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Posts posted by BlueIce.6951

  1. @"Sepobi.2984" said:Hey Arenanet, with one of your latest patches, you changed the item loot with unidentified gear. I think this was a good idea, but it brings up another "problem".The space in my inventory is limited, but i often use the "salvage Stack"-option, but this selects all items up to the amount of Kits. I always want to open the unidentified gear items -> sometimes you get an "higher item".But now, lets say i open 15 unidentified gear (inventory full), i can't use the "salvage Stack" option anymore, cause it would salvage 10 of the unidentified gear items. I have to salavage each item manually.

    Can you please bring a "unselect option" within the "Salvae Stack"-Method? Thank you.

    I salvaged things I wanted too many times accidentally with the salvage all option. I worked around it by giving each character an invisible bag as last slotted and now stack the unidentified in there until I get a few stacks of each. Not great, but it is a workable solution until something is added to the game, which would be as awesome of a change as moving the collapse inventory button option.

  2. @Jura.2170 said:Unlocking a skin shouldn't destroy it, just make it account bound


    I would actually prefer that when you add a skin to the wardrobe, it also adds a transmutation charge and deletes the skin. I have a ton of skins sitting in my bank and have actually started just deleting anything I don't plan on reselling or giving away.

    @hellsqueen.3045 said:

    @Jura.2170 said:Unlocking a skin shouldn't destroy it, just make it account bound

    Or just turn the skins into a transmog if you don't instant skin.

    Didn't see this until after I posted, and I don't have delete option.

  3. @hellsqueen.3045 said:

    @franzi.8513 said:How about a reward track for level 80 characters? I have absolutely no use of spirit shards. If I could choose a different reward, I would feel more motivated to complete maps or take part in events with my level 80 characters.

    I agree! Or even have something else to spend spirit shards on. Like spirit shards for material bags or something.I've got over 4000 spirit shards and I have next to nothing to do with them.

    Spirit shards would be perfect for higher slot bags. Use a bunch of those and laurels to get the 30+ slot bags.

  4. @Jura.2170 said:If you're in a squad or party and you leave it, everything in party and squad chat gets deleted when you change maps or look at a different chat tab

    Chat should be changed so everything is kept

    If the chat box has become very full with any kind of chat, when we change maps or look at another chat tab, the top half of the chat will be deleted, including map chat and team chat

    The chat box shouldn't delete anything. Instead we should be able to choose in the options menu how much chat we'd like to show in the chat box. And please, make it much more than what it is now. We can only see a few hundred lines of chat at the moment. It should be at least twice as much

    or at least dump to a text file log.

  5. @PolarTitan.8519 said:

    Branded or Glint ItemsBow (short or long) - You can have it set up to where the bow will temporarily brand your arm when you have it equipped. Possibly dyable branded types as well. It also shoots branded shards.You can also do it with all other weapon types.

    Frozen WeaponsWould be cool to see more frozen options. A lot of people in game love elemental type weapons, and currently the frozen weapons we have now are pretty weak. If we could get one that really shows some cool ice effects that would be epic.

    Plushie Mounts - goes without saying XD

    Bladed Mounts- Similar to bladed armor from verdant brink but in mount form.

    I would buy all of these :)

  6. @"Perihen the Thawk.9527" said:

    2.) I've been trying to decide on a glider skin for my elementalist, and I would really love some sort of "Aeromancer's Glider." Elementalists really should be able to manipulate the air around them to glide! I don't think that one should be a standing glider like the cryo and Geo gliders though. The Electromagnetic glider is close but it's awfully flashy and doesn't really feel like you're manipulating air currents.

    I really like the look of the bubble glider for an air based ele. The other options I use with mine are: phoenix glider (for fire); Raven's Spirit (dyed a white or blue color to mimic air - I really like this on my norn ele); and the Electromagnetic Glider (for lightning, I try to pair that with mystic forge weapons for a complete lightning effect).

    Pair the mystic forge weapons, hexed outfit, electromagnetic glider, storm ridge raptor, Sargol Thunderer springer, and storm chaser griffon for a Big Trouble in Little China Lighting themed character. Alternatively the branded mounts work really well. I just need Anet to release a lightning effect armor set.

  7. @Killerassel.2197 said:I noticed that my daily GW2 experience contains a lot of things that feel like chores and could be easily botted. And while bots are forbidden, golems are not. :) So I present: Chore-o-tron.

