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A question about Catalyst Mechanics


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Hi everybody,


I was trying to understand Catalyst mechanics, so I like to verify here my understandings....


First new Jade Sphere mechanic, if I understand correctly, when we are in combat we are accumulating energy and then we place the AOE first in the attunement that we cast but (now the part I am not sure), if we change attunement the effect of the deployed AOE field changes (or the field disappear, tooltip says something like it comnsumes all energy). For ex, I deploy the AOE in Air, I have a lightning field giving quickness and if I switch to Fire then fire field and giving out might, etc....and the AOE field stays there as long the all energy consumed and then goes to 18s CD....


Now if this is correct, here is my questions about it...


Would not be better, AOE Field stays in the attunement that we drop (like Glypsh of Storms), the reason I am asking, with Quickness Elementalist can play into the spot Firebrand in the groups but the problem is an Ele that stays in one attunement can't deal damage (we have to stay in Air to supply group with Quickness but Ele damage comes having 40 skills generally in one Weaponset in one attunement there a 2 skills deals decent damage (on high cd) and the rest are utility skills) and if this will not function this way, we will play like all times, get ton of damage modifiers from traits camp water with lightning hammer. Switch to Fire/Air with fresh air, start air, switch Fire dump all fire skill turn back to air for quickness might work for DPS, while there is abundant source of might in the game but that means Catalyst can't go for any of support roles....


Something like Heal Firebrand will be extremely hard, we start with Air drop Quickness, and switch to water to heal, Quickness source is gone, then switch to earth for protection, healing is gone....


And something I find bizare, the new get Aura from Combos I find it super interesting, but Hammer kit has so few comboy finisher, the weapon does not synergise with jade spehere/comboe fields....


If I play Scepter/Focus with Catalyst I get Perma Auras, with I find extremely cool while it can bring Scepter back for PVE, there might be some crazy Scepter/Healer with Catalyst/Water/Earth which is sharing Auras for Permanent protection and healing by blasiting water fields all the time or Catalyst/Water/Air perma fury, Catalyst/Water/Fire extreme condition clearing.....


Even old school Scepter/Focus Catalyst(aura damage modifiers)/Arcane(number of boon damage modifier)/water(vulnearblity damage modifier) and camp water lightning hammer if the Jade Sphere stays on the attunement you casted....


Edit: Actually after little bit more thinking, would not be nice that Jade Sphere stays in originally casted attunement, as long as you don't cast in another attunement before Energy runs out....So I casted at Air -> give quickness, I switch Fire -> give quicknes, switch earth cast Jade Sphere -> now on it gives Protection



Edited by posthumecaver.6473
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