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The Holy Advenger.1758

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  1. Better nerf rev even though condi theif is still fucking broken, oh and condi mes bombing is still a think. Good thing we nerfed the Anti condi set ups.
  2. I mean when you get qued against the same duos 4 or 5 games in a row, it'll be more of the same repetitive games...It's just boring.
  3. Yeah! I've went against the same duos 5 times in a row. I'm not trolling. Its MADDENING. plus in my promo matches I got about 4 afks so felt really good about that one. so yeah. It's been amazing. Exact same people just over and over and over. really fun gameplay.
  4. I'm really glad indefinitely dodging with mirage is still around after being here for years. Great mechanics.
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