If we were in the guild model of most other games, I would be able to be in 70 guilds. I don't want (or think its necessary) to be in 70 guilds but given the divergence of gameplay that Anet has instigated, 5 guild slots is no longer enough. At launch, yes, even with HoT it was mostly satisfactory, introducing raids on top of PvP, WvW PvE, Dungeons, Fractals and World bosses made it still mostly workable.

    Now that the number of raids, fractals, WvW ect have grown, there are more people with those play styles, requiring them to gather together a group with similar interests. Whether the guild has 50 or 500 people in it doesn't matter for 'split attention'. Different guild have always had different focuses and the people in the guilds also come and go, split off and form new guilds, or the guilds die out when people stop logging in. Just because your friend can't log in for a month, or a year, doesn't mean that you don't want to be there for them when they do come back. Yes, there is friends list, but that is (in my opinion) a poor way to keep in touch, it doesn't promote your friendship as much as sharing a guild. Others may feel differently, but that's why we all have opinions.

    10 guilds would be nice, though keep in mind that many guilds still have Rep requirements (which is a whole 'nother story)15 would probably be do-able, especially if you take into account the number of people who have both 'private bank guilds' and 'harvesting guild halls'. Both of which are not necessary, but they are very common.20, in my opinion would be the absolute max that someone would be able to give attention to. Again, opinion, not fact, not a poll, not 'this is how I feel so everybody else should too'.

    I would absolutely pay real money for gems to be able to have 5 more guild slots. I would absolutely grind the ingame gold to buy gems to get 5 more slots if I didn't spend all my budgeted 'allowance' on my computer game hobby to begin with.

    I agree. Thank you, Sarah.

  7. @Hashberry.4510 said:Where do we stuff the dollar bills?

    You stick your hand into the void and release. It's symbolic of what you have to go through to get it. Throwing your money away (or time if you key farm for it).

    To the conservative folks out there, you can only see space and a metal diaper. What's revealing about that? Lol

  8. @Ultramex.1506 said:

    @Ultramex.1506 said:I'm guessing this is Anet answer for Bikini outfit, looks......meh on non-female Human especially Asura.

    They should just do flat out bikinis like Korean MMOs. They make BANK! And mankinis for those interested ;)

    A bit worry about female charr bikini though, are they gonna put in more effort in it?

    I'm all in if it's equitable. Furkini, Nornkini, Treekini, Surakini...

    But a Borat Mankini on a Huge NORN omg lool endless laughter

  9. @"Paclee.6189" said:salesman: While displaying said outfit, you will be forced to wear METAL DIAPER.me: "Nooooooooo! That's not true! That's impossible!"

    "METAL DIAPER" had me rolling. Lol. Sounds like a geriatric rock band. Hahaha.

    Everyone, let's give a big round of applause for........ METAL DIAPER!!!!!! :applause:

    On a more serious note, I'm with the more practical bunch who are opting out of key gambling. You DON'T just BUY this thing. It's a clear sign that things ARE going in a bad direction when this is targetting whales.

    For those who have spent cash on 25+ keys without getting what they want, I salute you. You da REAL VIPs funding our collective gw2 experience.

    RIP cash

  10. @Khisanth.2948 said:

    @Luthan.5236 said:Cause they buy the skins for gems they bought with real money. These types of players always will get the most attention. And I guess working people that only login 1 or 2 hours every day will buy a lot of new content and skins related to new Living World story stuff. (Also they have the money - when they work a lot.)

    I agree with this Luthan. I am such a player.

    On another note, is there any way we can have solid statistics on the activity by player populations in Open World, Raid, Fractal, PvP, and WvW?

    It would be good to know so that we can add a statistical layer to this discussion, and it would give us the ability to make calculations for monetary gain per mode.

    Not really. Last time ANet gave some stats was roughly 90 something percent plays PvE and 30 something percent plays PvP/WvW(they were rolled into a single group) and I think it was around 60 percent that does both. That sort of data is not very clear.

    Thanks for the response. It explains a lot. I do kinda feel bad that that all the hardcore PvP and WvW people are neglected, but then again, I mained core engi since pre-expac gw2 and like the beetle mount (which has the least amount of skin purchases as stated on another thread I read). Neither are getting any real love lol.

  11. If it's not about a dragon, I would be happy. The suggestion about the Inquest, Flame Legion, etc. would be something I would support so that the story seems less human-centered.

    Aside from that, why did they do this at the end of summer? Some people going back to school. Wouldn't it have been better before summer ended? I'm not even in college anymore, but I'm thinking about their perspective. Summer break and winter break are the best for big things.

    Did the other seasons get a special event like this one? What could it mean?

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