    Task: Harvest home instance.Suggested function: When in a home instance: double click to harvest all nodes, chests, .... Unlimited use, since home instance nodes are already limited.

    Task: Harvest guild hall.SF: When in a guild hall: double click to harvest synthesizers. Unlimited use.

    Task: Harvest rich nodes or similar farm spots, e.g. wood near Pagga or iron near Proxemic Lab.SF: In open world, either on double click or from right click menu: harvest all nodes within certain radius. Once per character and day.Special case: this should be compatible with Kudzu garden and the LS3 trees there. Those are obviously not normal harvest nodes.

    In order to not invalidate glyphs, it should use the character's harvest tools. Maybe the daily cooldown shouldn't trigger if the harvest tool is used up in the process and needs to be replaced.

    I also do other daily tasks. But I don't think a daily world boss (Verdant Brink Meta) or adventure (griffon or roller beetle race) should be achievable with a simple click. Not that I'm opposed to free loot, though. ;)

    While I don't have another idea now, I think this golem should be build as a platform offering services, with the possibility for future advancements without then requiring more item slots.

    This is a really interesting idea.

  8. @Susy.7529 said:Map Saver: duble-click to save your position in a map for 5 (or maybe 10) min.You can go to LA or anywhere you want to do your business, double-click within 5 (10) min to go back to your saved map in the SAME instance.Usefull when doing meta events with a squad and you need to sell/buy stuff but you can't because it would be impossible to join back (map full).

    maybe have city portal device like the merchant instance tickets or home instance portal.

  9. @Waldrian.9267 said:A rework on the mailing system would be great, e.g. viewing your sent mail and mailing verification (retype: recipients name) when you send items and gold in your letter.

    I would love to also have gifts sent from Gem Store show up either in a sent message listing or Gem Store history. Having a confirmation that the recipient got the message would also be awesome. I have had people send things to me accidentally because my name is similar to another player.

    and an option to travel as whole squad with the opportunity to create a new instance of the map if need. So, if you do a meta train or world boss train with a squad the whole squad could get on the map without any problems. Maybe only available for 20+ squads. The system could be tied with a ready check mechanic, so if everyone pressed yes, the whole squad will move

    I wonder if they could do a pop-up window that the squad leader or party has warped to XXXX waypoint, and ask if you want to join rather than needing to go to the map or link a waypoint in squad chat.

  10. @Hesione.9412 said:Please introduce the ability to, when we have the guild bank open, double click on an item in our inventory and have it stack onto the item that is already in the guild bank. Currently we have to take the item out of the guild bank, combine those with the items in our inventory, and then put the combination in the guild bank. This is different to how our personal bank slots work. Examples of items that could work this way:

    • siege
    • materials that normally go into materials storage (and so stack automatically in our mats storage tab), for example pigments.

    Anet has said in the past that the problem with doing an auto-interact on guild bank is if other members of the guild are also accessing that item in the bank. I would love to have this functionality as well and really hope that Anet finds a way to mitigate that hurdle . I am also mildly OCD and cannot stand when same the item is in multiple stacks in the bank. It is such a huge pain to pull everything out, combine and re-deposit.

  11. @hugo.4705 said:When buying one of the monocles skins and unlocking the skin, all weights should be unlocked at once, and not requiring you to buy the other ones. It's literally the SAME skin, so please make it so. Pretty plz, when unlocking one permit the 3, unlock them all.

    I am assuming you are referring to black lion skins and not regular armor.

    I have a few of those monacle/eye patch skins that cross armor weights. I have not had to purchase multiple skins though. I would suggest putting in a support ticket about the skin not unlocking all three classes.

  12. @Jura.2170 said:In the Equipment Preview window, we can look at an item in a skin collection, but there's no left and right arrows to scroll through previews of other skins in the same collection. Can you please add these in?

    This would be really great. It would also be helpful to have checks for displaying equipment so you can see how a couple of items look together without other armor blocking/covering.

    The alternative right now is to take off and put on alternating pieces of armor.

  13. @Gecko.5963 said:I just started playing GW2 again after a few years and saw that there was a gecko skin for the springer mount that was released just over a month ago. Does anyone know if these mount skins will be available for purchase again?

