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aura enchanted.5698

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  1. judging by the fact gw2 still has twitch streamers the game is in fact not down its a half step before the game servers
  2. i am on step 4 of making my zaihtan skin for my aurene legendary, it doesnt appear to work, i sat there for several minutes spamming f trying to get it to purify, the nearby grenth temple is purified, i have the weapon physically on my person and its just not working at all. i tried character swapping and that didnt resolve it and relaunching the game didnt either. request advice.
  3. not a QoL suggestion or a gem suggestion but a suggestion none the less. various weapon categories have identical weapons that are functionally a reskin, entropy and its hammer twin, cobalt and ebonhawke are two examples but more exist in sword, shield, so on. why not take this to a new level and add more clones then put in a mystic forge recipe to combine them granting unique features. for example in ebonhawkes example we could make it into an earth sword and then when drawn it will have a different elemental property each time drawn. in entropy's case you could give it a color cascade. these are some cool examples. in the case of shield a sick idea would be to take the guild defender and kyrtas embrace. add maybe 2 more or something to that effect and grant us a vintage guildwars 1 cape when drawn with your guild logo on it. you arent really making new content, just modifying existing content and adding some recipes maybe some special effects revolving around a weapon being drawn or equipped and it offers people not wanting to walk the path of swords that is making legendaries a chance to grab something really cool and unique for a relatively minimal investment. at one point mystic weapons were the budget weapons for new players; if u wanted an exotic this was one of the prime ways to grab a good looking one (not like pearl weapons gags which are hideous ) and now they cost a small fortune because we wanted to slow down legendary crafting with spirit shards. and while we can never make mystic weapons this again without radically altering what things are and arent exotice/ascend/legendary and what that means. we can look to neglected items like these and retool them to be something better. you don't need to be a legendary dressed down head to toe person to look amazing and that shouldnt be encouraged.
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