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Posts posted by TrollingDemigod.3041

  1. 9 minutes ago, Palikka.8249 said:

    Even filth need their safe space, but honestly wsr just want outnumber. If they would want challenge thy would play on t1. 

    They're just bunch of gankers, so ofcourse they'll want to fight fair fights 30v5, otherwise they'll run from any fights and reset them constantly.

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  2. 20 minutes ago, Hoon.1524 said:

    none really wants to play vs wsr, none logs in they can have their joy :D.
    thats the reality for wsr, i mean like i said they have some good players but the majority wont take on a fight if not 101% chance to win.
    they have zillion of morons (i actually find it funny but u kill ur own content) who like to pull commander.
    wsr has got it all to make the whole game so boring its better to log alts and enjoy a different match up.

    It's like, all the filth from EU gathered on 1 server, it's quite impressive honestly.

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  3. 1 hour ago, Paradoxoglanis.1904 said:

    I get it, guilds would get worn down by clouds and they didnt like that. But not having a counter to boonball is awful for actual gameplay. Large scale fights are pointless and boring. The counter to boonball is to have a bigger boonball. Small scale is still small scale and wont ever be remotely balanced. So if you dont run with a boonball squad basically your options are trolling people on thief or ranger or picking off people in the boonball that have fallen asleep and got left behind.

    Buff WoD. Like... talk about the most nerfed skill in the game. You can literally w key through like 5 of these now and it doesnt matter. WoD used to be such a fun skill to use and play around. It was an actual way to create area denial and stop mindless w key pushes.

    Buff ghastly breach for the same reason.

    Give other elite skills like 1000 cuts or FGS boon rip.

    Give ele literally any boon rip.

    A-net: We hear your concerns, buuut... have you seen our new skins in gem store?

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  4. 48 minutes ago, Fueki.4753 said:

    The fact that you can face-tank more effectively with Necromancer's high HP pool and Reaper's Shroud actually means you need to think less on Reaper than on Willbender and Thief, which need to consider how to utilize their active defences.

    Willyblender/Teef gameplay:

    1) Jump on enemy > 2) smash face on keyboard > 3) did enemy die?
    4) NO > 4a) jump away / keep smashing since low cd > 4b) back to #3
    5) Yes > 5a) wait for cooldowns > 5b) start from #1
    That's it, nothing beyond that. They only die to their own greed.
    Your high HP means really nothing with spammable 5k constantly, on top of that shroud is not just "sponge" but also a damage source, so eating damage with it is not really optimal.
    Reaper is much higher risk than both of these.

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  5. 3 hours ago, Juniper.8197 said:

    What makes Reaper not braindead in your opinion? Always thought it was pretty straightforward without much nuance

    You actually don't have that many out-of-jail cards like teef or willyblender, if you screw up royally, you'll die. It is straightforward and fun, but still requires some brain to use.
    WvW perspective~

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    1. Balance: powercreep everywhere, too many boons, too many conditions, too high damage, too high defense/sustain, too high mobility, stealth not deleted, superspeed not deleted, skill moved from player hands to characters build choices, etc.
    2. Cowardice: why fight when you can outnumber enemy? why fight when you can reset 24/7 because of #1?
    3. PPT4life: the worst part of wvw is when your pve blob wants to take objective and enemy defends it
    4. Lack of bans: so many cheaters/exploiters/griefers and no punishment at all, but write forbidden words and you'll get banned within 1min
    5. Stupidty: I don't have high expectations from gw2 players, but I'm still dissapointed. Enemy cataing your T3 keep? Why report it when you can just stare at them, menancingly. Enemy heading to your camp? Why defend it, let them flip so you can flip it later.

    That's about it I guess.

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  6. 2 hours ago, CutesySylveon.8290 said:

    Another thing people forget is to use things like Disablers. I cannot count how many times we've had several defenders holding off an objective that refuse to use Disables, making mine extremely crucial because it could be what buys us enough time. 

    This is also why I cannot stand Shield Generators because teams that chain bubbles with alacrity on siege with Ventari bubbles covering the Shield Gens is quite literally impossible to stop without a similar sized group.

    But yes, use Painter Traps, Supply Traps, and Disables. They're extremely useful.

    They're useful, but disablers can be denied by some random dude with Aegis that got hit by it.

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  7. 2 hours ago, CafPow.1542 said:

    That’s kinda the perfect example of something you wanna dodge.

    what else do you wanna dodge? An autohit?

    You wanna dodge something that comes out of stealth and does that in less than 1s? Enemy model won't even show on your monitor. You guys have too idealistic fights in this game.

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  8. 17 minutes ago, Lalary.3561 said:

    Run full celestial/minstrel boon spamming cheese builds like boonball loving Anet wants you to? Or how about simply dodge the burst and "one shot" them back with a power build?

