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skill suggestion: negate magic

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This skill from ESO really helps with battlefield control, allowing players to support their allies by paving the way forward for them. I always wondered why this sort of thing never appeared in GW2? a great deal of complaints comes from how much AoE spam there is when the fighting gets thick. At this stage it's pretty impossible to remove them all, but it feels logical to have one or more skills designed around countering AoE spam.


Obviously, this sort of thing would be broken in raids and boss fights, so there would need to be some limitation on what AoEs this would work on. But in PvP, adding a pause in the rain of red circles doesn't seem to be so far fetched. A big field that removes all the fields it touches is easy to read, cleans up the fights and makes fights easier to read in general. I think it would be cool to have something themed around this sort of playstyle.


A quick note about spellbreaker, i think its fine keep its boon removal theme as a separate function. AoE and boon removal separate allows players more choice in roles as opposed to dumping the responsibility onto one class.

Edited by Fipmip.7219
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If this could work or not depends on the details. 


Can one Anti Aoe delete one Aoe or multiple? 


If it the first, then it's needs to be stacked to be useful. 

If it's the second, it would be broken op. 


What's the size? CD? 

Is there a priority list of AoEs deleted? 

Deleting a random Aoe does nothing. 


Also, if it IS random and single Aoe delete. 

I would just bring more trash AoEs to the fight. 


What about just baiting the Anti Aoe? 


There are Sooooo many factors to think about here that in the end, I believe it's just not worth the trouble. 


As a sidenote: Why would this be broken in raids? Do raids bosses even use traditional Aoe fields? 



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Or create a boon (temporal displacement)  , that allow me to "push"  or replace myself with a  friendly targeted players position ,  from dangerous  zones (and  switch back regardless of initial positions ,  after 2 sec).

For pvp , i enhance their dodge and its up to them to activate , or throw a lattern like LoL or a F1 button shows up . Or can be used to switch place , while i execute my Hammer 2 / Shield of Wrath, like a tag team .

For pve each time i use it (they don't have to push anything - i will  protect weaker members), i increase the likehood of the boss getting fixated on me + my toughness beeing reduced .


Whoever successfully rescue 5* teammates , unlocks the " Queen of Gambits " achiv

Or a zoom out smack-face screenshot , over a chestboard , looking at the camera

Edited by Captain Kuro.8937
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