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Experimental Turrets and Heal Scrapper vs. HFB


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First of all I feel like I'm asking for a bite of the hand that just fed me. Us support and engineer lovers just got so many tools to compete against other classes in PvE supporting. (Not last with the latest patch giving us 100 concentration for free and more consistent combo fields).

When I look at Experimental Turrets (Inventions Trait line), I feel like engineer has the potential to be like a HFB. By which I mean a support that does basically everthing for his group (5man). There is the potential to give might, fury and protection. Three of the five most important boons for PvE gameplay. But the numbers are straigt up terrible. If you are playing DPS there is no way you take this trait anyway, since you loose so much by not taking Firearms and Explosions and as support you cannot justify to bring a turret so you can just keep up fury (That is when you stay near the turret and if you miss the timing, which happens every 10 seconds, you lost the fury for the next 10 seconds anyway) or give 6 -yes, only 6 stacks- of might.

Compare it to Axe 2 of HFB which is able to overcap fury wherever the goup goes, while helping to keep them healthy. Or Mantra of Potence keeping up 5 stacks of might while it still gives quickness you can precast it and you can save charges (more might stacks) for burst phases. Not to say it doesnt take 10 seconds to give the might.

The trait seems not that hard to adjust, since you can adjust the boon interval and the duration. And one could even change some boons around (Though these changes could affect PvP turret builds as well/ too much). I have seen some discussions about adding boons to turrets by default, which would help this trait as well.

Overall I really like the changes to scrapper in the past months, which pushed him to be a viable supporter in Raids and even Fractals. I will continue to play Heal Scrapper with my static group, but sometimes I just get a bit salty when I realise I could have done the same as HFB and additionial a few more things (Looking at you 10 man stability :D).

Scrapper seems to be able to put out more heal as HFB so maybe we shouldnt be able to cover the important boons by our own.

Turrets and Kits seem to be at the very core of engineer's (at least for me) and I hope this post gives some idea's how to enable the former a bit more in PvE. I would love to hear some other oppinions and suggestions 😉
Thank you very much

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The problem I have with turrets is that they are an ability that looks like you should be keeping them active for long duration but they would generally only be used for their overcharges and toolbelt skills, arguably they should just have the turrets as the overcharge effects and let your cooldown start as soon as you use them.


I have been trying to work on something with tools/inventions but have been a little stumped by what to use as the final specialization, perhaps the new one will complete the build.

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