    You want to dodge something that can delete 20k+ hp in full minstrels in less than 1s? 
    People on this forum are a meme.

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  9. 2 hours ago, AlPower.2476 said:

    So, if you can't spam stab like willbender/dh/tempest . spam blocks like willbender/virtuoso/warrior, spam invul  like virtuoso, all while you keep your offensive skills to fight, good luck.

    Tempest can't really spam stab, you can deny it's application if you CC them at the beginning of overload. I agree though, bs design.

  10. What gamemode though? PvE, PvP, WvW?
    There's quite a bit of websites on which you can check builds:

    And probably kitten load of more websites that I'm not aware of.
    I think the easiest overall should be Scourge, then Druid. Tempest also is easy, but meh, not that good. In PvE you could also use something like Mechanist, pretty braindead spec.

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  11. 17 minutes ago, Puck.3697 said:

    It’s not really a sad reality, this is the case in all MMORPGs, difficulty is a choice for fun, it exists for those who want it for the right way, literally balancing based on difficulty has never succeeded. 

    pretty sure wild star tried this idea, and it got shut down after attempting to reboot twice, you can’t balance a mmorpg on difficulty, it just makes the game wildly unapproachable 

    You will find in every successful mmorpg difficulty is never factored into the balance, difficult options should exist, but it’s there for the users choice, if your choosing the hardest to play class because you think it should do the most dps, u just aren’t choosing your class for the right reasons so ur getting burned 

    Wild Star was a garbo game though, it had "some decent combat" but beyond that was bad af.
    What's the point of that choice if it doesn't reward you properly? You learned 30+ step hard rotation for high DPS(not top, high) that requires your focus constantly and the moment you break it it hits rock botton, then you see some Virtuoso or whatever smashing face on keyboard with 10key rotation to outdps without any penalty. 
    There's really no reason to go for higher difficulty if you get same results as someone who just can semi-afk. Waste of time and energy.

  12. 4 hours ago, Gotejjeken.1267 said:

    Sounds like cope.

    Wurm is an instant 'get out of jail free' card and you're calling it clunky, lol.  

    Anway, for mobility you have two teleports and now leaps (meaning you can use smoke fields others lay down for stealth); somehow this isn't good enough.  With two HP bars, boon strips, chill spam, and CC.  

    This is actually hilarious.  You have to time it at exact right moment not to get stripped or 'do the lottery'.  

    Necro mains are something else, I tell you.  

    Wurm requires to be precasted to be "instant", otherwise in middle of combat if you have to cast then lmao, gl not getting random CC to the face. On top of that Wurm can be deleted, thus denying the Break Stun effect. You forgot to mention that.
    Now, Spectral Walk is not a mobility skill in the slightest, you still need to travel on foot from point A to point B to be able to get back to point A with it's flip version, it also removes condies which may be more crucial than getting back to starting position in combat and it's break stun ofc. 
    Reapers leap skill is just 600 and it requires LF and Shroud being off cd to be used, so it's quite restricted. The only good thing is swords one and that's about it.
    I don't understand your point about stealth, what is that supposed to mean? All classes have some form of skill that can interact with smoke field to gain stealth, but it doesn't mean they can spam it like teef or ranger, most classes don't have access to that field on demand, once again, what is your point about?
    "Two HP bars", I still need to see a healer to replenish hp of necro while they're in shroud. Boon rips, they have some and they're not that crazy, chill spam is a bit over the top and cc spam is a bit lul, D/P teef will out cc spam any necro build in existence.
    Necro also need to time certain things otherwise they'll get screwed by some baboon.
    Ranger mains are something else, I tell you.

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  13. 3 hours ago, Stronger.8273 said:

    Why your talking about  difficulty! You play Soulbeast easier class on this game you don't know how we feel about this! We just want something fun to play! All the wapons from ele sucks and you can spam any of your skills and you deal insane dps! Besides you have those  pets  that can do all the job for you!  

    I have almost 10k hours on Ele alone, what I wrote was a sarcasm and sadly a potential future based on A-net decisions in the past.
    A-net doesn't care how hard the rotations are for your class to squeeze all the juicy DPS. You'll work 10x harder to get same results as something that needs 0.5 IQ to execute. Sad reality.

  14. 12 hours ago, kash.9213 said:

    It's smart, not cowardice, don't pretend everyone else out there aren't using their own bag of tricks they were designed for. It's not more luxury than anyone else has unless thieves suddenly got more slots to work with. 

    It's wild that I have to say it again but there are only so many slots. Kiting will make them spend and even auto attacks are counter to stealth. 

    You can search my post history if you think I haven't been objective towards my own class, but you probably won't because I've seen your name in thief hate threads ignoring solid ideas and input from thieves to address almost all concerns so you can keep screeching over the same tired sound bites. 

