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To all the "git gud" players out there


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Well, few ways?
a) Watch videos of others how they play and observe what happens on screen, since you don't really partake in the combat yourself you can actually see what happens and get used to it also understand what skill animations do.
b) Read some fancy guides here and there like Gods of PvP thingie.

c) Record your own gameplay and then analyze it, this way you can also notice your own mistakes in x scenarions.
d) Play game without giving a single kitten, the more annoyed you are the worse you'll play.

e) Experiment with builds, copy-paste metabattle won't fix all problems after all.
f) Play other classes, not even to go to PvP rankeds right away, but just to check out what skills do or even try out builds that said classes uses and how they work to some degree.

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