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Everything posted by meixing.5439

  1. PERISH was taken away from us a few days ago. He's a valluable player, as well a content creator, for the international community at the EU servers. Without PERISH , evenings are dull and we don't have anyone left to blame when we lose SMC.I've only known PERISH for a few months (I played most of my wvw time on na) but I can assure you he's a good bloke.Can you please bring him back anet??
  2. Is it possible to explain how do I lag so bad in the european wvw servers , when me, being in Europe and playing as a regular on the NA servers for the last 3 years, during EST prime time rarely did?? How can I not lag with a stable 120 ping, and lag with 60?Everytime I change to EU the problem arises making me go back to NA, because it seems that this game only works when i play from across the pond...And before you tell me it's "probably my connection" or "my isp" forget it, those are great.
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