    They regularly bring back the skins so I would assume it will come back. It is not always announced though, so I suggest checking the promotion's tab of Black Lion Trading Company interface every few days or so. They also at certain times have free promotions in there so personally I look daily.

  14. @"Ryan.7583" said:Maybe Anet could clean "Open world" category in LFG tool.Now there are slots for every map from living world - can't you compress them into one category?Most of them are empty anyway.

    I would also like a cleanup to LFG, but have a different take on the proposal.

    Open World

    • original set of maps (each with its own posting by zone: Ascalon; Kryta; Maguuma Jungle; Shiverpeak Mountains; Orr)
    • living world season 1 & 2 (combined into one posting: Dry top; Silverwastes, Southsun Cove; Labyrinthine Cliffs [which should be permanent zone])
    • HoT (combined into one posting: Verdant Brink; Auric Basin; Tangled Depths; Dragon's Stand)
    • Living World Season 3 (combined into one posting: Bloodstone Fen; Ember Bay; Bitterfrost Frontier; Lake Doric; Draconis Mons; Siren's Landing)
    • PoF (combined into one posting: Crystal Oasis; Desert Highlands; Elon Riberlands; The Desolation; Domain of Vabbi)
    • Living World Season 4 (combined into one posting: Domain of Istan; Sandswept Isles; Domain of Kourna; Jahai Bluffs; Thunderhead Peaks)
    • World Bosses (all bosses from all zones)
    • Dungeons (combine all dungeons)
    • Fractals
    • Raids

    Further I suggest a checkbox option for each category that would be something like the list below. I am thinking that you set what you are willing or looking to do for each map/section and in the LFG posting area it would show "someone wants to Mentor" or something similar. When a person clicks on that entry, it pops up on your screen either as a party/squad request or like the map empty notice or PvP team balance notice.

    • Will Mentor
    • Will do story
    • Will do achievements
    • Will do side story
    • Will do Meta (for HOT, LS, and POF maps)
    • Will do dailies
    • Will do Role-Play
    • Will do Festival
    • Will do bounties (maybe for PoF and LS 4+ maps but might not be necessary with the other options)

    That will reduce the really huge lists and remove some of the confusion about where you post items. It is really kind of silly to have a listing for everything broken out as they currently do. For example, I have seen postings for boss trains in "Central Tyria - Squads", "World Bosses", and the specific map entry. It would also work for achievements, story, or meta's that end up crossing maps.

    There is a lot to this that would need cleaned up or tested, but I would really love to see something that is easier for me to use to advertise that I am looking to do any of: Story progress; map complete; elite collection; mount collection (griffin or beetle); meta; all bounties in first PoF maps. As well as saying I can mentor/squad lead for HP train in Auric Basin.

    I think there should also be a change to the WvW section in that you list your server for now so you don't accidentally squad up with competing servers. When the rework to the world server thing happens, maybe have a similar check list for the eternal battlegrounds maps and for each of the land maps.

  15. I love the new information on materials that tells us how many we have in storage and bank.

    Would it be possible to add an option to view if any and how much of an item is needed for upgrades to your currently represented guild? It is extremely annoying running back and forth to bank and guild treasurer.

    Also, along the same lines. Could we get a guild material storage to hold scribe items that are not account bound so that anyone in the guild doing scribe crafting can view it as available? I know there might be an issue with multiple people trying to access the same item at the same time like with guild bank, so I am proposing two possible solutions.

    1. Make it so the guild material storage is only accessible for withdrawal/use from within the guild hall itself at the scribing station.
    2. Put a lock on withdrawing/using items from the guild material storage to one open interface at a time. Maybe an alert could come up, that the guild material storage is currently in use.
  16. @"Luac Agwayen.6419" said:

    1. Over the years long time players have collected the anniversary expereince scrolls, from the first anniversary lvl 20 scrolls to anniversary lvl 60 scrolls, what if we could combine lets say 2 lvl 20 ones into a 30 one, two lvl 30 into a lvl 40 etc to clear up bank inventory and have better experience level up scrolls

    This would be really nice.

    1. could the economy team and the team responsible look into the refining of elder wood 3 into 1, because the ammount for legendaries is crazy and the 2 to 1 refining would be imo better

    I would love for the refinement recipes to get standardized, same amount of ore for each ingot, same amount of logs for planks, etc

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