    Considering that you want some sort of "compensations" for taking away broken bs from class that shouldn't have it in the first place I highly doubt your "objective towards my own class".
    Calling "smart" a clearly dumb life choices is entertaining idea. Hit-and-run tactic is pure cowardice, you start a fight then constantly reset it, that's not smart, that's being coward.

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  15. 2 hours ago, Blood Red Arachnid.2493 said:

    Or, worst case scenario, everything else will be nerfed around pistol instead.  

    Why not both? Nerf all other options and on top of that pistol, since you know, you can't have higher reward for higher complexity/difficulty in gw2.

  16. 2 hours ago, kash.9213 said:

    Stealth on dodge is dumb, but the rest of your rant doesn't hold up. Everyone has the same amount of slots to fill and if a player fills those slots with mitigation, then that's a build choice you apparently didn't match up to or counter. Making use of space and positioning is cowardly how? Of course thieves excel at what they were designed for. Stop making excuses for yourself and think about what you're filling your slots with. 

    I don't know if you're trolling or trying to be funny but you give all that advice about how to counter another class but you got nothing for a class that can get shook by cleaves, interrupts, and kiting including while they're stealthed. 

    You also forgot to mention that "value" of skills differ heavily from class to class, so even if I picked the "strongest" choices they still may be weak against what teef has, that's the reality. Running around, attacking and constantly resetting a fight is cowardish af, don't pretent it's not. Teef has too much luxury of that. Warrior probably would happily allow for deletion of elite skill slot if for exchange they gained "Shadowstep" on their utility bar. In 2024 there are still no real counters to stealth in this game. Stealth pretty much kitten on everyone that requires a target for skill activation.
    Oh no, the cleaves, oh wait, spammed by blind into hell. Interrupts? If you don't have spammable interrupt on 5s cd then it's a joke. Kiting? Against a teef? Against a class that can port all over the place 24/7?
    Take few step backs, touch some grass and start being objective toward your own class.

    • Confused 5
  17. Just now, Omegacide.8649 said:

    I mean, Mesmer has CC that is hands down better, and more encompassing. They also have more boon rip... But this isn't even the main point.

    Thief should excel at something. Why not keep breakout functionality?  Thief does negligible DPS outside of literal glass cannon. Why do you think ANET is buffing rifle and pistol? Also food for thought:

    July 16, 2019 - Shadow Portal has been added to the game.

    So why is this an issue now? It's been nearly 5 years. If you can still presumably take the warp while stunned, why is the breakout legitimately an issue? I haven't heard one actual use case where it's broken.

     How about spellbreaker pull/chain through WvW doors/evades/blocks despite no line-of-sight? I guess that's not an actual issue that's game/mechanic breaking 🤢.

    You can't deny that this is a SINGULAR moment in balance patches, in which the devs cherry picked a moment in WvW/PvP, that felt to them intolerable.

    Mesmer doesn't have better CC than teef, where did you get such idea?
    Teefs has very good/high damage, even too good for all the evades, teleports and stealth access, on top of that DE has Rifle which on a class with so much bs mechanics adds another layer of bs to the equation. Teefs already excel in "jump-in > damage > jump-out" playstyle, peak cowardice gameplay, only dies for being too gredy.
    It's always been an issue though, just because you didn't notice it, doesn't mean it wasn't an issue. Was always disgusted by idea of giving teefs any form of portal. Same bs like 1.2/1.5 range Rifle, stealth on dodge, reveal removal on elite (yeye, removed, still bs idea that somehow went through on release), additional evade that can be customized.
    I've pulled ppl while playing DH through "doors" or to be more accurate I've pulled them through the portal, could be also true for Spellbonker. You need to remember that once you get hit by tether, it can yank you in middle of your evades. Try not walking straight from your portal next time and you'll avoid most of that bs. Although there are more problematic pulls than these 2 classes, like Necromancers GS or Mesmers Focus that can reach from questionable positions.
    Don't try to find logic in A-net balance decisions, otherwise if there was some sort of logical thought, the game would look completely different with skill being pushed onto player fingers instead of traits of a class.

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  18. 4 hours ago, Omegacide.8649 said:

    Again, all we got is teleports and invisibility to survive. If thief shouldn't have warps, why should they even blink? Its the same thing, albeit it takes other party members across as well. Also, what makes Mesmer special enough to HAVE warps?

    The highest amount of teleports, stealth and evasion out of all classes in the entire game*
    Fixed it for you. On top of that: CC's, boon rip, instant stomp, block.
    With all of that A-net has decided to give it a PORTAL, to a class with pretty much an infinite stealth uptime combined with high mobility and evades. Ridiculous.
    It is the most kittenous class as a whole since 2012. 

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